Make client reviews your most powerful marketing tool! RateMyAgent helps accelerate your business by:
- Providing you with a Public Profile, which you can use for building your online reputation and credibility. Share your profile page & online reviews to help you win your next client.
- Add existing reviews
- Import reviews
- Delayed Sync with Realtor.com®
Claim or access your non-chargeable RateMyAgent profile by logging into the Realcomp Dashboard and choosing the RateMyAgent icon.
Note: Additional RateMyAgent features are available under various upgrade options. See their website for more information about these options.
RateMyAgent is Australia’s leading REALTOR® review platform, with 80 percent of agents using the service, and over 600,000 reviews in total, and reviews for 1 in 3 homes sold in Australia. RateMyAgent launched in the US in 2018 and has a number of strategic partnerships with national MLS’s in development. They are the first review platform to be included in The NAR’s REach® Accelerator Program. RateMyAgent is listed on the Australian stock exchange (ASX: RMY). For more information, visit: www.ratemyagent.com.
REach®: An accelerator program that helps launch innovative technology companies into the real estate marketplace.
Last Modified: Tuesday, November 28, 2023