AboveGradeFinishedAreaUnits |
Square Feet |
The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet. |
Access |
Appointment Only |
Showing of the property is by appointment only. |
Access |
Appointment/Key |
An appointment and a key are required for showing. |
Access |
Appointment/LockBox |
An appointment is required for showing. The property is equipped with a lockbox for entry. |
Access |
Key In Office |
The key to access the property for showing must be retrieved from the listing or manager's office. |
Access |
Lockbox |
LB |
The property has a lockbox for showing access. |
Access |
See Remarks |
See remarks portion for information on how to access the property. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Approach with Ramp |
A minimum of one entrance to the structure with clear, evenly paved walkway from parking area or pedestrian arrival area; Path of travel does not include a running slope in excess of 1:12 (8.33%); a cross slope exceeding 1:50 (2%); nor level changes of more than 1/2 inch; if slope is over 5%, handrails are required. Level landing; 32-inch clear width opening doors; and adequate lighting on pathway and landing. This is required to be considered "Visitable". |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Bedroom |
Bedroom has adequate turnaround of 60 inches or other approved turnaround configuration; Closet doors have 32-inch clearance. Accessible environmental controls. Multiple lighting fixtures. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Some lower-height storage in closet. Remote control of lighting and environmental controls. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Central Living Area |
Hard surface flooring or low-pile carpet, securely attached along edges. Entrances to all rooms on all floors provide 36-inch clear passage. Multiple lighting fixtures installed to provide adaptable lighting for general purposes and tasks. This is required to be considered enhanced accessible. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Closets |
Closet doors are 32” clearance throughout central living area. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Common Area |
Common area, used for entertaining guests, is level, with 36-inch passage through and around the space. Required to be considered Visitable. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Doors |
Minimum 32 inches clear passage; levered handle; threshold, if present, maximum 1/2-inch, but beveled on both sides when over 1/4 inch. Required to be considered Visitable or Enhanced Accessible. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Electrical and Environmental Controls |
Thermostats and security system controls are located on the same floor with central living area. Control devices for light switches and thermostats at 42-48 inches height off floor and side-to-side. Electrical plugs minimum of 18 inches above floor. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Rocker-style light switches; Lighted switches; Automatic/remote control for environmental controls. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Elevator Installed |
Elevator with minimum 32" door and minimum 36" x 48" turning radius. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Entrance |
Entrance door is a minimum of 32 inches wide; threshold, when present, maximum 1/2-inch, but when over 1/4-inch, is beveled on both sides. The entry door has a lever handle for egress. This is required to be considered Visitable. Optional: Entryway is covered; Bench near outside entry door; Motion-detection outside lights. Accessible peephole or other method for inside viewing of anyone outside the entry door. House numbers are easily visible from the street by emergency responders. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible for Hearing-Impairment |
Home is wired for flashing lights and/or vibrating smoke alarm, doorbell, other alerting features. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Full Bath |
The bathroom has adequate turnaround: 60 inches or another approved turnaround configuration. Accessible bathing area: Roll-in shower or space for shower chair or transfer bench in bathtub. Slip-resistant surface on bathroom floor and bathtub/shower. Roll-under or side-access to sink, with padded trap. Lighting directly over shower/bathing areas, in addition to general bathroom lighting. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Removable cabinet doors and base under sink. Grab bars with sheer force of 250 pounds, installed around toilet and shower/tub, with proper backing. Hand-held and/or height-adjustable shower head; automatic water temperature controlled (anti-scald) tub/shower; offset tub/shower controls toward front edge of tub/shower for easy access. Raised toilet (17-19 inches minimum). |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Hallway(s) |
Hallway is minimum 36, preferred 42 inches wide (or adequate alternative based on individual configuration). At least one lighting fixture is present. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Kitchen |
40" clear turn-around, or 36" clear with clear under-counter space for T-turn space in kitchen, unimpeded by fixtures. Roll-under/adaptable sink with padded trap or side-access to sink. Roll-out shelves in at least 50% of lower cabinets, Roll-under work area (36" clearance). Lighting fixtures directed over all task areas with adaptable control. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Adaptable under-sink cabinet with removable doors and cabinet base. Accessible features for upper kitchen cabinets. Space for side-by-side refrigerator (minimum 36 inches); Contrasting color counter edges for vison accessibility. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Kitchen Appliances |
Stove controls in front or side, at countertop height; Oven with side-access door at counter level; Microwave is at counter level. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Raised dishwasher. Microwave has clear work area below or to the right side. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Stairway |
Handrails on both sides of stairs, extended when possible, with sheer force of 250 pounds. Interior and exterior stairs have adequate number of light fixtures for full coverage. Non-slip stair treads. If stairs are carpeted, covering is non-moveable, low-pile carpet. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Stair treads are in high contrast colors for increased visibility. |
Accessibility Features |
Accessible Washer/Dryer |
Raised clothes washer and/or dryer, front controls, side opening, both open to center. |
Accessibility Features |
Adaptable Bathroom Walls |
Reinforced main bathroom walls, including bath or shower, to permit installation of grab bars (with sheer force of 250 pounds) and/or fixtures in the future. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. |
Accessibility Features |
Adaptable For Elevator |
Stacked closets in a multi-story house for possible future conversion to an elevator. |
Accessibility Features |
Ceiling Track |
Track installed in ceiling for lift chair (Hoyer lift). |
Accessibility Features |
Central Living Area |
Central Living Area includes common area, hallway(s), full or 3/4 bathroom, kitchen, at least one bedroom, access to environmental controls, and access to floors above main floor, if necessary. |
Accessibility Features |
Common Area |
The common area is the portion near the accessible entrance, used for entertaining guests. |
Accessibility Features |
Customized Wheelchair Accessible |
Customized accessibility for specific size or style of wheelchair or scooter. |
Accessibility Features |
Electronic Environmental Controls |
Programmable electronic controls for thermostat, lights, security system and automatic doors. |
Accessibility Features |
Enhanced Accessible |
The central living area is fully accessible for lifelong living by all residents, no matter their ability. A person in a wheelchair or with another disability can perform all personal and housekeeping tasks. Persons without disabilities are also able to perform basic tasks with greater ease. To be considered "Enhanced Accessible" the home also includes all "Visitable" features. |
Accessibility Features |
Exterior Wheelchair Lift |
A mechanical wheelchair lift is installed outside to facilitate barrier-free approach. |
Accessibility Features |
Grip-Accessible Features |
All doors, faucets and other mechanisms throughout the central living area are lever, hands-free or other style that can be controlled with a closed, clenched fist or weak hands. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Wire pull (D-ring) handles or equivalent or easy touch latches on cabinets and drawers. |
Accessibility Features |
Other Accessibility Features |
One or more accessibility features not listed are available. |
Accessibility Features |
Reinforced Floors |
Reinforced floors for bariatric needs, power wheelchairs, therapeutic tub or heavy medical equipment. |
Accessibility Features |
Safe Emergency Egress from Home |
Minimum two, no-step, accessible egresses from Central Living Area. Window locks are 19 to 54 inches from the floor and can be opened with a closed fist. Emergency egress windows in sleeping areas require minimal effort to open. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. |
Accessibility Features |
Smart Technology |
Smart Home (computer-controlled) and/or smart products— for example, voice activated controls, voice reminder, remote monitoring of individuals with dementia. |
Accessibility Features |
Stair Lift |
Stair lift with motorized rail to climb interior or exterior stairway installed professionally. |
Accessibility Features |
Standby Generator |
Backup generator for refrigeration of medications, life-sustaining medical equipment or essential room temperature control. |
Accessibility Features |
Therapeutic Whirlpool |
Therapeutic whirlpool, properly installed. |
Accessibility Features |
Visitable |
The home is “visitable” for all guests: a person in a wheelchair can easily enter the home and access the main Common Area, a half-bathroom at minimum, and the hall leading to that bathroom. |
Accessibility Features |
Visitor Bathroom |
Bathroom that is closest to Common Area. Minimum half bath. Door has minimum 32-inch clear width opening, lever handles. Minimum 60-inch turnaround or other approved turnaround configuration (30" x 48" clear space if door opens out.). Grab bar installed in toilet area with proper blocking. This is required to be considered Visitable. |
Accessibility Features |
Walker-Accessible Stairs |
Treads are minimum 25 inches deep, with maximum 4 inches rise, minimum 36 inches wide. May be a custom feature in addition to approach with ramp. |
Appliances |
Bar Fridge |
A refrigerator that is sized and/or built to be part of a bar. |
Appliances |
Built-In Electric Oven |
A built-in electric oven. |
Appliances |
Built-In Electric Range |
A built-in electric range. |
Appliances |
Built-In Freezer |
A built-in freezer. |
Appliances |
Built-In Gas Oven |
A built-in gas oven |
Appliances |
Built-In Gas Range |
A built-in gas range. |
Appliances |
Built-In Refrigerator |
A built-in refrigerator |
Appliances |
Convection Oven |
A convection oven (also known as a fan-assisted oven or simply a fan oven) is an oven that has fans to circulate air around food. |
Appliances |
Dishwasher |
A dishwasher is a mechanical device for cleaning dishware and cutlery. |
Appliances |
Disposal |
A garbage disposal unit (also known as a garbage disposal, waste disposal unit, garbage disposer, or in Canadian English a garburator) is a device, usually electrically powered, installed under a kitchen sink between the sink's drain and the trap. The disposal unit shreds food waste into pieces small enough, generally less than 2 mm (0.079 in), to pass through plumbing. |
Appliances |
Double Oven |
A built-in oven fixture that has either two ovens, or one oven and one microwave oven. It is usually built into the kitchen cabinet. |
Appliances |
Down Draft |
A vent that is part of the surface of a cook top that has a fan which sucks cooking fumes/smoke down. This is an alternative to a hooded cooktop/range. |
Appliances |
Dryer |
A clothes dryer is included. |
Appliances |
Electric Cooktop |
A cooktop or stove that produces heat by way of electricity rather than gas. An induction cooktop is electric, but not all electric cooktops are induction. |
Appliances |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Dishwasher |
The property includes an Energy Star qualified dishwasher. |
Appliances |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Dryer |
The property includes an Energy Star qualified clothes dryer. |
Appliances |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Freezer |
The property includes an Energy Star qualified freezer. |
Appliances |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Refrigerator |
The property includes an Energy Star qualified refrigerator. |
Appliances |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Washer |
The property includes an Energy Star qualified clothes washer. |
Appliances |
Exhaust Fan |
EF |
The cooktop has an exhaust fan. |
Appliances |
Free-Standing Electric Oven |
The oven is free standing, not built in, and uses electricity to produce heat. |
Appliances |
Free-Standing Electric Range |
The range is free standing, not built in, and uses electricity to produce heat for its oven and cooktop. |
Appliances |
Free-Standing Freezer |
The freezer is free standing and not built-in. |
Appliances |
Free-Standing Gas Oven |
The oven is free standing, not built-in, and uses gas to produce heat. |
Appliances |
Free-Standing Gas Range |
The range is free standing, not built-in, and uses gas to produce heat for its oven and cooktop. |
Appliances |
Free-Standing Ice Maker |
This ice maker is a free-standing appliance, separate from the refrigerator/freezer, and may be a countertop or larger floor model |
Appliances |
Free-Standing Refrigerator |
The refrigerator is free-standing, not built-in. |
Appliances |
Gas Cooktop |
A cooktop that produces heat by way of gas rather than electricity. |
Appliances |
Humidifier |
The property includes a humidity control device or system. |
Appliances |
Ice Maker |
The property includes an ice maker. |
Appliances |
Indoor Grill |
The property has an indoor grill. |
Appliances |
Induction Cooktop |
The electric cooktop is based on magnetic induction rather than heating coils. |
Appliances |
Microwave |
The property includes a microwave. |
Appliances |
None |
The property includes no appliances. |
Appliances |
Other |
The property includes appliances other than those available in this list. |
Appliances |
Plumbed For Ice Maker |
The property has plumbing for an ice maker. |
Appliances |
Portable Dishwasher |
The property includes a portable dishwasher. |
Appliances |
Propane Cooktop |
The gas cooktop uses propane as its fuel and either has a local tank or runs on a house wide propane system. |
Appliances |
Range Hood |
The range has a hooded exhaust. |
Appliances |
Refrigerator Under Counter/Drawer |
This is a built-in, refrigerated drawer typically installed under the kitchen counter |
Appliances |
Self Cleaning Oven |
The oven included with the property has a self-cleaning feature. |
Appliances |
Stainless Steel Appliance(s) |
Some or all the appliances included in the property are stainless steel. |
Appliances |
Trash Compactor |
The property has a trash compactor. |
Appliances |
Vented Exhaust Fan |
The cooktop has an exhaust fan that is vented. |
Appliances |
Warming Drawer |
The property has a warming drawer. |
Appliances |
Washer |
The property includes a clothes washer. |
Appliances |
Washer/Dryer All-in-One |
This is a single appliance that both washes and dries the clothes |
Appliances |
Washer/Dryer Stacked |
The property has a stacked clothes washer and dryer. |
Appliances |
Water Purifier Owned |
The property has a water purifier that is owned and not rented/leased. |
Appliances |
Water Purifier Rented |
The property has a water purifier that is on a rental or lease agreement. |
Appliances |
Water Softener Owned |
The property has a water softening system that is owned and not rented/leased. |
Appliances |
Water Softener Rented |
The property has a water softening system that is on a rental or lease agreement. |
Appliances |
Wine Cooler |
The property includes a wine cooler. |
Appliances |
Wine Refrigerator |
The property includes a wine refrigerator. |
Architectural Style |
1/2 Duplex |
A multi family structure with two independent units with a shared wall or ceiling/floor. |
Architectural Style |
1/2 Duplex with Land |
A multi family structure with two independent units with a shared wall or ceiling/floor, includes land as well as the unit. |
Architectural Style |
A-Frame |
An A-frame house is an architectural house style featuring steeply angled sides (roofline) that usually begin at or near the foundation line, and meet at the top in the shape of the letter A. An A-frame ceiling can be open to the top rafters. |
Architectural Style |
Art Deco |
Art Deco architecture is typically defined by the use of geometric shapes and volumes, and the buildings are often constructed from materials such as stucco, chrome, steel, decorative glass, terra-cotta, and aluminum. Art Deco, is sometimes referred to as style moderne.
McLaughlin, Katherine and Stamp, Elizabeth. (2023, June 26). Art Deco Architecture: Everything You Need to Know. Architectural Digest. Retrieved August 22, 2024, from https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/worlds-most-beautiful-art-deco-buildings |
Architectural Style |
Brownstone |
BS |
Brownstone is a brown Triassic-Jurassic sandstone which was once a popular building material. The term is also used in the United States to refer to a townhouse clad in this, or any of a number of aesthetically similar materials.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Brownstone. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 22, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownstone. |
Architectural Style |
Bungalow |
Bungalow-style homes are typically one-and-a-half-story houses that were built throughout the 20th century in the United States. Different styles of bungalow homes exist but they all share common characteristics like low-pitched roofs with gables or eaves, large, and covered front porches.
