How to Change Your Email Address Without Losing Your Mind

A few years ago, the Huffington Post ran an article by Jeffrey Fox in their online publication that addressed changing your email address, without losing your mind. The article included many valid reasons for making the change (i.e. too much spam, don’t like your current email address, a need for changing your email provider, etc.) and the steps one would take in order to successfully accomplish this important task.

No doubt, there is some work involved in doing this and doing it right. The work involved can be completely worth the time and effort you will spend, especially when it means no longer being “held hostage” to an email service provider because of your email address being provided by that company. If you would like to be able to F-R-E-E-L-Y choose an MLS based on the merits of the service it provides and the benefits you could receive, we encourage you to read the Huffington Post article that addresses this topic!

Additionally, we have taken the steps outlined in the article and have listed them in the following Excel spreadsheet. We encourage you to download the spreadsheet and use it as a tool for guiding you through your email address change.

Lastly, when it comes to updating your email address in all of Realcomp’s integrated systems, we can help! Just let us know that you need assistance by reaching out to our Customer Care Support Team

Last Modified: Sunday, April 2, 2017
April 2017

April 2017

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