Finding Homes Via Alexa Now Available in Spanish
As part of an exclusive partnership, your Realcomp listings are accessible through Alexa voice-activated searches and now also available in Spanish!
Voice-activated searching provides a convenient way for consumers and REALTORS® to access Realcomp property data quickly and easily. Not only is Alexa voice-activated searching convenient, but it is an especially important breakthrough technology for the blind and visually impaired.
The voice-activated search is as simple as speaking your property "wish lists" with Alexa using normal everyday language.
Simply speak the command "Alexa, start finding homes" to access matching properties and their details.
Alexa devices with screens will also display listing photos for a visually pleasing experience.

Using Finding Homes advanced features:
Bilingual Search: Switch your device to Spanish to communicate with Finding Homes. Simply say, “Alexa, iniciar Buscando Casas” to begin.
Scenario Search: Home buyers can enjoy searching by their personal motivations for buying, they just need to know the desired location to start a search.
For additional details … Watch our preview video: Voice-Activated Search Video preview. Also, visit our Voice-Activated Searches resource page HERE.