Donnelly, Christie. 2024, April 02). The Spruce. Retrieved August 22, 2024, from https://www.thespruce.com/what-is-bungalow-architecture-5075845. |
Architectural Style |
Cape Cod |
CC |
A Cape Cod house is a low, broad, single-story frame building with a moderately steep pitched gabled roof, a large central chimney, and very little ornamentation.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Cape Cod. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 22, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownstone. |
Architectural Style |
Carriage House |
CH |
A marketing term for single-family homes, built on a lot just large enough for the home, and often sharing common land with other homes in the same planned unit development. They are more properly called "carriage homes" or "patio homes". Some municipalities have relaxed setback restrictions for such buildings or allow "zero lot line" carriage homes, in which a wall of the home lies on the property line itself.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Carriage house. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carriage_house. |
Architectural Style |
Colonial |
Colonial-style homes usually have two or three stories, fireplaces, and brick or wood facades. The classic Colonial-style house floor plan has the kitchen and family room on the first floor and the bedrooms on the second floor. |
Architectural Style |
Common Entry Building |
The building has a common entryway shared by multiple residents. |
Architectural Style |
Contemporary |
Contemporary architecture is the architecture of the 21st century. No single style is dominant; contemporary architects are working in a dozen different styles, from postmodernism and high-tech architecture to highly conceptual and expressive styles, resembling sculpture on an enormous scale. The different styles and approaches have in common the use of advanced technology and modern building materials, such as Tube structure which allows construction of the buildings that are taller, lighter and stronger than those in the 20th century, and the use of new techniques of computer-aided design, which allow buildings to be designed and modeled on computers in three dimensions, and constructed with more precision and speed. Contemporary buildings are designed to be noticed and to astonish. Some feature concrete structures wrapped in glass or aluminum screens, very asymmetric facades, and cantilevered sections which hang over the street.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Contemporary architecture. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary_architecture. |
Architectural Style |
Cottage |
A small simple house, typically near a lake or beach. |
Architectural Style |
Country French |
French Country-style architecture, named for the country homes that dot the French countryside of Provence, often have steeply pitched roofs, stone or brick exteriors, rectangular windows, shutters, and archways. |
Architectural Style |
Craftsman |
A Craftsman style house is usually one to one-and-a-half stories and often includes characteristics such as a wide, covered front porch, tapered columns that are typically sturdier at the bottom and becoming smaller at the top, and exposed beams. |
Architectural Style |
Creole |
Creole architecture includes features such as large front porches on every story (also known as galleries). The galleries may have multiple French doors and a roofline that overhangs the galleries that is often held up by colonnettes. |
Architectural Style |
Duplex |
A multi-family structure with two independent units with a shared wall or ceiling/floor. |
Architectural Style |
Dutch Colonial |
Dutch Colonial is a style of domestic architecture, primarily characterized by gambrel roofs having curved eaves along the length of the house.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Dutch colonial architecture. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_colonial_architecture. |
Architectural Style |
Early American |
EM |
Early American architecture is a class of several styles popularized during the colonial period. |
Architectural Style |
Earth Home |
EH |
An earth shelter is a structure with earth (soil) against the walls, on the roof, or that is entirely buried underground. |
Architectural Style |
End Unit |
EU |
The dwelling being sold has one or more common walls with another property that is not part of the sale and is at the end of a row of units. Also known as an attached structure. |
Architectural Style |
Farmhouse |
FH |
Either modern or traditional farmhouse style. Often has light walls, extensive woodwork (such as hardwood floors), open kitchen and a covered porch. |
Architectural Style |
Federal |
American Federal architecture typically uses plain surfaces with attenuated detail, usually isolated in panels, tablets, and friezes. It also had a flatter, smoother façade and rarely used pilasters. It was most influenced by the interpretation of ancient Roman architecture, fashionable after the unearthing of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The bald eagle was a common symbol used in this style, with the ellipse a frequent architectural motif.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Federal architecture. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_architecture. |
Architectural Style |
Free Standing/Detached |
FS |
The dwelling in a condominium or cooperative is not attached to another dwelling unit. |
Architectural Style |
Garrison Colonial |
A garrison is an architectural style of house, typically two stories with the second story overhanging in the front. The traditional ornamentation is four carved drops (pineapple, strawberry or acorn shape) below the overhang. Garrisons usually have an exterior chimney at the end.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Garrison (architecture). Wikipedia. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrison_(architecture). |
Architectural Style |
Georgian |
Symmetrical facade; double-hung windows with nine or 12 lights in each sash; paneled door with pilasters, transom lights, and sometimes a pedimented crown; brick in the South, clapboards in the North; dentil molding at the cornice. American Georgian architecture is based on earlier European styles (not the British Georgian style of the same period), which emphasized classical Greek and Roman shapes. Georgian houses could be found in every part of the colonies in the 18th century. |
Architectural Style |
Gothic Revival |
The Gothic Revival style was inspired by medieval design. The most common feature of this style is the pointed arch used for windows, doors, and decorative elements. Additionally, they tend to feature steeply pitched roofs, decorative trim, and finials |
Architectural Style |
Greek Revival |
Defining characteristics of Greek Revival homes include a symmetrical shape, pilasters, columns, a porch entry, a window in the pediment, and plain or highly decorated cornices and friezes. Chimneys were placed as far back as possible to make the home look more like a Greek temple. |
Architectural Style |
High Rise |
HR |
A building with many stories. |
Architectural Style |
Historic |
The property listed has a Historic designation. |
Architectural Style |
Italianate |
Key visual components of this style include: Low-pitched or flat roofs, roof is frequently hipped, projecting eaves supported by corbels, imposing cornice structures, arch-headed, pedimented or Serlian windows and doors with pronounced architraves and archivolts, tall first floor windows, angled bay windows, attics with a row of awning windows between the eave brackets, cupolas, balconies with wrought-iron railings, towers, balustrades concealing the roof-scape.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Italianate architecture. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italianate_architecture. |
Architectural Style |
Loft |
Apartments that are generally built from former industrial buildings. They may be called loft condominiums. "Loft-style" may also refer to developments where a street-level business occupies the first floor while apartment "lofts" are placed above the first floor. |
Architectural Style |
Log Home |
LH |
The structure was made wholly or partly with log. |
Architectural Style |
Manufactured w/o Land |
A factory-built house that is transported to the lot, though the lot is not included in the sale. These homes must comply with federal regulations and codes. |
Architectural Style |
Manufactured with Land |
A factory-built house that is transported to the lot and sold with the land. These homes must comply with federal regulations and codes. |
Architectural Style |
Modular Home |
MH |
A factory-built house that is transported to the lot in prefabricated sections and assembled on site. These homes must comply with local and state codes. |
Architectural Style |
Monterey |
The style is characterized by two stories, built of adobe, with prominent second-story balconies or two-story front porches. This became the Monterey style. The Monterey Revival style is uniquely geographical in nature — when it appears on the east coast, Monterey Revival buildings tend to have wood clapboard or shiplap siding. In the western United States, Monterey Revival buildings usually have walls made from stucco. On both coasts, timber frame construction has replaced the adobe precedents of the original style.
Is Architecture. (n.d.). Style 101: Monterey Revival. Is Architecture. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://isarchitecture.com/style-101-monterey-revival/. |
Architectural Style |
Neoclassical |
Neoclassical homes often feature symmetry, tall columns, elaborate doorways and evenly spaced windows. |
Architectural Style |
Other |
The property listed is of an Architecture Style not listed. |
Architectural Style |
Prairie |
Inspired by the early 20th-century designs of Frank Lloyd Wright, these house plans feature strong horizontal lines and open floor plan layouts that are reminiscent of the flat prairie terrain. Prairie-style homes often feature low-pitched roofs with wide overhangs, rows of small windows, and simple one-story projections that give these houses their distinctive, grounded look.
Architectural Designs. (n.d.). Prairie House Plans. Architectural Designs. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://www.architecturaldesigns.com/house-plans/styles/prairie |
Architectural Style |
Pueblo |
Pueblo-style architecture may be made of traditional adobe, but can also be built with concrete, stucco or mortar. Pueblo homes often feature a flat or sloping roof with parapets, thick walls, heavy wooden doors, exposed wooden ceiling beams, and may have a rounded exterior with square windows. |
Architectural Style |
Quadruplex |
A multi family structure with four independent units with shared walls or ceilings/floors. |
Architectural Style |
Queen Anne |
Common characteristics of this architecture style include, a sweep of steps leading to a carved stone door-case, rows of painted sash windows in boxes set flush with the brickwork, stone quoins emphasizing corners, a central triangular pediment set against a hipped roof with dormers, typically box-like "double pile" plans, two rooms deep.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Queen Anne style architecture. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Anne_style_architecture |
Architectural Style |
Raised Ranch |
RR |
The raised ranch includes a basement on the bottom and a "full set of stairs" (a full flight of stairs, usually 12 or 13) which leads to the first level. A raised ranch has a different look on the front than a split-entry as the front door lines up to the front windows differently. The front door entry is predominately at the lower floor. The top floor per FNMA/FHLMC is the living area and the lower floor is the basement, even if finished. |
Architectural Style |
Ranch |
Ranch style homes are single story. Common features include a long, low-pitch roofline, Asymmetrical shape, simple, open floor plans, living areas separate from the bedroom(s). |
Architectural Style |
Regency |
Buildings of the Regency style may have a white painted stucco facade and an entryway to the main front door which is framed by two columns. Key features of the style include its multi-story box-shaped mass, which is highlighted by a low-pitched hip roof with a shallow or no eave overhang. |
Architectural Style |
Saltbox |
A saltbox house is typically two stories in the front and one in the back. It often has a long, pitched roof that slopes down to the back. It is generally framed in wood with a flat front and central chimney. |
Architectural Style |
Second Empire |
Second Empire residences often have a box form and are highly symmetrical. Second Empire ornamentation has details including iron cresting on the roof, heavily bracketed cornices, quoins, and balustrades. Square or rectangular towers and a mansard roof are also common. A central projecting pavilion or elaborate canopy often highlights the entrance. The front porch is typically elevated above ground level by several steps.
Wentworth. (n.d.). Second Empire/Mansard Style (1855-1885). Wentworth. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from https://www.wentworthstudio.com/historic-styles/second-empire/ |
Architectural Style |
Shingle Style |
Shingle style architecture is often wood construction with materials that include roofs and walls covered in shingles. They are typically built on a stone foundation. |
Architectural Style |
Shipping Container |
Architectural Style |
Shotgun |
A "shotgun house" is a narrow rectangular domestic residence with rooms arranged one behind the other and doors at each end of the house. |
Architectural Style |
Split Level |
A split-level home is a style of house in which the floor levels are staggered. There are typically two short sets of stairs, one running upward to a bedroom level, and one going downward toward a lower level. |
Architectural Style |
Stick |
A stick-built home is a wooden house constructed entirely or largely on the site which it is intended to occupy upon its completion rather than in a factory or similar facility. Architecture is recognizable by the relatively plain layout, often accented with trusses on the gables or decorative shingles. |
