If you have called Realcomp's Customer Care Department in the last 12 years, you've undoubtedly talked with Susan Harris, one of our senior support staff members. Meet Susan, who loves supporting Realcomp REALTORS® with their MLS-related technical questions and issues!

"Just how nice our MLS Subscribers are!
Some of them are quite witty (you know
who you are)." |
How long have you worked at Realcomp?
• 12 years.
Which positions have you worked within the company?
• I started out working data entry and then eventually moved into the Customer Care phone support team. I’ve assisted with training occasionally too.
What first interested you in working for Realcomp?
• I was referred by someone I used to work with at another job. Best change of jobs I ever made.
What aspect of your role at Realcomp do you enjoy the most?
• Just how nice our MLS Subscribers are! Some of them are quite witty (you know who you are).
What book did you read last? What is your favorite book?
• Last Read: The last book I read was a re-read; the entire "Outlander" series by Diana Galbaldon. Favorite: "The White Dragon" by Anne McCaffrey.
What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
• I love to read science fiction and fantasy, and my guilty pleasure is Regency romances. I’m considered a SMOF (secret master of fandom) because I have helped to put on science fiction conventions in our area and am still actively participating in doing so. And, I love to lounge around in the pool on the weekends in the summer ~ heaven!
What’s on your "bucket list"?
• My dream is to go to Italy and visit Pompeii. Ever since I was a little girl and read about the buried city I’ve wanted to go. I have a piece of vesuvianite glass (volcanic glass) and a tourist souvenir from 1911!
Susan is creative, friendly, detail-oriented, and focused on providing high quality customer service to Realcomp REALTORS®! She is very often complimented by customers and co-workers for these wonderful traits.