Architectural Style |
Studio |
This type of unit combines the kitchenette, living area, and sleeping quarters into a single room. |
Architectural Style |
Townhouse |
A dwelling unit, generally having two or more floors and attached to other similar units. |
Architectural Style |
Traditional |
Traditional architecture considers the styles that were popular to a region or area. They are often constructed with materials available locally and include a commitment to maintaining a link to the past styles of building and consistency with the overall building design of the area. |
Architectural Style |
Triplex |
A multi family structure with three independent units with shared walls or ceilings/floors. |
Architectural Style |
Tudor |
Tudor homes often have a brick exterior accented with decorative half-timbering and a steep pitched roof of varying heights. The windows are often multi-paned, tall and narrow. |
Architectural Style |
Tuscan |
Tuscan-style homes blend into their natural surroundings. Key features include stone exterior walls, terracotta roof and floors, and outdoor living spaces or courtyards. |
Architectural Style |
Upper/Lower Apartment |
The apartment described in the listing is either an upper or lower. |
Architectural Style |
Victorian |
Victorian architecture refers to the diverse architectural styles prevalent during Queen Victoria's reign (1837-1901). It is characterized by ornate detailing, eclectic influences, and a revivalist approach. Victorian buildings feature steep roofs, decorative elements, and a mix of Greek Revival, Gothic Revival, Second Empire, Queen Anne, and other styles.
(n.d.). victorian architecture. Architecture Dictionary. Retrieved August 21, 2024, from https://www.archdictionary.com/styles/victorian |
Architectural Style |
Williamsburg |
WB |
A type of colonial architecture style traditionally found in Williamsburg. Key elements generally include a rectangular shape, five windows in the front, moldings along the eaves, pedimented dormers sometimes jutting from the roof, columns on each side of the door, and shutters. |
Area # |
01011 - Conway Twp |
01011 |
Area # |
01021 - Cohoctah Twp |
01021 |
Area # |
01031 - Deerfield Twp |
01031 |
Area # |
01041 - Tyrone Twp |
01041 |
Area # |
01051 - Handy Twp |
01051 |
Area # |
01052 - Fowlerville Vlg |
01052 |
Area # |
01061 - Howell |
01061 |
Area # |
01062 - Howell Twp |
01062 |
Area # |
01071 - Oceola Twp |
01071 |
Area # |
01081 - Hartland Twp |
01081 |
Area # |
01091 - Iosco Twp |
01091 |
Area # |
01101 - Marion Twp |
01101 |
Area # |
01111 - Genoa Twp |
01111 |
Area # |
01121 - Brighton |
01121 |
Area # |
01122 - Brighton Twp |
01122 |
Area # |
01131 - Unadilla Twp |
01131 |
Area # |
01141 - Putnam Twp |
01141 |
Area # |
01142 - Pinckney Vlg |
01142 |
Area # |
01151 - Hamburg Twp |
01151 |
Area # |
01161 - Green Oak Twp |
01161 |
Area # |
02011 - Holly Twp |
02011 |
Area # |
02012 - Holly Vlg |
02012 |
Area # |
02021 - Groveland Twp |
02021 |
Area # |
02031 - Brandon Twp |
02031 |
Area # |
02032 - Ortonville Vlg |
02032 |
Area # |
02041 - Oxford Twp |
02041 |
Area # |
02042 - Oxford Vlg |
02042 |
Area # |
02051 - Addison Twp |
02051 |
Area # |
02052 - Leonard Vlg |
02052 |
Area # |
02061 - Rose Twp |
02061 |
Area # |
02071 - Springfield Twp |
02071 |
Area # |
02081 - Independence Twp |
02081 |
Area # |
02082 - Clarkston |
02082 |
Area # |
02091 - Orion Twp |
02091 |
Area # |
02092 - Lake Orion Vlg |
02092 |
Area # |
02101 - Oakland Twp |
02101 |
Area # |
02111 - Highland Twp |
02111 |
Area # |
02121 - White Lake Twp |
02121 |
Area # |
02131 - Waterford Twp |
02131 |
Area # |
02132 - Sylvan Lake |
02132 |
Area # |
02141 - Auburn Hills |
02141 |
Area # |
02142 - Pontiac |
02142 |
Area # |
02143 - Lake Angelus |
02143 |
Area # |
02151 - Rochester Hills |
02151 |
Area # |
02152 - Rochester |
02152 |
Area # |
02161 - Milford Twp |
02161 |
Area # |
02162 - Milford Vlg |
02162 |
Area # |
02171 - Commerce Twp |
02171 |
Area # |
02172 - Wixom |
02172 |
Area # |
02173 - Walled Lake |
02173 |
Area # |
02174 - Wolverine Lake Vlg |
02174 |
Area # |
02181 - West Bloomfield Twp |
02181 |
Area # |
02182 - Keego Harbor |
02182 |
Area # |
02184 - Orchard Lake |
02184 |
Area # |
02191 - Bloomfield Hills |
02191 |
Area # |
02192 - Birmingham |
02192 |
Area # |
02193 - Bloomfield Twp |
02193 |
Area # |
02201 - Clawson |
02201 |
Area # |
02203 - Troy |
02203 |
Area # |
02211 - Lyon Twp |
02211 |
Area # |
02212 - South Lyon |
02212 |
Area # |
02221 - Novi Twp |
02221 |
Area # |
02223 - Novi |
02223 |
Area # |
02224 - Northville (Oakland County) |
02224 |
Area # |
02231 - Farmington Hills |
02231 |
Area # |
02232 - Farmington |
02232 |
Area # |
02241 - Franklin Vlg |
02241 |
Area # |
02242 - Beverly Hills Vlg |
02242 |
Area # |
02243 - Lathrup Vlg |
02243 |
Area # |
02244 - Southfield |
02244 |
Area # |
02245 - Bingham Farms Vlg |
02245 |
Area # |
02246 - Southfield Twp |
02246 |
Area # |
02251 - Royal Oak |
02251 |
Area # |
02252 - Madison Heights |
02252 |
Area # |
02253 - Berkley |
02253 |
Area # |
02254 - Huntington Woods |
02254 |
Area # |
02255 - Oak Park |
02255 |
Area # |
02256 - Pleasant Ridge |
02256 |
Area # |
02257 - Hazel Park |
02257 |
Area # |
02258 - Ferndale |
02258 |
Area # |
02259 - Royal Oak Twp |
02259 |
Area # |
03011 - Bruce Twp |
03011 |
Area # |
03021 - Armada Twp |
03021 |
Area # |
03022 - Armada Vlg |
03022 |
Area # |
03031 - Richmond Twp |
03031 |
Area # |
03032 - Richmond |
03032 |
Area # |
03033 - Memphis (Macomb County) |
03033 |
Area # |
03041 - Washington Twp |
03041 |
Area # |
03051 - Ray Twp |
03051 |
Area # |
03061 - Lenox Twp |
03061 |
Area # |
03071 - Shelby Twp |
03071 |
Area # |
03072 - Utica |
03072 |
Area # |
03081 - Macomb Twp |
03081 |
Area # |
03091 - Chesterfield Twp |
03091 |
Area # |
03101 - Sterling Heights |
03101 |
Area # |
03111 - Clinton Twp |
03111 |
Area # |
03121 - Harrison Twp |
03121 |
Area # |
03131 - Warren |
03131 |
Area # |
03132 - Centerline |
03132 |
Area # |
03151 - St. Clair Shores |
03151 |
Area # |
03152 - Grosse Pointe Shores Vlg (Macomb County) |
03152 |
Area # |
03161 - Eastpointe |
03161 |
Area # |
03171 - Roseville |
03171 |
Area # |
03181 - Fraser |
03181 |
Area # |
03191 - Mount Clemens |
03191 |
Area # |
03201 - New Baltimore |
03201 |
Area # |
03202 - Romeo Vlg |
03202 |
Area # |
03203 - New Haven Vlg |
03203 |
Area # |
04011 - Lyndon Twp |
04011 |
Area # |
04021 - Dexter Twp |
04021 |
Area # |
04031 - Webster Twp |
04031 |
Area # |
04041 - Northfield Twp |
04041 |
Area # |
04051 - Salem Twp |
04051 |
Area # |
04061 - Sylvan Twp |
04061 |
Area # |
04062 - Chelsea |
04062 |
Area # |
04071 - Lima Twp |
04071 |
Area # |
04081 - Scio Twp |
04081 |
Area # |
04082 - Dexter |
04082 |
Area # |
04091 - Ann Arbor Twp |
04091 |
Area # |
04092 - Ann Arbor |
04092 |
Area # |
04093 - Barton Hills Vlg |
04093 |
Area # |
04101 - Superior Twp |
04101 |
Area # |
04111 - Sharon Twp |
04111 |
Area # |
04121 - Freedom Twp |
04121 |
Area # |
04131 - Lodi Twp |
04131 |
Area # |
04141 - Pittsfield Twp |
04141 |
Area # |
04151 - Ypsilanti Twp |
04151 |
Area # |
04152 - Ypsilanti |
04152 |
Area # |
04161 - Manchester Twp |
04161 |
Area # |
04162 - Manchester Vlg |
04162 |
Area # |
04171 - Bridgewater Twp |
04171 |
Area # |
04181 - Saline Twp |
04181 |
Area # |
04182 - Saline |
04182 |
Area # |
04191 - York Twp |
04191 |
Area # |
04192 - Milan (Washtenaw County) |
04192 |
Area # |
04201 - Augusta Twp |
04201 |
Area # |
05010 - Northville (Wayne County) |
05010 |
Area # |
05011 - Northville Twp |
05011 |
Area # |
05012 - Plymouth Twp |
05012 |
Area # |
05013 - Plymouth |
05013 |
Area # |
05021 - Livonia |
05021 |
Area # |
05031 - Redford Twp |
05031 |
Area # |
05032 - Det - 6 To 8, Grnfld To Limits |
05032 |
Area # |
05033 - Det - Schcraft-6 Grnfld-Limits |
05033 |
Area # |
05034 - Det: Joy-Schoolcraft Grnfld-Limits |
05034 |
Area # |
05041 - Det 6-8 Grfld-Dequindre |
05041 |
Area # |
05042 - Det 6-Tire - Grnfld - Livernois |
05042 |
Area # |
05043 - Det: Livernois-I75 6-Gd River |
05043 |
Area # |
05044 - Highland Park |
05044 |
Area # |
05051 - Det 6-8 Dequindre To Conner |
05051 |
Area # |
05052 - Det: 6-Mack I75-Conner |
05052 |
Area # |
05053 - Det Woodward-Mcclellan/So Mack |
05053 |
Area # |
05054 - Det 8 To Gratiot/Houston To 7 |
05054 |
Area # |
05055 - Det Con-Mors/Grat. Hstn/7 Mack |
05055 |
Area # |
05056 - Hamtramck |
05056 |
Area # |
05061 - Harper Woods |
05061 |
Area # |
05062 - Grosse Pointe Woods |
05062 |
Area # |
05063 - Grosse Pointe Farms |
05063 |
Area # |
05064 - Grosse Pointe |
05064 |
Area # |
05065 - Grosse Pointe Park |
05065 |
Area # |
05066 - Det: Mcclellan East/Mack To Shore |
05066 |
Area # |
05067 - Grosse Pointe Shores Vlg (Wayne County) |
05067 |
Area # |
05071 - Canton Twp |
05071 |
Area # |
05080 - Inkster |
05080 |
Area # |
05081 - Westland |
05081 |
Area # |
05082 - Garden City |
05082 |
Area # |
05083 - Wayne |
05083 |
Area # |
05091 - Dearborn Heights |
05091 |
Area # |
05092 - Det - Joy-Dbn Ht Grnfld-Limits |
05092 |
Area # |
05093 - Dearborn |
05093 |
Area # |
05101 - Det South Of Grand River |
05101 |
Area # |
05111 - Van Buren Twp |
05111 |
Area # |
05112 - Belleville |
05112 |
Area # |
05121 - Romulus |
05121 |
Area # |
05131 - Taylor |
05131 |
Area # |
05141 - Allen Park |
05141 |
Area # |
05142 - Melvindale |
05142 |
Area # |
05143 - Lincoln Park |
05143 |
Area # |
05144 - River Rouge |
05144 |
Area # |
05145 - Ecorse |
05145 |
Area # |
05146 - Southgate |
05146 |
Area # |
05147 - Wyandotte |
05147 |
Area # |
05151 - Sumpter Twp |
05151 |
Area # |
05161 - Huron Twp |
05161 |
Area # |
05171 - Brownstown (Nw) |
05171 |
Area # |
05172 - Brownstown (Central) |
05172 |
Area # |
05173 - Brownstown (Se) |
05173 |
Area # |
05174 - Flat Rock |
05174 |
Area # |
05175 - Woodhaven |
05175 |
Area # |
05181 - Riverview |
05181 |
Area # |
05182 - Trenton |
05182 |
Area # |
05183 - Gibraltar |
05183 |
Area # |
05184 - Rockwood |
05184 |
Area # |
05185 - Grosse Ile Twp |
05185 |
Area # |
06011 - Milan Twp |
06011 |
Area # |
06012 - Milan (Monroe County) |
06012 |
Area # |
06021 - London Twp |
06021 |
Area # |
06031 - Exeter Twp |
06031 |
Area # |
06032 - Maybee |
06032 |
Area # |
06041 - Ash Twp |
06041 |
Area # |
06042 - Carleton |
06042 |
Area # |
06051 - Berlin Twp |
06051 |
Area # |
06052 - South Rockwood |
06052 |
Area # |
06053 - Estral Beach |
06053 |
Area # |
06061 - Dundee Twp |
06061 |
Area # |
06062 - Dundee |
06062 |
Area # |
06071 - Raisinville Twp |
06071 |
Area # |
06081 - Frenchtown Twp |
06081 |
Area # |
06091 - Summerfield Twp |
06091 |
Area # |
06092 - Petersburg |
06092 |
Area # |
06101 - Ida Twp |
06101 |
Area # |
06111 - La Salle Twp |
06111 |
Area # |
06121 - Monroe Twp |
06121 |
Area # |
06122 - Monroe |
06122 |
Area # |
06131 - Whiteford Twp |
06131 |
Area # |
06141 - Bedford Twp |
06141 |
Area # |
06151 - Erie Twp |
06151 |
Area # |
06152 - Luna Pier |
06152 |
Area # |
07011 - Fairfield Twp |
07011 |
Area # |
07021 - Rush Twp |
07021 |
Area # |
07031 - New Haven Twp |
07031 |
Area # |
07041 - Hazelton Twp |
07041 |
Area # |
07042 - New Lothrop Vlg |
07042 |
Area # |
07051 - Middlebury Twp |
07051 |
Area # |
07061 - Owosso Twp |
07061 |
Area # |
07062 - Owosso |
07062 |
Area # |
07071 - Caledonia Twp |
07071 |
Area # |
07072 - Corunna |
07072 |
Area # |
07081 - Venice Twp |
07081 |
Area # |
07082 - Lennon Vlg |
07082 |
Area # |
07091 - Sciota Twp |
07091 |
Area # |
07092 - Laingsburg |
07092 |
Area # |
07101 - Bennington Twp |
07101 |
Area # |
07111 - Shiawassee Twp |
07111 |
Area # |
07112 - Bancroft Vlg |
07112 |
Area # |
07121 - Vernon Twp |
07121 |
Area # |
07122 - Vernon Vlg |
07122 |
Area # |
07123 - Durand |
07123 |
Area # |
07131 - Woodhull Twp |
07131 |
Area # |
07141 - Perry Twp |
07141 |
Area # |
07142 - Perry |
07142 |
Area # |
07143 - Morrice Vlg |
07143 |
Area # |
07151 - Antrim Twp |
07151 |
Area # |
07161 - Burns Twp |
07161 |
Area # |
07162 - Byron Vlg |
07162 |
Area # |
08101 - Argentine Twp |
08101 |
Area # |
08121 - Fenton Twp |
08121 |
Area # |
08122 - Fenton |
08122 |
Area # |
08123 - Linden |
08123 |
Area # |
08131 - Atlas Twp |
08131 |
Area # |
08132 - Goodrich Vlg |
08132 |
Area # |
08141 - Grand Blanc Twp |
08141 |
Area # |
08142 - Grand Blanc |
08142 |
Area # |
08151 - Mundy Twp |
08151 |
Area # |
08161 - Gaines Twp |
08161 |
Area # |
08162 - Swartz Creek |
08162 |
Area # |
08163 - Gaines Vlg |
08163 |
Area # |
08171 - Clayton Twp |
08171 |
Area # |
08172 - Lennon Vlg (Genesee County) |
08172 |
Area # |
08181 - Flint Twp |
08181 |
Area # |
08182 - Flint |
08182 |
Area # |
08191 - Burton |
08191 |
Area # |
08201 - Davison Twp |
08201 |
Area # |
08202 - Davison |
08202 |
Area # |
08221 - Richfield Twp |
08221 |
Area # |
08231 - Genesee Twp |
08231 |
Area # |
08241 - Mt. Morris Twp |
08241 |
Area # |
08242 - Mt. Morris |
08242 |
Area # |
08251 - Flushing Twp |
08251 |
Area # |
08252 - Flushing |
08252 |
Area # |
08261 - Montrose Twp |
08261 |
Area # |
08262 - Montrose |
08262 |
Area # |
08271 - Vienna Twp |
08271 |
Area # |
08272 - Clio |
08272 |
Area # |
08281 - Thetford Twp |
08281 |
Area # |
08291 - Forest Twp |
08291 |
Area # |
08292 - Otisville Vlg |
08292 |
Area # |
09021 - Rich Twp |
09021 |
Area # |
09031 - Burlington Twp |
09031 |
Area # |
09032 - Clifford Vlg |
09032 |
Area # |
09041 - Marathon Twp |
09041 |
Area # |
09042 - Otter Lake Vlg |
09042 |
Area # |
09043 - Columbiaville Vlg |
09043 |
Area # |
09051 - Deerfield Twp |
09051 |
Area # |
09061 - North Branch Twp |
09061 |
Area # |
09062 - North Branch Vlg |
09062 |
Area # |
09071 - Burnside Twp |
09071 |
Area # |
09081 - Oregon Twp |
09081 |
Area # |
09091 - Mayfield Twp |
09091 |
Area # |
09101 - Arcadia Twp |
09101 |
Area # |
09111 - Goodland Twp |
09111 |
Area # |
09121 - Elba Twp |
09121 |
Area # |
09131 - Lapeer Twp |
09131 |
Area # |
09132 - Lapeer |
09132 |
Area # |
09141 - Attica Twp |
09141 |
Area # |
09151 - Imlay Twp |
09151 |
Area # |
09152 - Imlay City |
09152 |
Area # |
09161 - Hadley Twp |
09161 |
Area # |
09171 - Metamora Twp |
09171 |
Area # |
09172 - Metamora Vlg |
09172 |
Area # |
09181 - Dryden Twp |
09181 |
Area # |
09182 - Dryden Vlg |
09182 |
Area # |
09191 - Almont Twp |
09191 |
Area # |
09192 - Almont Vlg |
09192 |
Area # |
10011 - Lynn Twp |
10011 |
Area # |
10021 - Brockway Twp |
10021 |
Area # |
10022 - Yale |
10022 |
Area # |
10031 - Greenwood Twp |
10031 |
Area # |
10041 - Grant Twp |
10041 |
Area # |
10051 - Burtchville Twp |
10051 |
Area # |
10061 - Mussey Twp |
10061 |
Area # |
10062 - Capac Vlg |
10062 |
Area # |
10071 - Emmett Twp |
10071 |
Area # |
10072 - Emmett Vlg |
10072 |
Area # |
10081 - Kenockee Twp |
10081 |
Area # |
10091 - Clyde Twp |
10091 |
Area # |
10101 - Fort Gratiot Twp |
10101 |
Area # |
10111 - Berlin Twp |
10111 |
Area # |
10121 - Riley Twp |
10121 |
Area # |
10122 - Memphis (St. Clair County) |
10122 |
Area # |
10131 - Wales Twp |
10131 |
Area # |
10141 - Kimball Twp |
10141 |
Area # |
10151 - Port Huron Twp |
10151 |
Area # |
10152 - Port Huron |
10152 |
Area # |
10153 - Marysville |
10153 |
Area # |
10161 - Columbus Twp |
10161 |
Area # |
10171 - St. Clair Twp |
10171 |
Area # |
10172 - St. Clair |
10172 |
Area # |
10181 - Casco Twp |
10181 |
Area # |
10191 - China Twp |
10191 |
Area # |
10201 - East China Twp |
10201 |
Area # |
10211 - Ira Twp |
10211 |
Area # |
10221 - Cottrellville Twp |
10221 |
Area # |
10222 - Marine City |
10222 |
Area # |
10231 - Clay Twp |
10231 |
Area # |
10232 - Algonac |
10232 |
Area # |
11011 - Lansing Charter Twp |
11011 |
Area # |
11012 - Lansing |
11012 |
Area # |
11013 - East Lansing |
11013 |
Area # |
11021 - Meridian Charter Twp |
11021 |
Area # |
11031 - Williamstown Township |
11031 |
Area # |
11032 - Williamston |
11032 |
Area # |
11041 - Locke Twp |
11041 |
Area # |
11051 - Delhi Charter Twp |
11051 |
Area # |
11061 - Alaiedon Twp |
11061 |
Area # |
11071 - Wheatfield Twp |
11071 |
Area # |
11081 - Leroy Twp |
11081 |
Area # |
11082 - Webberville Vlg |
11082 |
Area # |
11091 - Aurelius Twp |
11091 |
Area # |
11101 - Vevay Twp |
11101 |
Area # |
11102 - Mason |
11102 |
Area # |
11111 - Ingham Twp |
11111 |
Area # |
11112 - Dansville Vlg |
11112 |
Area # |
11121 - White Oak Twp |
11121 |
Area # |
11131 - Onondaga Twp |
11131 |
Area # |
11141 - Leslie Twp |
11141 |
Area # |
11142 - Leslie |
11142 |
Area # |
11151 - Bunker Hill Twp |
11151 |
Area # |
11161 - Stockbridge Twp |
11161 |
Area # |
11162 - Stockbridge Vlg |
11162 |
Area # |
12011 - Springport Twp |
12011 |
Area # |
12012 - Springport Vlg |
12012 |
Area # |
12021 - Tompkins Twp |
12021 |
Area # |
12031 - Rives Twp |
12031 |
Area # |
12041 - Henrietta Twp |
12041 |
Area # |
12051 - Waterloo Twp |
12051 |
Area # |
12061 - Parma Twp |
12061 |
Area # |
12062 - Parma Vlg |
12062 |
Area # |
12071 - Sandstone Twp |
12071 |
Area # |
12081 - Blackman Twp |
12081 |
Area # |
12091 - Leoni Twp |
12091 |
Area # |
12101 - Grass Lake Twp |
12101 |
Area # |
12102 - Grass Lake Vlg |
12102 |
Area # |
12111 - Concord Twp |
12111 |
Area # |
12112 - Concord Vlg |
12112 |
Area # |
12121 - Spring Arbor Twp |
12121 |
Area # |
12131 - Summit Twp |
12131 |
Area # |
12132 - Jackson |
12132 |
Area # |
12141 - Napoleon Twp |
12141 |
Area # |
12151 - Pulaski Twp |
12151 |
Area # |
12161 - Hanover Twp |
12161 |
Area # |
12162 - Hanover Vlg |
12162 |
Area # |
12171 - Liberty Twp |
12171 |
Area # |
12181 - Columbia Twp |
12181 |
Area # |
12182 - Brooklyn Vlg |
12182 |
Area # |
12191 - Norvell Twp |
12191 |
Area # |
13011 - Woodstock Twp |
13011 |
Area # |
13012 - Cement City Vlg |
13012 |
Area # |
13013 - Addison Vlg |
13013 |
Area # |
13021 - Cambridge Twp |
13021 |
Area # |
13022 - Onsted Vlg |
13022 |
Area # |
13031 - Franklin Twp |
13031 |
Area # |
13041 - Clinton Twp |
13041 |
Area # |
13042 - Clinton Vlg |
13042 |
Area # |
13051 - Tecumseh Twp |
13051 |
Area # |
13052 - Tecumseh |
13052 |
Area # |
13061 - Macon Twp |
13061 |
Area # |
13071 - Rollin Twp |
13071 |
Area # |
13081 - Rome Twp |
13081 |
Area # |
13091 - Adrian Twp |
13091 |
Area # |
13092 - Adrian |
13092 |
Area # |
13101 - Raisin Twp |
13101 |
Area # |
13111 - Ridgeway Twp |
13111 |
Area # |
13112 - Britton Vlg |
13112 |
Area # |
13121 - Hudson Twp |
13121 |
Area # |
13122 - Hudson |
13122 |
Area # |
13123 - Clayton Vlg |
13123 |
Area # |
13131 - Dover Twp |
13131 |
Area # |
13141 - Madison Twp |
13141 |
Area # |
13151 - Palmyra Twp |
13151 |
Area # |
13161 - Blissfield Twp |
13161 |
Area # |
13162 - Blissfield Vlg |
13162 |
Area # |
13171 - Deerfield Twp |
13171 |
Area # |
13172 - Deerfield Vlg |
13172 |
Area # |
13181 - Medina Twp |
13181 |
Area # |
13191 - Seneca Twp |
13191 |
Area # |
13192 - Morenci |
13192 |
Area # |
13201 - Fairfield Twp |
13201 |
Area # |
13211 - Ogden Twp |
13211 |
Area # |
13221 - Riga Twp |
13221 |
Area # |
14011 - Silver Creek Twp |
14011 |
Area # |
14012 - Dowagiac |
14012 |
Area # |
14021 - Wayne Twp |
14021 |
Area # |
14031 - Volinia Twp |
14031 |
Area # |
14041 - Marcellus Twp |
14041 |
Area # |
14042 - Marcellus Vlg |
14042 |
Area # |
14051 - Pokagon Twp |
14051 |
Area # |
14061 - Lagrange Twp |
14061 |
Area # |
14062 - Cassopolis Vlg |
14062 |
Area # |
14071 - Penn Twp |
14071 |
Area # |
14072 - Vandalia Vlg |
14072 |
Area # |
14081 - Newberg Twp |
14081 |
Area # |
14091 - Howard Twp |
14091 |
Area # |
14101 - Jefferson Twp |
14101 |
Area # |
14111 - Calvin Twp |
14111 |
Area # |
14121 - Porter Twp |
14121 |
Area # |
14131 - Milton Twp |
14131 |
Area # |
14141 - Ontwa Twp |
14141 |
Area # |
14142 - Edwardsburg Vlg |
14142 |
Area # |
14151 - Mason Twp |
14151 |
Area # |
15011 - Peaine Twp |
15011 |
Area # |
15021 - Charlevoix Twp |
15021 |
Area # |
15022 - Charlevoix |
15022 |
Area # |
15031 - Hayes Twp |
15031 |
Area # |
15041 - Bay Twp |
15041 |
Area # |
15051 - Norwood Twp |
15051 |
Area # |
15061 - Marion Twp |
15061 |
Area # |
15071 - Eveline Twp |
15071 |
Area # |
15081 - Evangeline Twp |
15081 |
Area # |
15082 - Boyne City |
15082 |
Area # |
15091 - Melrose Twp |
15091 |
Area # |
15101 - Chandler Twp |
15101 |
Area # |
15111 - South Arm Twp |
15111 |
Area # |
15112 - East Jordan |
15112 |
Area # |
15121 - Wilson Twp |
15121 |
Area # |
15131 - Boyne Valley Twp |
15131 |
Area # |
15132 - Boyne Falls Vlg |
15132 |
Area # |
15141 - Hudson Twp |
15141 |
Area # |
15151 - St James Twp |
15151 |
Area # |
16011 - Mackinaw Twp |
16011 |
Area # |
16021 - Hebron Twp |
16021 |
Area # |
16031 - Beaugrand Twp |
16031 |
Area # |
16032 - Cheboygan |
16032 |
Area # |
16041 - Munro Twp |
16041 |
Area # |
16051 - Inverness Twp |
16051 |
Area # |
16061 - Benton Twp |
16061 |
Area # |
16071 - Burt Twp |
16071 |
Area # |
16081 - Mullett Twp |
16081 |
Area # |
16091 - Aloha Twp |
16091 |
Area # |
16101 - Grant Twp |
16101 |
Area # |
16111 - Tuscarora Twp |
16111 |
Area # |
16121 - Koehler Twp |
16121 |
Area # |
16131 - Waverly Twp |
16131 |
Area # |
16141 - Mentor Twp |
16141 |
Area # |
16151 - Ellis Twp |
16151 |
Area # |
16161 - Walker Twp |
16161 |
Area # |
16171 - Forest Twp |
16171 |
Area # |
16181 - Wilmot Twp |
16181 |
Area # |
16191 - Nunda Twp |
16191 |
Area # |
16192 - Wolverine Vlg |
16192 |
Area # |
17011 - Whitefish Twp |
17011 |
Area # |
17021 - Bay Mills Twp |
17021 |
Area # |
17031 - Soo Twp |
17031 |
Area # |
17032 - Sault Ste. Marie |
17032 |
Area # |
17041 - Hulbert Twp |
17041 |
Area # |
17051 - Chippewa Twp |
17051 |
Area # |
17061 - Superior Twp |
17061 |
Area # |
17071 - Dafter Twp |
17071 |
Area # |
17081 - Kinross Twp |
17081 |
Area # |
17091 - Bruce Twp |
17091 |
Area # |
17101 - Trout Lake Twp |
17101 |
Area # |
17111 - Rudyard Twp |
17111 |
Area # |
17121 - Pickford Twp |
17121 |
Area # |
17131 - Raber Twp |
17131 |
Area # |
17141 - Detour Twp |
17141 |
Area # |
17142 - Detour Vlg |
17142 |
Area # |
17151 - Drummond Twp |
17151 |
Area # |
17161 - Sugar Island Twp |
17161 |
Area # |
18011 - Winterfield Twp |
18011 |
Area # |
18021 - Summerfield Twp |
18021 |
Area # |
18031 - Frost Twp |
18031 |
Area # |
18041 - Franklin Twp |
18041 |
Area # |
18051 - Redding Twp |
18051 |
Area # |
18061 - Greenwood Twp |
18061 |
Area # |
18071 - Hayes Twp |
18071 |
Area # |
18072 - Harrison |
18072 |
Area # |
18081 - Hamilton Twp |
18081 |
Area # |
18091 - Freeman Twp |
18091 |
Area # |
18101 - Lincoln Twp |
18101 |
Area # |
18111 - Hatton Twp |
18111 |
Area # |
18121 - Arthur Twp |
18121 |
Area # |
18131 - Garfield Twp |
18131 |
Area # |
18141 - Surrey Twp |
18141 |
Area # |
18142 - Farwell Vlg |
18142 |
Area # |
18151 - Grant Twp |
18151 |
Area # |
18152 - Clare |
18152 |
Area # |
18161 - Sheridan Twp |
18161 |
Area # |
19011 - Lebanon Twp |
19011 |
Area # |
19021 - Essex Twp |
19021 |
Area # |
19022 - Maple Rapids Vlg |
19022 |
Area # |
19031 - Greenbush Twp |
19031 |
Area # |
19041 - Duplain Twp |
19041 |
Area # |
19042 - Elsie Vlg |
19042 |
Area # |
19051 - Dallas Twp |
19051 |
Area # |
19052 - Fowler Vlg |
19052 |
Area # |
19061 - Bengal Twp |
19061 |
Area # |
19071 - Bingham Twp |
19071 |
Area # |
19072 - St. Johns |
19072 |
Area # |
19081 - Ovid Twp |
19081 |
Area # |
19082 - Ovid |
19082 |
Area # |
19091 - Westphalia Twp |
19091 |
Area # |
19092 - Westphalia Vlg |
19092 |
Area # |
19101 - Riley Twp |
19101 |
Area # |
19111 - Olive Twp |
19111 |
Area # |
19121 - Victor Twp |
19121 |
Area # |
19131 - Eagle Twp |
19131 |
Area # |
19132 - Eagle Vlg |
19132 |
Area # |
19141 - Watertown Twp |
19141 |
Area # |
19151 - Dewitt Twp |
19151 |
Area # |
19152 - Dewitt |
19152 |
Area # |
19161 - Bath Twp |
19161 |
Area # |
20011 - Frederic Twp |
20011 |
Area # |
20021 - Maple Forest Twp |
20021 |
Area # |
20031 - Lovells Twp |
20031 |
Area # |
20041 - Grayling Twp |
20041 |
Area # |
20042 - Grayling |
20042 |
Area # |
20051 - Beaver Creek Twp |
20051 |
Area # |
20061 - South Branch Twp |
20061 |
Area # |
21011 - Maple Ridge Twp |
21011 |
Area # |
21021 - Masonville Twp |
21021 |
Area # |
21031 - Nahma Twp |
21031 |
Area # |
21041 - Garden Twp |
21041 |
Area # |
21042 - Garden Vlg |
21042 |
Area # |
21051 - Cornell Twp |
21051 |
Area # |
21061 - Baldwin Twp |
21061 |
Area # |
21071 - Brampton Twp |
21071 |
Area # |
21081 - Escanaba Twp |
21081 |
Area # |
21082 - Gladstone |
21082 |
Area # |
21091 - Ensign Twp |
21091 |
Area # |
21101 - Bark River Twp |
21101 |
Area # |
21111 - Wells Twp |
21111 |
Area # |
21112 - Escanaba |
21112 |
Area # |
21121 - Bay De Noc Twp |
21121 |
Area # |
21131 - Ford River Twp |
21131 |
Area # |
21141 - Fairbanks Twp |
21141 |
Area # |
22011 - Sagola Twp |
22011 |
Area # |
22021 - Felch Twp |
22021 |
Area # |
22031 - West Branch Twp |
22031 |
Area # |
22041 - Breen Twp |
22041 |
Area # |
22051 - Breitung Twp |
22051 |
Area # |
22052 - Iron Mountain |
22052 |
Area # |
22053 - Kingsford |
22053 |
Area # |
22061 - Norway Twp |
22061 |
Area # |
22062 - Norway |
22062 |
Area # |
22071 - Waucedah Twp |
22071 |
Area # |
23011 - Sunfield Twp |
23011 |
Area # |
23012 - Sunfield Vlg |
23012 |
Area # |
23021 - Roxand Twp |
23021 |
Area # |
23022 - Mulliken Vlg |
23022 |
Area # |
23031 - Oneida Twp |
23031 |
Area # |
23032 - Grand Ledge |
23032 |
Area # |
23041 - Delta Twp |
23041 |
Area # |
23051 - Vermontville Twp |
23051 |
Area # |
23052 - Vermontville Vlg |
23052 |
Area # |
23061 - Chester Twp |
23061 |
Area # |
23071 - Benton Twp |
23071 |
Area # |
23072 - Potterville |
23072 |
Area # |
23081 - Windsor Twp |
23081 |
Area # |
23082 - Dimondale Vlg |
23082 |
Area # |
23091 - Kalamo Twp |
23091 |
Area # |
23101 - Carmel Twp |
23101 |
Area # |
23102 - Charlotte |
23102 |
Area # |
23111 - Eaton Twp |
23111 |
Area # |
23121 - Eaton Rapids Twp |
23121 |
Area # |
23122 - Eaton Rapids |
23122 |
Area # |
23131 - Bellevue Twp |
23131 |
Area # |
23132 - Bellevue Vlg |
23132 |
Area # |
23141 - Walton Twp |
23141 |
Area # |
23142 - Olivet |
23142 |
Area # |
23151 - Brookfield Twp |
23151 |
Area # |
23161 - Hamlin Twp |
23161 |
Area # |
24011 - Wawatam Twp |
24011 |
Area # |
24012 - Mackinaw City Vlg |
24012 |
Area # |
24021 - Cross Village Twp |
24021 |
Area # |
24031 - Bliss Twp |
24031 |
Area # |
24041 - Carp Lake Twp |
24041 |
Area # |
24051 - Readmond Twp |
24051 |
Area # |
24061 - Center Twp |
24061 |
Area # |
24071 - Mckinley Twp |
24071 |
Area # |
24072 - Pellston Vlg |
24072 |
Area # |
24081 - Friendship Twp |
24081 |
Area # |
24091 - Pleasantview Twp |
24091 |
Area # |
24101 - Maple River Twp |
24101 |
Area # |
24111 - West Traverse Twp |
24111 |
Area # |
24112 - Harbor Springs |
24112 |
Area # |
24121 - Little Traverse Twp |
24121 |
Area # |
24131 - Littlefield Twp |
24131 |
Area # |
24132 - Alanson Vlg |
24132 |
Area # |
24141 - Resort Twp |
24141 |
Area # |
24151 - Bear Creek Twp |
24151 |
Area # |
24152 - Petosky |
24152 |
Area # |
24161 - Springvale Twp |
24161 |
Area # |
26011 - Sherman Twp |
26011 |
Area # |
26021 - Butman Twp |
26021 |
Area # |
26031 - Clement Twp |
26031 |
Area # |
26041 - Bourret Twp |
26041 |
Area # |
26051 - Sage Twp |
26051 |
Area # |
26061 - Gladwin Twp |
26061 |
Area # |
26062 - Gladwin |
26062 |
Area # |
26071 - Secord Twp |
26071 |
Area # |
26081 - Grout Twp |
26081 |
Area # |
26091 - Buckeye Twp |
26091 |
Area # |
26101 - Hay Twp |
26101 |
Area # |
26111 - Grim Twp |
26111 |
Area # |
26121 - Beaverton Twp |
26121 |
Area # |
26122 - Beaverton |
26122 |
Area # |
26131 - Tobacco Twp |
26131 |
Area # |
26141 - Billings Twp |
26141 |
Area # |
26151 - Bentley Twp |
26151 |
Area # |
27011 - Ironwood Twp |
27011 |
Area # |
27021 - Wakefield Twp |
27021 |
Area # |
27022 - Wakefield |
27022 |
Area # |
27031 - Erwin Twp |
27031 |
Area # |
27032 - Ironwood |
27032 |
Area # |
27041 - Bessemer Twp |
27041 |
Area # |
27042 - Bessemer |
27042 |
Area # |
27051 - Marenisco Twp |
27051 |
Area # |
27061 - Watersmeet Twp |
27061 |
Area # |
28011 - Peninsula Twp |
28011 |
Area # |
28021 - Acme Twp |
28021 |
Area # |
28031 - Long Lake Twp |
28031 |
Area # |
28041 - Garfield Twp |
28041 |
Area # |
28042 - Traverse City |
28042 |
Area # |
28051 - East Bay Twp |
28051 |
Area # |
28061 - Whitewater Twp |
28061 |
Area # |
28071 - Green Lake Twp |
28071 |
Area # |
28081 - Blair Twp |
28081 |
Area # |
28091 - Union Twp |
28091 |
Area # |
28101 - Grant Twp |
28101 |
Area # |
28111 - Mayfield Twp |
28111 |
Area # |
28121 - Paradise Twp |
28121 |
Area # |
28122 - Kingsley Vlg |
28122 |
Area # |
28131 - Fife Lake Twp |
28131 |
Area # |
28132 - Fife Lake Vlg |
28132 |
Area # |
29011 - Seville Twp |
29011 |
Area # |
29021 - Pine River Twp |
29021 |
Area # |
29022 - Alma |
29022 |
Area # |
29023 - St. Louis |
29023 |
Area # |
29031 - Bethany Twp |
29031 |
Area # |
29041 - Wheeler Twp |
29041 |
Area # |
29042 - Breckenridge Vlg |
29042 |
Area # |
29051 - Sumner Twp |
29051 |
Area # |
29061 - Arcada Twp |
29061 |
Area # |
29071 - Emerson Twp |
29071 |
Area # |
29072 - Ithaca |
29072 |
Area # |
29081 - Lafayette Twp |
29081 |
Area # |
29091 - New Haven Twp |
29091 |
Area # |
29101 - Newark Twp |
29101 |
Area # |
29111 - North Star Twp |
29111 |
Area # |
29121 - Hamilton Twp |
29121 |
Area # |
29131 - North Shade Twp |
29131 |
Area # |
29141 - Fulton Twp |
29141 |
Area # |
29142 - Perrinton Vlg |
29142 |
Area # |
29151 - Washington Twp |
29151 |
Area # |
29161 - Elba Twp |
29161 |
Area # |
29162 - Ashley Vlg |
29162 |
Area # |
30011 - Litchfield Twp |
30011 |
Area # |
30012 - Litchfield |
30012 |
Area # |
30021 - Scipio Twp |
30021 |
Area # |
30031 - Moscow Twp |
30031 |
Area # |
30041 - Somerset Twp |
30041 |
Area # |
30051 - Allen Twp |
30051 |
Area # |
30052 - Allen Vlg |
30052 |
Area # |
30061 - Fayette Twp |
30061 |
Area # |
30062 - Jonesville |
30062 |
Area # |
30071 - Hillsdale Twp |
30071 |
Area # |
30072 - Hillsdale |
30072 |
Area # |
30081 - Adams Twp |
30081 |
Area # |
30082 - North Adams Vlg |
30082 |
Area # |
30091 - Wheatland Twp |
30091 |
Area # |
30101 - Reading Twp |
30101 |
Area # |
30102 - Reading |
30102 |
Area # |
30111 - Cambria Twp |
30111 |
Area # |
30121 - Jefferson Twp |
30121 |
Area # |
30131 - Pittsford Twp |
30131 |
Area # |
30141 - Camden Twp |
30141 |
Area # |
30142 - Camden Vlg |
30142 |
Area # |
30143 - Montgomery Vlg |
30143 |
Area # |
30151 - Woodbridge Twp |
30151 |
Area # |
30161 - Ransom Twp |
30161 |
Area # |
30171 - Wright Twp |
30171 |
Area # |
30172 - Waldron Vlg |
30172 |
Area # |
30181 - Amboy Twp |
30181 |
Area # |
31011 - Calumet Twp |
31011 |
Area # |
31012 - Calumet Vlg |
31012 |
Area # |
31013 - Laurium Vlg |
31013 |
Area # |
31014 - Copper City Vlg |
31014 |
Area # |
31021 - Hancock Twp |
31021 |
Area # |
31022 - Hancock |
31022 |
Area # |
31031 - Quincy Twp |
31031 |
Area # |
31041 - Franklin Twp |
31041 |
Area # |
31051 - Osceola Twp |
31051 |
Area # |
31061 - Schoolcraft Twp |
31061 |
Area # |
31062 - Lake Linden Vlg |
31062 |
Area # |
31071 - Stanton Twp |
31071 |
Area # |
31081 - Adams Twp |
31081 |
Area # |
31082 - South Range Vlg |
31082 |
Area # |
31091 - Torch Lake Twp |
31091 |
Area # |
31092 - Houghton |
31092 |
Area # |
31101 - Portage Twp |
31101 |
Area # |
31111 - Chassell Twp |
31111 |
Area # |
31121 - Elm River Twp |
31121 |
Area # |
31131 - Laird Twp |
31131 |
Area # |
31141 - Duncan Twp |
31141 |
Area # |
32011 - Port Austin Twp |
32011 |
Area # |
32012 - Port Austin Vlg |
32012 |
Area # |
32021 - Caseville Twp |
32021 |
Area # |
32022 - Caseville Vlg |
32022 |
Area # |
32031 - Lake Twp |
32031 |
Area # |
32041 - Hume Twp |
32041 |
Area # |
32051 - Dwight Twp |
32051 |
Area # |
32052 - Kinde Vlg |
32052 |
Area # |
32061 - Huron Twp |
32061 |
Area # |
32071 - Gore Twp |
32071 |
Area # |
32081 - Mckinley Twp |
32081 |
Area # |
32091 - Chandler Twp |
32091 |
Area # |
32101 - Meade Twp |
32101 |
Area # |
32111 - Lincoln Twp |
32111 |
Area # |
32121 - Bloomfield Twp |
32121 |
Area # |
32131 - Rubicon Twp |
32131 |
Area # |
32132 - Port Hope Vlg |
32132 |
Area # |
32141 - Fairhaven Twp |
32141 |
Area # |
32151 - Winsor Twp |
32151 |
Area # |
32152 - Pigeon Vlg |
32152 |
Area # |
32161 - Oliver Twp |
32161 |
Area # |
32162 - Elkton Vlg |
32162 |
Area # |
32171 - Colfax Twp |
32171 |
Area # |
32181 - Verona Twp |
32181 |
Area # |
32182 - Bad Axe |
32182 |
Area # |
32191 - Sigel Twp |
32191 |
Area # |
32201 - Sand Beach Twp |
32201 |
Area # |
32202 - Harbor Beach |
32202 |
Area # |
32211 - Sebewaing Twp |
32211 |
Area # |
32212 - Sebewaing Vlg |
32212 |
Area # |
32221 - Brookfield Twp |
32221 |
Area # |
32222 - Owendale Vlg |
32222 |
Area # |
32231 - Grant Twp |
32231 |
Area # |
32241 - Sheridan Twp |
32241 |
Area # |
32251 - Bingham Twp |
32251 |
Area # |
32252 - Ubly Vlg |
32252 |
Area # |
32261 - Paris Twp |
32261 |
Area # |
32271 - Sherman Twp |
32271 |
Area # |
32281 - Pointe Aux Barques Twp |
32281 |
Area # |
34011 - Otisco Twp |
34011 |
Area # |
34012 - Belding |
34012 |
Area # |
34021 - Orleans Twp |
34021 |
Area # |
34031 - Ronald Twp |
34031 |
Area # |
34041 - North Plains Twp |
34041 |
Area # |
34042 - Hubbardston Vlg |
34042 |
Area # |
34051 - Keene Twp |
34051 |
Area # |
34061 - Easton Twp |
34061 |
Area # |
34071 - Ionia Twp |
34071 |
Area # |
34072 - Ionia |
34072 |
Area # |
34081 - Lyons Twp |
34081 |
Area # |
34082 - Lyons Vlg |
34082 |
Area # |
34083 - Muir Vlg |
34083 |
Area # |
34084 - Pewamo Vlg |
34084 |
Area # |
34091 - Boston Twp |
34091 |
Area # |
34092 - Saranac Vlg |
34092 |
Area # |
34101 - Berlin Twp |
34101 |
Area # |
34111 - Orange Twp |
34111 |
Area # |
34121 - Portland Twp |
34121 |
Area # |
34122 - Portland |
34122 |
Area # |
34131 - Campbell Twp |
34131 |
Area # |
34132 - Clarksville Vlg |
34132 |
Area # |
34141 - Odessa Twp |
34141 |
Area # |
34142 - Lake Odessa Vlg |
34142 |
Area # |
34151 - Sebewa Twp |
34151 |
Area # |
34161 - Danby Twp |
34161 |
Area # |
35011 - Plainfield Twp |
35011 |
Area # |
35021 - Oscoda Twp |
35021 |
Area # |
35031 - Wilber Twp |
35031 |
Area # |
35041 - Au Sable Twp |
35041 |
Area # |
35051 - Reno Twp |
35051 |
Area # |
35061 - Grant Twp |
35061 |
Area # |
35071 - Tawas Twp |
35071 |
Area # |
35072 - Tawas |
35072 |
Area # |
35081 - Baldwin Twp |
35081 |
Area # |
35082 - East Tawas |
35082 |
Area # |
35091 - Burleigh Twp |
35091 |
Area # |
35092 - Whittemore |
35092 |
Area # |
35101 - Sherman Twp |
35101 |
Area # |
35111 - Alabaster Twp |
35111 |
Area # |
36011 - Iron River Twp |
36011 |
Area # |
36012 - Iron River |
36012 |
Area # |
36021 - Bates Twp |
36021 |
Area # |
36031 - Hematite Twp |
36031 |
Area # |
36041 - Crystal Falls Twp |
36041 |
Area # |
36042 - Crystal Falls |
36042 |
Area # |
36051 - Stambaugh Twp |
36051 |
Area # |
36053 - Caspian |
36053 |
Area # |
36054 - Gaastra |
36054 |
Area # |
36061 - Mansfield Twp |
36061 |
Area # |
36071 - Mastodon Twp |
36071 |
Area # |
36072 - Alpha Vlg |
36072 |
Area # |
37011 - Coldwater Twp |
37011 |
Area # |
37021 - Gilmore Twp |
37021 |
Area # |
37031 - Vernon Twp |
37031 |
Area # |
37041 - Wise Twp |
37041 |
Area # |
37051 - Sherman Twp |
37051 |
Area # |
37052 - Lake Isabella Vlg |
37052 |
Area # |
37061 - Nottawa Twp |
37061 |
Area # |
37071 - Isabella Twp |
37071 |
Area # |
37072 - Rosebush Vlg |
37072 |
Area # |
37081 - Denver Twp |
37081 |
Area # |
37091 - Broomfield Twp |
37091 |
Area # |
37101 - Deerfield Twp |
37101 |
Area # |
37111 - Union Twp |
37111 |
Area # |
37112 - Mount Pleasant |
37112 |
Area # |
37121 - Chippewa Twp |
37121 |
Area # |
37131 - Rolland Twp |
37131 |
Area # |
37141 - Fremont Twp |
37141 |
Area # |
37151 - Lincoln Twp |
37151 |
Area # |
37161 - Coe Twp |
37161 |
Area # |
37162 - Shepherd Vlg |
37162 |
Area # |
39011 - Alamo Twp |
39011 |
Area # |
39021 - Cooper Twp |
39021 |
Area # |
39031 - Richland Twp |
39031 |
Area # |
39032 - Richland Vlg |
39032 |
Area # |
39041 - Ross Twp |
39041 |
Area # |
39042 - Augusta Vlg |
39042 |
Area # |
39051 - Oshtemo Twp |
39051 |
Area # |
39061 - Kalamazoo Twp |
39061 |
Area # |
39062 - Kalamazoo |
39062 |
Area # |
39063 - Parchment |
39063 |
Area # |
39071 - Comstock Twp |
39071 |
Area # |
39072 - Galesburg |
39072 |
Area # |
39081 - Charleston Twp |
39081 |
Area # |
39091 - Texas Twp |
39091 |
Area # |
39101 - Portage Twp |
39101 |
Area # |
39111 - Pavilion Twp |
39111 |
Area # |
39121 - Climax Twp |
39121 |
Area # |
39122 - Climax Vlg |
39122 |
Area # |
39131 - Prairie Ronde Twp |
39131 |
Area # |
39141 - Schoolcraft Twp |
39141 |
Area # |
39142 - Schoolcraft Vlg |
39142 |
Area # |
39143 - Vicksburg Vlg |
39143 |
Area # |
39151 - Brady Twp |
39151 |
Area # |
39161 - Wakeshma Twp |
39161 |
Area # |
40011 - Clearwater Twp |
40011 |
Area # |
40021 - Rapid River Twp |
40021 |
Area # |
40031 - Cold Springs Twp |
40031 |
Area # |
40041 - Blue Lake Twp |
40041 |
Area # |
40051 - Kalkaska Twp |
40051 |
Area # |
40052 - Kalkaska Vlg |
40052 |
Area # |
40061 - Excelsior Twp |
40061 |
Area # |
40071 - Bear Lake Twp |
40071 |
Area # |
40081 - Boardman Twp |
40081 |
Area # |
40091 - Orange Twp |
40091 |
Area # |
40101 - Oliver Twp |
40101 |
Area # |
40111 - Springfield Twp |
40111 |
Area # |
40121 - Garfield Twp |
40121 |
Area # |
41011 - Tyrone Twp |
41011 |
Area # |
41012 - Kent City Vlg |
41012 |
Area # |
41021 - Solon Twp |
41021 |
Area # |
41022 - Cedar Springs |
41022 |
Area # |
41031 - Nelson Twp |
41031 |
Area # |
41032 - Sand Lake Vlg |
41032 |
Area # |
41041 - Spencer Twp |
41041 |
Area # |
41051 - Sparta Twp |
41051 |
Area # |
41052 - Sparta Vlg |
41052 |
Area # |
41061 - Algoma Twp |
41061 |
Area # |
41062 - Rockford |
41062 |
Area # |
41071 - Courtland Twp |
41071 |
Area # |
41081 - Oakfield Twp |
41081 |
Area # |
41091 - Alpine Twp |
41091 |
Area # |
41101 - Plainfield Twp |
41101 |
Area # |
41111 - Cannon Twp |
41111 |
Area # |
41121 - Grattan Twp |
41121 |
Area # |
41131 - Walker Twp |
41131 |
Area # |
41141 - Grand Rapids Twp |
41141 |
Area # |
41142 - Grand Rapids |
41142 |
Area # |
41143 - East Grand Rapids |
41143 |
Area # |
41151 - Ada Twp |
41151 |
Area # |
41161 - Vergennes Twp |
41161 |
Area # |
41171 - Wyoming Twp |
41171 |
Area # |
41172 - Grandville |
41172 |
Area # |
41181 - Kentwood Twp |
41181 |
Area # |
41191 - Cascade Twp |
41191 |
Area # |
41201 - Lowell Twp |
41201 |
Area # |
41202 - Lowell |
41202 |
Area # |
41211 - Byron Twp |
41211 |
Area # |
41221 - Gaines Twp |
41221 |
Area # |
41231 - Caledonia Twp |
41231 |
Area # |
41232 - Caledonia Vlg |
41232 |
Area # |
41241 - Bowne Twp |
41241 |
Area # |
42011 - Eagle Harbor Twp |
42011 |
Area # |
42021 - Houghton Twp |
42021 |
Area # |
42031 - Allouez Twp |
42031 |
Area # |
42032 - Ahmeek Vlg |
42032 |
Area # |
42041 - Sherman Twp |
42041 |
Area # |
42051 - Grant Twp |
42051 |
Area # |
43011 - Elk Twp |
43011 |
Area # |
43021 - Eden Twp |
43021 |
Area # |
43031 - Newkirk Twp |
43031 |
Area # |
43032 - Luther Vlg |
43032 |
Area # |
43041 - Dover Twp |
43041 |
Area # |
43051 - Sauble Twp |
43051 |
Area # |
43061 - Peacock Twp |
43061 |
Area # |
43071 - Ellsworth Twp |
43071 |
Area # |
43081 - Sweetwater Twp |
43081 |
Area # |
43091 - Webber Twp |
43091 |
Area # |
43101 - Cherry Valley Twp |
43101 |
Area # |
43111 - Pinora Twp |
43111 |
Area # |
43121 - Lake Twp |
43121 |
Area # |
43131 - Pleasant Plains Twp |
43131 |
Area # |
43132 - Baldwin Vlg |
43132 |
Area # |
43141 - Yates Twp |
43141 |
Area # |
43151 - Chase Twp |
43151 |
Area # |
45011 - Leelanau Twp |
45011 |
Area # |
45012 - Northport Vlg |
45012 |
Area # |
45021 - Leland Twp |
45021 |
Area # |
45031 - Suttons Bay Twp |
45031 |
Area # |
45032 - Suttons Bay Vlg |
45032 |
Area # |
45041 - Glen Arbor Twp |
45041 |
Area # |
45051 - Cleveland Twp |
45051 |
Area # |
45061 - Centerville Twp |
45061 |
Area # |
45071 - Bingham Twp |
45071 |
Area # |
45081 - Empire Twp |
45081 |
Area # |
45082 - Empire Vlg |
45082 |
Area # |
45091 - Kasson Twp |
45091 |
Area # |
45101 - Solon Twp |
45101 |
Area # |
45111 - Elmwood Twp |
45111 |
Area # |
48011 - Mcmillan Twp |
48011 |
Area # |
48012 - Newberry Vlg |
48012 |
Area # |
48021 - Columbus Twp |
48021 |
Area # |
48031 - Lakefield Twp |
48031 |
Area # |
48041 - Pentland Twp |
48041 |
Area # |
49011 - Portage Twp |
49011 |
Area # |
49021 - Garfield Twp |
49021 |
Area # |
49031 - Hudson Twp |
49031 |
Area # |
49041 - Hendricks Twp |
49041 |
Area # |
49051 - Newton Twp |
49051 |
Area # |
49061 - Moran Twp |
49061 |
Area # |
49071 - Brevort Twp |
49071 |
Area # |
49081 - St. Ignace Twp |
49081 |
Area # |
49082 - St. Ignace |
49082 |
Area # |
49091 - Marquette Twp |
49091 |
Area # |
49101 - Clark Twp |
49101 |
Area # |
49111 - Mackinac Island |
49111 |
Area # |
49121 - Bois Blanc Twp |
49121 |
Area # |
51011 - Arcadia Twp |
51011 |
Area # |
51021 - Pleasanton Twp |
51021 |
Area # |
51031 - Springdale Twp |
51031 |
Area # |
51041 - Cleon Twp |
51041 |
Area # |
51042 - Copemish Vlg |
51042 |
Area # |
51051 - Onekama Twp |
51051 |
Area # |
51052 - Onekama Vlg |
51052 |
Area # |
51061 - Bear Lake Twp |
51061 |
Area # |
51062 - Bear Lake Vlg |
51062 |
Area # |
51071 - Maple Grove Twp |
51071 |
Area # |
51072 - Kaleva Vlg |
51072 |
Area # |
51081 - Marilla Twp |
51081 |
Area # |
51091 - Manistee Twp |
51091 |
Area # |
51092 - Manistee |
51092 |
Area # |
51093 - East Lake Vlg |
51093 |
Area # |
51101 - Brown Twp |
51101 |
Area # |
51111 - Dickson Twp |
51111 |
Area # |
51121 - Filer Twp |
51121 |
Area # |
51131 - Stronach Twp |
51131 |
Area # |
51141 - Norman Twp |
51141 |
Area # |
52011 - Powell Twp |
52011 |
Area # |
52021 - Michigamme Twp |
52021 |
Area # |
52031 - Champion Twp |
52031 |
Area # |
52041 - Ishpeming Twp |
52041 |
Area # |
52042 - Ishpeming |
52042 |
Area # |
52051 - Marquette Twp |
52051 |
Area # |
52052 - Marquette |
52052 |
Area # |
52061 - Negaunee Twp |
52061 |
Area # |
52062 - Negaunee |
52062 |
Area # |
52071 - Republic Twp |
52071 |
Area # |
52081 - Humboldt Twp |
52081 |
Area # |
52091 - Ely Twp |
52091 |
Area # |
52101 - Tilden Twp |
52101 |
Area # |
52111 - Richmond Twp |
52111 |
Area # |
52121 - Sands Twp |
52121 |
Area # |
52131 - Chocolay Twp |
52131 |
Area # |
52141 - West Branch Twp |
52141 |
Area # |
52151 - Skandia Twp |
52151 |
Area # |
52161 - Forsyth Twp |
52161 |
Area # |
52171 - Turin Twp |
52171 |
Area # |
52181 - Wells Twp |
52181 |
Area # |
52191 - Ewing Twp |
52191 |
Area # |
53011 - Grant Twp |
53011 |
Area # |
53021 - Freesoil Twp |
53021 |
Area # |
53022 - Freesoil Vlg |
53022 |
Area # |
53031 - Meade Twp |
53031 |
Area # |
53041 - Hamlin Twp |
53041 |
Area # |
53051 - Victory Twp |
53051 |
Area # |
53061 - Sherman Twp |
53061 |
Area # |
53062 - Fountain Vlg |
53062 |
Area # |
53071 - Sheridan Twp |
53071 |
Area # |
53081 - Pere Marquette Twp |
53081 |
Area # |
53082 - Ludington |
53082 |
Area # |
53091 - Amber Twp |
53091 |
Area # |
53092 - Scottville |
53092 |
Area # |
53101 - Custer Twp |
53101 |
Area # |
53102 - Custer Vlg |
53102 |
Area # |
53111 - Branch Twp |
53111 |
Area # |
53121 - Summit Twp |
53121 |
Area # |
53131 - Riverton Twp |
53131 |
Area # |
53141 - Eden Twp |
53141 |
Area # |
53151 - Logan Twp |
53151 |
Area # |
54211 - Green Twp |
54211 |
Area # |
54221 - Grant Twp |
54221 |
Area # |
54231 - Chippewa Twp |
54231 |
Area # |
54241 - Fork Twp |
54241 |
Area # |
54242 - Barryton Vlg |
54242 |
Area # |
54251 - Big Rapids Twp |
54251 |
Area # |
54252 - Big Rapids |
54252 |
Area # |
54261 - Colfax Twp |
54261 |
Area # |
54271 - Martiny Twp |
54271 |
Area # |
54281 - Sheridan Twp |
54281 |
Area # |
54291 - Mecosta Twp |
54291 |
Area # |
54292 - Stanwood Vlg |
54292 |
Area # |
54301 - Austin Twp |
54301 |
Area # |
54311 - Morton Twp |
54311 |
Area # |
54312 - Mecosta Vlg |
54312 |
Area # |
54321 - Wheatland Twp |
54321 |
Area # |
54331 - Aetna Twp |
54331 |
Area # |
54332 - Morley Vlg |
54332 |
Area # |
54341 - Deerfield Twp |
54341 |
Area # |
54351 - Hinton Twp |
54351 |
Area # |
54361 - Millbrook Twp |
54361 |
Area # |
55011 - Meyer Twp |
55011 |
Area # |
55021 - Spalding Twp |
55021 |
Area # |
55022 - Powers Vlg |
55022 |
Area # |
55031 - Harris Twp |
55031 |
Area # |
55041 - Faithorn Twp |
55041 |
Area # |
55051 - Holmes Twp |
55051 |
Area # |
55061 - Nadeau Twp |
55061 |
Area # |
55062 - Carney Vlg |
55062 |
Area # |
55071 - Gourley Twp |
55071 |
Area # |
55081 - Daggett Twp |
55081 |
Area # |
55082 - Daggett Vlg |
55082 |
Area # |
55091 - Cedarville Twp |
55091 |
Area # |
55101 - Lake Twp |
55101 |
Area # |
55111 - Stephenson Twp |
55111 |
Area # |
55112 - Stephenson |
55112 |
Area # |
55121 - Mellen Twp |
55121 |
Area # |
55131 - Ingallston Twp |
55131 |
Area # |
55141 - Menominee Twp |
55141 |
Area # |
55142 - Menominee |
55142 |
Area # |
56011 - Warren Twp |
56011 |
Area # |
56012 - Coleman |
56012 |
Area # |
56021 - Edenville Twp |
56021 |
Area # |
56031 - Hope Twp |
56031 |
Area # |
56041 - Mills Twp |
56041 |
Area # |
56051 - Geneva Twp |
56051 |
Area # |
56061 - Jerome Twp |
56061 |
Area # |
56062 - Sanford Vlg |
56062 |
Area # |
56071 - Lincoln Twp |
56071 |
Area # |
56081 - Larkin Twp |
56081 |
Area # |
56091 - Greendale Twp |
56091 |
Area # |
56101 - Lee Twp |
56101 |
Area # |
56111 - Homer Twp |
56111 |
Area # |
56121 - Midland Twp |
56121 |
Area # |
56122 - Midland |
56122 |
Area # |
56131 - Jasper Twp |
56131 |
Area # |
56141 - Porter Twp |
56141 |
Area # |
56151 - Mt. Haley Twp |
56151 |
Area # |
56161 - Ingersoll Twp |
56161 |
Area # |
57011 - Bloomfield Twp |
57011 |
Area # |
57021 - Pioneer Twp |
57021 |
Area # |
57031 - Norwich Twp |
57031 |
Area # |
57041 - Caldwell Twp |
57041 |
Area # |
57051 - Forest Twp |
57051 |
Area # |
57061 - West Branch Twp |
57061 |
Area # |
57071 - Enterprise Twp |
57071 |
Area # |
57081 - Lake Twp |
57081 |
Area # |
57091 - Reeder Twp |
57091 |
Area # |
57092 - Lake City |
57092 |
Area # |
57101 - Aetna Twp |
57101 |
Area # |
57111 - Butterfield Twp |
57111 |
Area # |
57121 - Richland Twp |
57121 |
Area # |
57122 - Mcbain |
57122 |
Area # |
57131 - Riverside Twp |
57131 |
Area # |
57141 - Clam Union Twp |
57141 |
Area # |
57151 - Holland Twp |
57151 |
Area # |
59011 - Reynolds Twp |
59011 |
Area # |
59012 - Howard City Vlg |
59012 |
Area # |
59021 - Winfield Twp |
59021 |
Area # |
59031 - Cato Twp |
59031 |
Area # |
59032 - Lakeview Vlg |
59032 |
Area # |
59041 - Belvidere Twp |
59041 |
Area # |
59051 - Home Twp |
59051 |
Area # |
59052 - Edmore Vlg |
59052 |
Area # |
59061 - Richland Twp |
59061 |
Area # |
59071 - Pierson Twp |
59071 |
Area # |
59072 - Pierson Vlg |
59072 |
Area # |
59081 - Maple Valley Twp |
59081 |
Area # |
59091 - Pine Twp |
59091 |
Area # |
59101 - Douglass Twp |
59101 |
Area # |
59111 - Day Twp |
59111 |
Area # |
59112 - Stanton |
59112 |
Area # |
59113 - Mcbride Vlg |
59113 |
Area # |
59121 - Ferris Twp |
59121 |
Area # |
59131 - Montcalm Twp |
59131 |
Area # |
59141 - Sidney Twp |
59141 |
Area # |
59151 - Evergreen Twp |
59151 |
Area # |
59152 - Sheridan Vlg |
59152 |
Area # |
59161 - Crystal Twp |
59161 |
Area # |
59171 - Eureka Twp |
59171 |
Area # |
59172 - Greenville |
59172 |
Area # |
59181 - Fair Plain Twp |
59181 |
Area # |
59191 - Bushnell Twp |
59191 |
Area # |
59201 - Bloomer Twp |
59201 |
Area # |
59202 - Carson City |
59202 |
Area # |
60011 - Montmorency Twp |
60011 |
Area # |
60021 - Vienna Twp |
60021 |
Area # |
60031 - Briley Twp |
60031 |
Area # |
60041 - Hillman Twp |
60041 |
Area # |
60042 - Hillman Vlg |
60042 |
Area # |
60051 - Avery Twp |
60051 |
Area # |
60061 - Albert Twp |
60061 |
Area # |
60071 - Loud Twp |
60071 |
Area # |
60081 - Rust Twp |
60081 |
Area # |
61011 - White River Twp |
61011 |
Area # |
61021 - Montague Twp |
61021 |
Area # |
61022 - Montague |
61022 |
Area # |
61031 - Whitehall Twp |
61031 |
Area # |
61032 - Whitehall |
61032 |
Area # |
61041 - Blue Lake Twp |
61041 |
Area # |
61051 - Holton Twp |
61051 |
Area # |
61061 - Fruitland Twp |
61061 |
Area # |
61071 - Dalton Twp |
61071 |
Area # |
61072 - Lakewood Club Vlg |
61072 |
Area # |
61081 - Cedar Creek Twp |
61081 |
Area # |
61091 - Laketon Twp |
61091 |
Area # |
61092 - North Muskegon |
61092 |
Area # |
61101 - Muskegon Twp |
61101 |
Area # |
61102 - Muskegon |
61102 |
Area # |
61111 - Egelston Twp |
61111 |
Area # |
61121 - Moorland Twp |
61121 |
Area # |
61131 - Casnovia Twp |
61131 |
Area # |
61132 - Casnovia Vlg |
61132 |
Area # |
61141 - Norton Shores |
61141 |
Area # |
61142 - Roosevelt Park |
61142 |
Area # |
61143 - Muskegon Heights |
61143 |
Area # |
61151 - Fruitport Twp |
61151 |
Area # |
61152 - Fruitport Vlg |
61152 |
Area # |
61161 - Sullivan Twp |
61161 |
Area # |
61171 - Ravenna Twp |
61171 |
Area # |
61172 - Ravenna Vlg |
61172 |
Area # |
62011 - Troy Twp |
62011 |
Area # |
62021 - Lilley Twp |
62021 |
Area # |
62031 - Home Twp |
62031 |
Area # |
62041 - Barton Twp |
62041 |
Area # |
62051 - Beaver Twp |
62051 |
Area # |
62061 - Merrill Twp |
62061 |
Area # |
62071 - Monroe Twp |
62071 |
Area # |
62081 - Norwich Twp |
62081 |
Area # |
62091 - Denver Twp |
62091 |
Area # |
62101 - Lincoln Twp |
62101 |
Area # |
62111 - Wilcox Twp |
62111 |
Area # |
62112 - White Cloud |
62112 |
Area # |
62121 - Goodwell Twp |
62121 |
Area # |
62131 - Dayton Twp |
62131 |
Area # |
62132 - Fremont |
62132 |
Area # |
62141 - Sherman Twp |
62141 |
Area # |
62151 - Everett Twp |
62151 |
Area # |
62161 - Big Prairie Twp |
62161 |
Area # |
62171 - Sheridan Twp |
62171 |
Area # |
62181 - Garfield Twp |
62181 |
Area # |
62182 - Newaygo |
62182 |
Area # |
62191 - Brooks Twp |
62191 |
Area # |
62201 - Croton Twp |
62201 |
Area # |
62211 - Bridgeton Twp |
62211 |
Area # |
62221 - Ashland Twp |
62221 |
Area # |
62222 - Grant |
62222 |
Area # |
62231 - Grant Twp |
62231 |
Area # |
62241 - Ensley Twp |
62241 |
Area # |
64011 - Pentwater Twp |
64011 |
Area # |
64012 - Pentwater Vlg |
64012 |
Area # |
64021 - Weare Twp |
64021 |
Area # |
64031 - Crystal Twp |
64031 |
Area # |
64041 - Colfax Twp |
64041 |
Area # |
64051 - Golden Twp |
64051 |
Area # |
64061 - Hart Twp |
64061 |
Area # |
64062 - Hart |
64062 |
Area # |
64071 - Elbridge Twp |
64071 |
Area # |
64081 - Leavitt Twp |
64081 |
Area # |
64082 - Walkerville Vlg |
64082 |
Area # |
64091 - Benona Twp |
64091 |
Area # |
64101 - Shelby Twp |
64101 |
Area # |
64102 - Shelby Vlg |
64102 |
Area # |
64103 - New Era Vlg |
64103 |
Area # |
64111 - Ferry Twp |
64111 |
Area # |
64121 - Newfield Twp |
64121 |
Area # |
64122 - Hesperia Vlg |
64122 |
Area # |
64131 - Claybanks Twp |
64131 |
Area # |
64141 - Grant Twp |
64141 |
Area # |
64142 - Rothbury Vlg |
64142 |
Area # |
64151 - Otto Twp |
64151 |
Area # |
64161 - Greenwood Twp |
64161 |
Area # |
65011 - Foster Twp |
65011 |
Area # |
65021 - Rose Twp |
65021 |
Area # |
65022 - Rose City |
65022 |
Area # |
65031 - Goodar Twp |
65031 |
Area # |
65041 - Klacking Twp |
65041 |
Area # |
65051 - Cumming Twp |
65051 |
Area # |
65061 - Hill Twp |
65061 |
Area # |
65071 - Ogemaw Twp |
65071 |
Area # |
65081 - West Branch Twp |
65081 |
Area # |
65082 - West Branch |
65082 |
Area # |
65091 - Churchill Twp |
65091 |
Area # |
65101 - Logan Twp |
65101 |
Area # |
65111 - Edwards Twp |
65111 |
Area # |
65121 - Horton Twp |
65121 |
Area # |
65131 - Mills Twp |
65131 |
Area # |
65141 - Richland Twp |
65141 |
Area # |
65142 - Prescott Vlg |
65142 |
Area # |
66011 - Carp Lake Twp |
66011 |
Area # |
66021 - Ontonagon Twp |
66021 |
Area # |
66022 - Ontonagon Vlg |
66022 |
Area # |
66031 - Rockland Twp |
66031 |
Area # |
66041 - Greenland Twp |
66041 |
Area # |
66051 - Bohemia Twp |
66051 |
Area # |
66061 - Bergland Twp |
66061 |
Area # |
66071 - Matchwood Twp |
66071 |
Area # |
66081 - Mcmillan Twp |
66081 |
Area # |
66091 - Stannard Twp |
66091 |
Area # |
66101 - Haight Twp |
66101 |
Area # |
66111 - Interior Twp |
66111 |
Area # |
67011 - Burdell Twp |
67011 |
Area # |
67012 - Tustin Vlg |
67012 |
Area # |
67021 - Sherman Twp |
67021 |
Area # |
67031 - Highland Twp |
67031 |
Area # |
67041 - Marion Twp |
67041 |
Area # |
67042 - Marion Vlg |
67042 |
Area # |
67051 - Le Roy Twp |
67051 |
Area # |
67052 - Le Roy Vlg |
67052 |
Area # |
67061 - Rose Lake Twp |
67061 |
Area # |
67071 - Hartwick Twp |
67071 |
Area # |
67081 - Middle Branch Twp |
67081 |
Area # |
67091 - Lincoln Twp |
67091 |
Area # |
67101 - Cedar Twp |
67101 |
Area # |
67111 - Osceola Twp |
67111 |
Area # |
67121 - Sylvan Twp |
67121 |
Area # |
67131 - Richmond Twp |
67131 |
Area # |
67132 - Reed City |
67132 |
Area # |
67141 - Hersey Twp |
67141 |
Area # |
67142 - Hersey Vlg |
67142 |
Area # |
67151 - Evart Twp |
67151 |
Area # |
67152 - Evart |
67152 |
Area # |
67161 - Orient Twp |
67161 |
Area # |
68011 - Greenwood Twp |
68011 |
Area # |
68021 - Elmer Twp |
68021 |
Area # |
68031 - Clinton Twp |
68031 |
Area # |
68041 - Comins Twp |
68041 |
Area # |
68051 - Big Creek Twp |
68051 |
Area # |
68061 - Mentor Twp |
68061 |
Area # |
69011 - Corwith Twp |
69011 |
Area # |
69012 - Vanderbilt Vlg |
69012 |
Area # |
69021 - Elmira Twp |
69021 |
Area # |
69031 - Livingston Twp |
69031 |
Area # |
69041 - Dover Twp |
69041 |
Area # |
69051 - Charlton Twp |
69051 |
Area # |
69061 - Hayes Twp |
69061 |
Area # |
69071 - Bagley Twp |
69071 |
Area # |
69072 - Gaylord |
69072 |
Area # |
69081 - Otsego Lake Twp |
69081 |
Area # |
69091 - Chester Twp |
69091 |
Area # |
70011 - Chester Twp |
70011 |
Area # |
70021 - Spring Lake Twp |
70021 |
Area # |
70022 - Spring Lake Vlg |
70022 |
Area # |
70023 - Ferrysburg |
70023 |
Area # |
70024 - Grand Haven |
70024 |
Area # |
70031 - Crockery Twp |
70031 |
Area # |
70041 - Polkton Twp |
70041 |
Area # |
70042 - Coopersville |
70042 |
Area # |
70051 - Wright Twp |
70051 |
Area # |
70061 - Grand Haven Twp |
70061 |
Area # |
70071 - Robinson Twp |
70071 |
Area # |
70081 - Allendale Twp |
70081 |
Area # |
70091 - Tallmadge Twp |
70091 |
Area # |
70101 - Port Sheldon Twp |
70101 |
Area # |
70111 - Olive Twp |
70111 |
Area # |
70121 - Blendon Twp |
70121 |
Area # |
70131 - Georgetown Twp |
70131 |
Area # |
70132 - Hudsonville |
70132 |
Area # |
70141 - Park Twp |
70141 |
Area # |
70151 - Holland Twp |
70151 |
Area # |
70152 - Holland |
70152 |
Area # |
70161 - Zeeland Twp |
70161 |
Area # |
70162 - Zeeland |
70162 |
Area # |
70171 - Jamestown Twp |
70171 |
Area # |
71011 - Bearinger Twp |
71011 |
Area # |
71021 - North Allis Twp |
71021 |
Area # |
71031 - Ocqueoc Twp |
71031 |
Area # |
71041 - Rogers Twp |
71041 |
Area # |
71042 - Rogers City |
71042 |
Area # |
71051 - Molike Twp |
71051 |
Area # |
71061 - Allis Twp |
71061 |
Area # |
71062 - Onaway |
71062 |
Area # |
71071 - Case Twp |
71071 |
Area # |
71081 - Bismarck Twp |
71081 |
Area # |
71082 - Millersburg Vlg |
71082 |
Area # |
71091 - Belknap Twp |
71091 |
Area # |
71101 - Pulawski Twp |
71101 |
Area # |
71111 - Metz Twp |
71111 |
Area # |
71121 - Posen Twp |
71121 |
Area # |
71122 - Posen Vlg |
71122 |
Area # |
71131 - Krakow Twp |
71131 |
Area # |
71141 - Presque Isle Twp |
71141 |
Area # |
72011 - Lyon Twp |
72011 |
Area # |
72021 - Gerrish Twp |
72021 |
Area # |
72031 - Higgins Twp |
72031 |
Area # |
72032 - Roscommon Vlg |
72032 |
Area # |
72041 - Au Sable Twp |
72041 |
Area # |
72051 - Lake Twp |
72051 |
Area # |
72061 - Markey Twp |
72061 |
Area # |
72071 - Denton Twp |
72071 |
Area # |
72081 - Backus Twp |
72081 |
Area # |
72091 - Richfield Twp |
72091 |
Area # |
72101 - Roscommon Twp |
72101 |
Area # |
72111 - Nester Twp |
72111 |
Area # |
73011 - Tittabawassee Twp |
73011 |
Area # |
73021 - Kochville Twp |
73021 |
Area # |
73031 - Zilwaukee Twp |
73031 |
Area # |
73032 - Zilwaukee |
73032 |
Area # |
73041 - Jonesfield Twp |
73041 |
Area # |
73042 - Merrill Vlg |
73042 |
Area # |
73051 - Richland Twp |
73051 |
Area # |
73061 - Thomas Twp |
73061 |
Area # |
73071 - Saginaw Twp |
73071 |
Area # |
73072 - Saginaw |
73072 |
Area # |
73081 - Carrollton Twp |
73081 |
Area # |
73091 - Buena Vista Twp |
73091 |
Area # |
73101 - Blumfield Twp |
73101 |
Area # |
73111 - Lakefield Twp |
73111 |
Area # |
73121 - Fremont Twp |
73121 |
Area # |
73131 - Swan Creek Twp |
73131 |
Area # |
73141 - James Twp |
73141 |
Area # |
73151 - Spaulding Twp |
73151 |
Area # |
73161 - Bridgeport Twp |
73161 |
Area # |
73171 - Frankenmuth Twp |
73171 |
Area # |
73172 - Frankenmuth |
73172 |
Area # |
73181 - Marion Twp |
73181 |
Area # |
73191 - Brant Twp |
73191 |
Area # |
73201 - St. Charles Twp |
73201 |
Area # |
73202 - St. Charles Vlg |
73202 |
Area # |
73211 - Albee Twp |
73211 |
Area # |
73221 - Taymouth Twp |
73221 |
Area # |
73231 - Birch Run Twp |
73231 |
Area # |
73232 - Birch Run Vlg |
73232 |
Area # |
73241 - Chapin Twp |
73241 |
Area # |
73251 - Brady Twp |
73251 |
Area # |
73252 - Oakley Vlg |
73252 |
Area # |
73261 - Chesaning Twp |
73261 |
Area # |
73262 - Chesaning Vlg |
73262 |
Area # |
73271 - Maple Grove Twp |
73271 |
Area # |
75011 - Flowerfield Twp |
75011 |
Area # |
75021 - Park Twp |
75021 |
Area # |
75031 - Mendon Twp |
75031 |
Area # |
75032 - Mendon Vlg |
75032 |
Area # |
75041 - Leonidas Twp |
75041 |
Area # |
75051 - Fabius Twp |
75051 |
Area # |
75061 - Lockport Twp |
75061 |
Area # |
75062 - Three Rivers |
75062 |
Area # |
75071 - Nottawa Twp |
75071 |
Area # |
75072 - Centreville Vlg |
75072 |
Area # |
75081 - Colon Twp |
75081 |
Area # |
75082 - Colon Vlg |
75082 |
Area # |
75091 - Constantine Twp |
75091 |
Area # |
75092 - Constantine Vlg |
75092 |
Area # |
75101 - Florence Twp |
75101 |
Area # |
75111 - Sherman Twp |
75111 |
Area # |
75121 - Burr Oak Twp |
75121 |
Area # |
75122 - Burr Oak Vlg |
75122 |
Area # |
75131 - Mottville Twp |
75131 |
Area # |
75141 - White Pigeon Twp |
75141 |
Area # |
75142 - White Pigeon Vlg |
75142 |
Area # |
75151 - Sturgis Twp |
75151 |
Area # |
75152 - Sturgis |
75152 |
Area # |
75161 - Fawn River Twp |
75161 |
Area # |
76011 - Greenleaf Twp |
76011 |
Area # |
76021 - Austin Twp |
76021 |
Area # |
76031 - Minden Twp |
76031 |
Area # |
76032 - Minden City Vlg |
76032 |
Area # |
76041 - Delaware Twp |
76041 |
Area # |
76042 - Forestville Vlg |
76042 |
Area # |
76051 - Evergreen Twp |
76051 |
Area # |
76061 - Argyle Twp |
76061 |
Area # |
76071 - Wheatland Twp |
76071 |
Area # |
76081 - Marion Twp |
76081 |
Area # |
76082 - Deckerville Vlg |
76082 |
Area # |
76091 - Forester Twp |
76091 |
Area # |
76101 - Lamotte Twp |
76101 |
Area # |
76111 - Moore Twp |
76111 |
Area # |
76121 - Custer Twp |
76121 |
Area # |
76131 - Bridgehampton Twp |
76131 |
Area # |
76141 - Marlette Twp |
76141 |
Area # |
76142 - Marlette |
76142 |
Area # |
76151 - Elmer Twp |
76151 |
Area # |
76161 - Watertown Twp |
76161 |
Area # |
76162 - Sandusky |
76162 |
Area # |
76171 - Washington Twp |
76171 |
Area # |
76172 - Carsonville Vlg |
76172 |
Area # |
76173 - Applegate Vlg |
76173 |
Area # |
76181 - Sanilac Twp |
76181 |
Area # |
76182 - Port Sanilac Vlg |
76182 |
Area # |
76191 - Flynn Twp |
76191 |
Area # |
76201 - Elk Twp |
76201 |
Area # |
76202 - Peck Vlg |
76202 |
Area # |
76211 - Buel Twp |
76211 |
Area # |
76221 - Lexington Twp |
76221 |
Area # |
76222 - Lexington Vlg |
76222 |
Area # |
76223 - Croswell |
76223 |
Area # |
76231 - Maple Valley Twp |
76231 |
Area # |
76232 - Brown City |
76232 |
Area # |
76241 - Speaker Twp |
76241 |
Area # |
76242 - Melvin Vlg |
76242 |
Area # |
76251 - Fremont Twp |
76251 |
Area # |
76261 - Worth Twp |
76261 |
Area # |
77011 - Hiawatha Twp |
77011 |
Area # |
77012 - Manistique |
77012 |
Area # |
77021 - Seney Twp |
77021 |
Area # |
77031 - Inwood Twp |
77031 |
Area # |
77041 - Thompson Twp |
77041 |
Area # |
77051 - Manistique Twp |
77051 |
Area # |
77061 - Doyle Twp |
77061 |
Area # |
77071 - Germfask Twp |
77071 |
Area # |
77081 - Mueller Twp |
77081 |
Area # |
79011 - Wisner Twp |
79011 |
Area # |
79021 - Akron Twp |
79021 |
Area # |
79022 - Akron Vlg |
79022 |
Area # |
79031 - Columbia Twp |
79031 |
Area # |
79032 - Unionville Vlg |
79032 |
Area # |
79041 - Elmwood Twp |
79041 |
Area # |
79042 - Gagetown Vlg |
79042 |
Area # |
79051 - Elkland Twp |
79051 |
Area # |
79052 - Cass City Vlg |
79052 |
Area # |
79061 - Gilford Twp |
79061 |
Area # |
79071 - Fairgrove Twp |
79071 |
Area # |
79072 - Fairgrove Vlg |
79072 |
Area # |
79081 - Almer Twp |
79081 |
Area # |
79091 - Ellington Twp |
79091 |
Area # |
79101 - Novesta Twp |
79101 |
Area # |
79111 - Denmark Twp |
79111 |
Area # |
79112 - Reese Vlg |
79112 |
Area # |
79121 - Juniata Twp |
79121 |
Area # |
79131 - Indianfields Twp |
79131 |
Area # |
79132 - Caro Vlg |
79132 |
Area # |
79141 - Wells Twp |
79141 |
Area # |
79151 - Kingston Twp |
79151 |
Area # |
79152 - Kingston Vlg |
79152 |
Area # |
79161 - Tuscola Twp |
79161 |
Area # |
79171 - Vassar Twp |
79171 |
Area # |
79172 - Vassar |
79172 |
Area # |
79181 - Fremont Twp |
79181 |
Area # |
79182 - Mayville Vlg |
79182 |
Area # |
79191 - Dayton Twp |
79191 |
Area # |
79201 - Koylton Twp |
79201 |
Area # |
79211 - Arbela Twp |
79211 |
Area # |
79221 - Millington Twp |
79221 |
Area # |
79222 - Millington Vlg |
79222 |
Area # |
79231 - Watertown Twp |
79231 |
Area # |
80011 - South Haven Twp |
80011 |
Area # |
80012 - South Haven |
80012 |
Area # |
80021 - Geneva Twp |
80021 |
Area # |
80031 - Columbia Twp |
80031 |
Area # |
80032 - Breedsville Vlg |
80032 |
Area # |
80041 - Pine Grove Twp |
80041 |
Area # |
80042 - Bloomingdale Vlg |
80042 |
Area # |
80051 - Bloomingdale Twp |
80051 |
Area # |
80052 - Gobles |
80052 |
Area # |
80061 - Covert Twp |
80061 |
Area # |
80071 - Bangor Twp |
80071 |
Area # |
80072 - Bangor |
80072 |
Area # |
80081 - Arlington Twp |
80081 |
Area # |
80091 - Waverly Twp |
80091 |
Area # |
80101 - Almena Twp |
80101 |
Area # |
80111 - Hartford Twp |
80111 |
Area # |
80112 - Hartford |
80112 |
Area # |
80121 - Lawrence Twp |
80121 |
Area # |
80122 - Lawrence Vlg |
80122 |
Area # |
80131 - Paw Paw Twp |
80131 |
Area # |
80132 - Paw Paw Vlg |
80132 |
Area # |
80141 - Antwerp Twp |
80141 |
Area # |
80142 - Mattawan Vlg |
80142 |
Area # |
80143 - Lawton Vlg |
80143 |
Area # |
80151 - Keeler Twp |
80151 |
Area # |
80161 - Hamilton Twp |
80161 |
Area # |
80171 - Decatur Twp |
80171 |
Area # |
80172 - Decatur Vlg |
80172 |
Area # |
80181 - Porter Twp |
80181 |
Area # |
83011 - Wexford Twp |
83011 |
Area # |
83021 - Hanover Twp |
83021 |
Area # |
83022 - Buckley Vlg |
83022 |
Area # |
83031 - Greenwood Twp |
83031 |
Area # |
83041 - Liberty Twp |
83041 |
Area # |
83051 - Springville Twp |
83051 |
Area # |
83052 - Mesick Vlg |
83052 |
Area # |
83061 - Antioch Twp |
83061 |
Area # |
83071 - Colfax Twp |
83071 |
Area # |
83081 - Cedar Creek Twp |
83081 |
Area # |
83082 - Manton |
83082 |
Area # |
83091 - Slagle Twp |
83091 |
Area # |
83092 - Harrietta Vlg |
83092 |
Area # |
83101 - Boon Twp |
83101 |
Area # |
83111 - Selma Twp |
83111 |
Area # |
83121 - Haring Twp |
83121 |
Area # |
83131 - South Branch Twp |
83131 |
Area # |
83141 - Henderson Twp |
83141 |
Area # |
83151 - Cherry Grove Twp |
83151 |
Area # |
83161 - Clam Lake Twp |
83161 |
Area # |
83162 - Cadillac |
83162 |
Area # |
84011 - Mitchell Twp |
84011 |
Area # |
84021 - Caledonia Twp |
84021 |
Area # |
84031 - Alcona Twp |
84031 |
Area # |
84041 - Hawes Twp |
84041 |
Area # |
84042 - Lincoln Vlg |
84042 |
Area # |
84051 - Haynes Twp |
84051 |
Area # |
84061 - Millen Twp |
84061 |
Area # |
84071 - Gustin Twp |
84071 |
Area # |
84081 - Harrisville Twp |
84081 |
Area # |
84082 - Harrisville |
84082 |
Area # |
84091 - Curtis Twp |
84091 |
Area # |
84101 - Mikado Twp |
84101 |
Area # |
84111 - Greenbush Twp |
84111 |
Area # |
85011 - Onota Twp |
85011 |
Area # |
85021 - Grand Island Twp |
85021 |
Area # |
85031 - Burt Twp |
85031 |
Area # |
85041 - Rock River Twp |
85041 |
Area # |
85042 - Chatham Vlg |
85042 |
Area # |
85051 - Au Train Twp |
85051 |
Area # |
85061 - Munising Twp |
85061 |
Area # |
85062 - Munising |
85062 |
Area # |
85071 - Limestone Twp |
85071 |
Area # |
85081 - Mathias Twp |
85081 |
Area # |
86011 - Laketown Twp |
86011 |
Area # |
86021 - Fillmore Twp |
86021 |
Area # |
86031 - Overisel Twp |
86031 |
Area # |
86041 - Salem Twp |
86041 |
Area # |
86051 - Dorr Twp |
86051 |
Area # |
86061 - Saugatuck Twp |
86061 |
Area # |
86062 - Saugatuck |
86062 |
Area # |
86063 - Village Of Douglas |
86063 |
Area # |
86071 - Manlius Twp |
86071 |
Area # |
86072 - Fennville |
86072 |
Area # |
86081 - Heath Twp |
86081 |
Area # |
86091 - Monterey Twp |
86091 |
Area # |
86101 - Hopkins Twp |
86101 |
Area # |
86102 - Hopkins Vlg |
86102 |
Area # |
86111 - Ganges Twp |
86111 |
Area # |
86121 - Clyde Twp |
86121 |
Area # |
86131 - Valley Twp |
86131 |
Area # |
86141 - Allegan Twp |
86141 |
Area # |
86142 - Allegan |
86142 |
Area # |
86151 - Watson Twp |
86151 |
Area # |
86161 - Casco Twp |
86161 |
Area # |
86171 - Lee Twp |
86171 |
Area # |
86181 - Cheshire Twp |
86181 |
Area # |
86191 - Trowbridge Twp |
86191 |
Area # |
86201 - Otsego Twp |
86201 |
Area # |
86202 - Otsego |
86202 |
Area # |
86211 - Leighton Twp |
86211 |
Area # |
86221 - Wayland Twp |
86221 |
Area # |
86222 - Wayland |
86222 |
Area # |
86231 - Martin Twp |
86231 |
Area # |
86232 - Martin Vlg |
86232 |
Area # |
86241 - Gun Plain Twp |
86241 |
Area # |
86242 - Plainwell |
86242 |
Area # |
87011 - Wellington Twp |
87011 |
Area # |
87021 - Long Rapids Twp |
87021 |
Area # |
87031 - Maple Ridge Twp |
87031 |
Area # |
87041 - Alpena Twp |
87041 |
Area # |
87042 - Alpena |
87042 |
Area # |
87051 - Green Twp |
87051 |
Area # |
87061 - Wilson Twp |
87061 |
Area # |
87071 - Ossineke Twp |
87071 |
Area # |
87081 - Sanborn Twp |
87081 |
Area # |
88011 - Banks Twp |
88011 |
Area # |
88012 - Ellsworth Vlg |
88012 |
Area # |
88021 - Torch Lake Twp |
88021 |
Area # |
88031 - Central Lake Twp |
88031 |
Area # |
88032 - Central Lake Vlg |
88032 |
Area # |
88041 - Echo Twp |
88041 |
Area # |
88051 - Jordan Twp |
88051 |
Area # |
88061 - Warner Twp |
88061 |
Area # |
88071 - Forest Home Twp |
88071 |
Area # |
88072 - Bellaire Vlg |
88072 |
Area # |
88081 - Kearney Twp |
88081 |
Area # |
88091 - Chestonia Twp |
88091 |
Area # |
88101 - Star Twp |
88101 |
Area # |
88111 - Elk Rapids Twp |
88111 |
Area # |
88112 - Elk Rapids Vlg |
88112 |
Area # |
88121 - Milton Twp |
88121 |
Area # |
88131 - Helena Twp |
88131 |
Area # |
88141 - Custer Twp |
88141 |
Area # |
88151 - Mancelona Twp |
88151 |
Area # |
88152 - Mancelona Vlg |
88152 |
Area # |
88888 - Out Of State |
88888 |
Area # |
89011 - Moffatt Twp |
89011 |
Area # |
89021 - Clayton Twp |
89021 |
Area # |
89031 - Mason Twp |
89031 |
Area # |
89032 - Twinning Vlg |
89032 |
Area # |
89041 - Turner Twp |
89041 |
Area # |
89042 - Turner Vlg |
89042 |
Area # |
89051 - Whitney Twp |
89051 |
Area # |
89061 - Adams Twp |
89061 |
Area # |
89071 - Deep River Twp |
89071 |
Area # |
89072 - Sterling Vlg |
89072 |
Area # |
89081 - Arenac Twp |
89081 |
Area # |
89082 - Omer |
89082 |
Area # |
89091 - Au Gres Twp |
89091 |
Area # |
89092 - Au Gres |
89092 |
Area # |
89101 - Sims Twp |
89101 |
Area # |
89111 - Lincoln Twp |
89111 |
Area # |
89112 - Standish |
89112 |
Area # |
89121 - Standish Twp |
89121 |
Area # |
90011 - Baraga Twp |
90011 |
Area # |
90012 - Baraga Vlg |
90012 |
Area # |
90021 - Lanse Twp |
90021 |
Area # |
90022 - Lanse Vlg |
90022 |
Area # |
90031 - Arvon Twp |
90031 |
Area # |
90041 - Covington Twp |
90041 |
Area # |
90051 - Spurr Twp |
90051 |
Area # |
91011 - Thornapple Twp |
91011 |
Area # |
91012 - Middleville Vlg |
91012 |
Area # |
91021 - Irving Twp |
91021 |
Area # |
91022 - Freeport Vlg |
91022 |
Area # |
91031 - Carlton Twp |
91031 |
Area # |
91041 - Woodland Twp |
91041 |
Area # |
91042 - Woodland Vlg |
91042 |
Area # |
91051 - Yankee Springs Twp |
91051 |
Area # |
91061 - Rutland Twp |
91061 |
Area # |
91071 - Hastings Twp |
91071 |
Area # |
91072 - Hastings |
91072 |
Area # |
91081 - Castleton Twp |
91081 |
Area # |
91082 - Nashville Vlg |
91082 |
Area # |
91091 - Orangeville Twp |
91091 |
Area # |
91101 - Hope Twp |
91101 |
Area # |
91111 - Baltimore Twp |
91111 |
Area # |
91121 - Maple Grove Twp |
91121 |
Area # |
91131 - Prairieville Twp |
91131 |
Area # |
91141 - Barry Twp |
91141 |
Area # |
91151 - Johnstown Twp |
91151 |
Area # |
91161 - Assyria Twp |
91161 |
Area # |
92011 - Gibson Twp |
92011 |
Area # |
92021 - Mount Forest Twp |
92021 |
Area # |
92031 - Pinconning Twp |
92031 |
Area # |
92032 - Pinconning |
92032 |
Area # |
92041 - Garfield Twp |
92041 |
Area # |
92051 - Fraser Twp |
92051 |
Area # |
92061 - Beaver Twp |
92061 |
Area # |
92071 - Kawkawlin Twp |
92071 |
Area # |
92081 - Williams Twp |
92081 |
Area # |
92082 - Auburn |
92082 |
Area # |
92091 - Monitor Twp |
92091 |
Area # |
92101 - Bangor Twp |
92101 |
Area # |
92102 - Bay City |
92102 |
Area # |
92111 - Hampton Twp |
92111 |
Area # |
92112 - Essexville |
92112 |
Area # |
92121 - Frankenlust Twp |
92121 |
Area # |
92131 - Portsmouth Twp |
92131 |
Area # |
92141 - Merritt Twp |
92141 |
Area # |
93011 - Lake Twp |
93011 |
Area # |
93021 - Platte Twp |
93021 |
Area # |
93031 - Almira Twp |
93031 |
Area # |
93032 - Lake Ann Vlg |
93032 |
Area # |
93041 - Crystal Lake Twp |
93041 |
Area # |
93042 - Frankfort |
93042 |
Area # |
93043 - Elberta Vlg |
93043 |
Area # |
93051 - Gilmore Twp |
93051 |
Area # |
93061 - Benzonia Twp |
93061 |
Area # |
93062 - Benzonia Vlg |
93062 |
Area # |
93063 - Beulah Vlg |
93063 |
Area # |
93071 - Homestead Twp |
93071 |
Area # |
93072 - Honor Vlg |
93072 |
Area # |
93081 - Inland Twp |
93081 |
Area # |
93091 - Blaine Twp |
93091 |
Area # |
93101 - Joyfield Twp |
93101 |
Area # |
93111 - Weldon Twp |
93111 |
Area # |
93112 - Thompsonville Vlg |
93112 |
Area # |
93121 - Colfax Twp |
93121 |
Area # |
94011 - Hagar Twp |
94011 |
Area # |
94021 - Coloma Twp |
94021 |
Area # |
94022 - Coloma |
94022 |
Area # |
94031 - Watervliet Twp |
94031 |
Area # |
94032 - Watervliet |
94032 |
Area # |
94041 - Benton Twp |
94041 |
Area # |
94042 - Benton Harbor |
94042 |
Area # |
94051 - Bainbridge Twp |
94051 |
Area # |
94061 - St. Joseph Twp |
94061 |
Area # |
94062 - St. Joseph |
94062 |
Area # |
94063 - Shoreham Vlg |
94063 |
Area # |
94071 - Lincoln Twp |
94071 |
Area # |
94072 - Stevensville Vlg |
94072 |
Area # |
94081 - Royalton Twp |
94081 |
Area # |
94091 - Sodus Twp |
94091 |
Area # |
94101 - Pipestone Twp |
94101 |
Area # |
94102 - Eau Claire Vlg |
94102 |
Area # |
94111 - Lake Twp |
94111 |
Area # |
94112 - Bridgeman |
94112 |
Area # |
94121 - Baroda Twp |
94121 |
Area # |
94122 - Baroda Vlg |
94122 |
Area # |
94131 - Oronoko Twp |
94131 |
Area # |
94141 - Berrien Twp |
94141 |
Area # |
94142 - Berrien Springs Vlg |
94142 |
Area # |
94151 - Chikaming Twp |
94151 |
Area # |
94161 - Weesaw Twp |
94161 |
Area # |
94171 - Buchanan Twp |
94171 |
Area # |
94172 - Buchanan |
94172 |
Area # |
94181 - Niles Twp |
94181 |
Area # |
94182 - Niles |
94182 |
Area # |
94191 - New Buffalo Twp |
94191 |
Area # |
94192 - New Buffalo |
94192 |
Area # |
94193 - Grand Beach Vlg |
94193 |
Area # |
94194 - Michiana Vlg |
94194 |
Area # |
94201 - Three Oaks Twp |
94201 |
Area # |
94202 - Three Oaks Vlg |
94202 |
Area # |
94211 - Galien Twp |
94211 |
Area # |
94212 - Galien Vlg |
94212 |
Area # |
94221 - Bertrand Twp |
94221 |
Area # |
95011 - Sherwood Twp |
95011 |
Area # |
95012 - Sherwood Vlg |
95012 |
Area # |
95021 - Union Twp |
95021 |
Area # |
95022 - Union City Vlg |
95022 |
Area # |
95031 - Girard Twp |
95031 |
Area # |
95041 - Butler Twp |
95041 |
Area # |
95051 - Matteson Twp |
95051 |
Area # |
95061 - Batavia Twp |
95061 |
Area # |
95071 - Coldwater Twp |
95071 |
Area # |
95072 - Coldwater |
95072 |
Area # |
95081 - Quincy Twp |
95081 |
Area # |
95082 - Quincy Vlg |
95082 |
Area # |
95091 - Bronson Twp |
95091 |
Area # |
95092 - Bronson |
95092 |
Area # |
95101 - Bethel Twp |
95101 |
Area # |
95111 - Ovid Twp |
95111 |
Area # |
95121 - Algansee Twp |
95121 |
Area # |
95131 - Noble Twp |
95131 |
Area # |
95141 - Gilead Twp |
95141 |
Area # |
95151 - Kinderhook Twp |
95151 |
Area # |
95161 - California Twp |
95161 |
Area # |
96011 - Bedford Twp |
96011 |
Area # |
96021 - Pennfield Twp |
96021 |
Area # |
96031 - Convis Twp |
96031 |
Area # |
96041 - Lee Twp |
96041 |
Area # |
96051 - Clarence Twp |
96051 |
Area # |
96061 - Battle Creek |
96061 |
Area # |
96062 - Springfield |
96062 |
Area # |
96071 - Emmett Twp |
96071 |
Area # |
96081 - Marshall Twp |
96081 |
Area # |
96082 - Marshall |
96082 |
Area # |
96091 - Marengo Twp |
96091 |
Area # |
96101 - Sheridan Twp |
96101 |
Area # |
96111 - Leroy Twp |
96111 |
Area # |
96121 - Newton Twp |
96121 |
Area # |
96131 - Fredonia Twp |
96131 |
Area # |
96141 - Eckford Twp |
96141 |
Area # |
96151 - Albion Twp |
96151 |
Area # |
96152 - Albion |
96152 |
Area # |
96161 - Athens Twp |
96161 |
Area # |
96162 - Athens Vlg |
96162 |
Area # |
96171 - Burlington Twp |
96171 |
Area # |
96172 - Burlington Vlg |
96172 |
Area # |
96181 - Tekonsha Twp |
96181 |
Area # |
96182 - Tekonsha Vlg |
96182 |
Area # |
96191 - Clarendon Twp |
96191 |
Area # |
96201 - Homer Twp |
96201 |
Area # |
96202 - Homer Vlg |
96202 |
Area # |
99999 - Out Of Area |
99999 |
Association Fee Frequency |
Annually |
Fee is paid or received once a year. |
Association Fee Frequency |
Monthly |
Fee is paid or received once a month. |
Association Fee Frequency |
One Time |
1T |
Fee is paid or received once and is not reoccurring. |
Association Fee Frequency |
Optional |
The association fee is optional |
Association Fee Frequency |
Quarterly |
Fee is paid or received quarterly. |
Association Fee Frequency |
Semi-Annually |
SA |
Fee is paid or received twice a year. |
Association Fee Includes |
Cable TV |
Cable TV is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Electricity |
Electricity is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Gas |
Gas is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Insurance |
Insurance is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Internet |
Internet access is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Maintenance Grounds |
Maintenance of the grounds including lawns and common areas but not including exterior structures. |
Association Fee Includes |
Maintenance Structure |
Maintenance of the structure is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Other |
One or more items not listed are included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Pest Control |
Pest Control is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Security |
Security is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Sewer |
Sewer is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Snow Removal |
Snow Removal is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Trash |
Trash is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Utilities |
Utilities are included in the fee paid to the Association. |
Association Fee Includes |
Water |
Water is included in the fee paid to the association. |
Basement Description |
Bath/Stubbed |
The basement is stubbed for a bathroom. |
Basement Description |
Common |
The basement is located within a shared common area. |
Basement Description |
Common Storage Locker |
The basement contains a storage locker available for resident use. |
Basement Description |
Daylight |
The basement has natural lighting. |
Basement Description |
Finished |
The floors, ceiling, and walls of the basement are finished. |
Basement Description |
Full |
The basement fills the entire space under the structure. |
Basement Description |
Interior Entry |
The basement has an interior entry. |
Basement Description |
Partial |
The basement partially fills the space under the house. |
Basement Description |
Partially Finished |
The basement is partially finished. Some finishing work is done but not all. Examples may include underlayment and flooring; walls are framed, insulated, drywalled and painted; etc. |
Basement Description |
Private |
The basement is private. For use with multi-unit dwellings. |
Basement Description |
Private Storage Locker |
The basement has a private storage locker. |
Basement Description |
Unfinished |
The basement is unfinished. |
Basement Description |
Walk-Out Access |
WO |
A walk-out basement is a structure where the basement space is directly accessible from the outside with the entryway level with the ground. |
Basement Description |
Walk-Up Access |
WU |
A walk-up basement is a structure where the basement space is directly accessible from the outside with the entryway below ground, and usually has exterior stairs leading up to ground level. |
Building Features |
Air Cleaner |
The property includes an air cleaner. |
Building Features |
Awning/Overhang(s) |
The commercial building or unit listed has an awning and/or overhang(s) |
Building Features |
Chimney Caps |
The commercial building or unit listed has chimney caps |
Building Features |
De-Humidifier |
The property includes a device that removes excess moisture from the air. |
Building Features |
Doors 10-15 ft |
D1015 |
The commercial building or unit listed has doors 10-15 ft |
Building Features |
Doors 16-20 ft |
D1620 |
The commercial building or unit listed has doors 16-20 ft |
Building Features |
Doors Over 20 ft |
D20P |
The commercial building or unit listed has doors Over 20 ft |
Building Features |
Doors Under 10 ft |
D20L |
The commercial building or unit listed has doors under 10 ft |
Building Features |
Dual-Flush Toilets |
A dual-flush toilet is a variation of the flush toilet that uses two buttons or a handle mechanism to flush different amounts of water. |
Building Features |
Elevator(s) |
The property contains an elevator. |
Building Features |
Employee Lunch/Lounge |
The commercial property contains an employee lunchroom or lounge |
Building Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Door(s) |
For purposes of marketing, the property has doors that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Building Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Exhaust Fan(s) |
The commercial property contains ENERGY STAR® Qualified exhaust fan(s) |
Building Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Light Fixture(s) |
For purposes of marketing, the property has lighting that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Building Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Skylights |
The property has Energy Star® Qualified Skylight(s). |
Building Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Solar Light Tubes |
The property listed has ENERGY STAR® Qualified Solar Light Tubes |
Building Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Window(s) |
For purposes of marketing, the property has windows that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Building Features |
Gutter Guard System |
The commercial building or unit listed has Gutter Guard System |
Building Features |
Hoist |
The commercial property contains a hoist |
Building Features |
Humidifier |
The property includes a humidity control device or system. |
Building Features |
Intercom |
The commercial property contains an intercom |
Building Features |
Levelers |
The commercial building or unit listed has levelers |
Building Features |
Loading Dock/Grade |
The commercial building or unit listed has loading dock/grade |
Building Features |
Loading Dock/Well |
The commercial building or unit listed has loading dock/well |
Building Features |
Other |
The property offers building features other than what is listed. |
Building Features |
Outside Lighting |
OL |
The commercial building or unit listed has outside lighting |
Building Features |
Overhead Doors |
The commercial property offers overhead doors for the passage of vehicles and/or to allow access for loading and unloading items, storage for heavy equipment, etc. |
Building Features |
Permeable Paving |
The commercial building or unit listed has permeable paving |
Building Features |
Programmable Thermostat |
For purposes of marketing, the property has thermostat(s) that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Building Features |
Rain Barrel/Cistern(s) |
The commercial building or unit listed has rain barrel/cistern(s) |
Building Features |
Satellite Dish |
The commercial building or unit listed has a satellite dish |
Building Features |
Sidewalks |
Building Features |
Sprinkler(s) |
The commercial building or unit listed has sprinkler(s) |
Building Features |
Used WaterSense Irrigation Partner |
The commercial building or unit listed has Used WaterSense® Irrigation Partner |
Building Features |
WaterSense Labeled Faucet(s) |
The property has WaterSense® faucet(s). |
Building Features |
WaterSense Labeled Irrigation Controller |
The property has a WaterSense® irrigation controller. |
Building Features |
WaterSense Labeled Showerhead(s) |
The property has WaterSense® showerhead(s). |
Building Features |
WaterSense Labeled Toilet(s) |
The property has WaterSense® toilet(s). |
Building Features |
WaterSense Labeled Urinal(s) |
The property has WaterSense® urinal(s). |
Business Type |
Agriculture |
The listing is for an agriculture business. |
Business Type |
Apartments |
The listing is for apartments. |
Business Type |
Commercial |
The listing is for a commercial business. |
Business Type |
Gas Station |
The listing is for a gas station business. |
Business Type |
Hotel/Motel |
The listing is for a hotel/motel business. |
Business Type |
Industrial |
The listing is for an industrial business. |
Business Type |
Manufacturing |
The listing is for a manufacturing business. |
Business Type |
Medical |
The listing is for a medical business. |
Business Type |
Mixed |
The listing is for a mixed business. |
Business Type |
Professional/Office |
The listing is for a professional/office business. |
Business Type |
Recreation |
The listing is for a recreation business. |
Business Type |
Residential |
The listing is for a residential business. |
Business Type |
Retail |
The listing is for a retail business. |
Business Type |
Service |
The listing is for a professional service business. |
Business Type |
Warehouse |
The listing is for a warehouse business. |
Business Type |
Wholesale |
The listing is for a wholesale business. |
Buyer Financing |
Assumed |
The buyer assumed a current form of financing. |
Buyer Financing |
Cash |
The buyer paid cash for the property. |
Buyer Financing |
Contract |
The purchase of a property involved an agreement to perform service(s), provide product(s), share of income, provide seller financing, or some other agreement as the method of payment for the property. |
Buyer Financing |
Conventional |
The buyer used conventional financing to purchase the home. |
Buyer Financing |
A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. |
Buyer Financing |
FHA 203(k) |
FHA203K |
A loan, for the rehabilitation and repair of a single-family residence, from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. |
Buyer Financing |
Lease |
The property represented by the listing was leased. |
Buyer Financing |
Other |
The buyer used another form of financing that is not included in the options provided in this list. |
Buyer Financing |
A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Agriculture. |
Buyer Financing |
VA |
VA |
A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Veteran's Affairs. |
City/Village/Twp |
City |
C |
The property is located within a city. |
City/Village/Twp |
Township |
T |
The property is located within a township. |
City/Village/Twp |
Village |
V |
The property is located within a village. |
Class Name |
Land Lease |
ClassName |
Business Opportunity |
The class, sometimes known as property type, is a business for sale. |
ClassName |
Commercial Lease |
The class, sometimes known as property type, is a commercial property for lease. |
ClassName |
Commercial Sale |
The class, sometimes known as property type, is a commercial property for sale. |
ClassName |
Cross Property |
CP |
The class, sometimes known as property type, is a collection of all listing property types. |
ClassName |
Land |
The class, sometimes known as property type, is land for sale or lease. |
ClassName |
Residential |
The class, sometimes known as property type, is residential property for sale. |
ClassName |
Residential Income |
The class, sometimes known as property type, is residential income or multi-family property for sale. |
ClassName |
Residential Lease |
The class, sometimes known as property type, is residential property for lease. |
Closing Concessions YN |
No |
NO |
Concessions were not given as a part of this sale. |
Closing Concessions YN |
Yes |
Concessions were given as a part of this sale. |
Contingency |
Accepting Backup Offers |
Listing Brokers, in response to inquiries from buyers or cooperating brokers, shall disclose the existence of any “accepted offer” (defined as fully executed contract signed by the seller and buyer, even with contingencies), when showing appointments ARE still being scheduled, the property must be reported Accepting Backup Offers. |
Contingency |
Dependent on Sale of Buyer's Home |
A contingency type where the listing is changed to an Active Under Contract/Contingent Continue to Show status as a result of the purchase being dependent upon the sale of the buyer's home. |
Cooling |
Attic Fan |
AF |
The property has an attic fan. |
Cooling |
Ceiling Fan(s) |
CF |
The property has one or more ceiling fans. |
Cooling |
Central Air |
The property has central air conditioning. |
Cooling |
Chiller Cooling System |
A Chiller System is designed to remove heat from a liquid through a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. A chiller system is responsible for cooling water or other fluids to provide air conditioning in buildings or process cooling in industrial settings.
RIGID HVAC CO., LTD. (2024, January 22). What is a Chiller System - A Comprehensive Guide. RIGID HVAC. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from https://www.rigidhvac.com/blog/chiller-system-comprehensive-guide. |
Cooling |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Ceiling Fan(s) |
The ceiling fan(s) are ENERGY STAR Qualified. |
Cooling |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Equipment |
The cooling system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. |
Cooling |
ENERGY STAR/ACCI RSI Qualified Installation |
The cooling system was an ENERGY STAR/ACCI RSI Qualified Installation |
Cooling |
Evaporative Cooling |
EC |
Evaporative Coolers evaporate water into the air to provide cooling. Evaporative coolers, also called swamp coolers, pass outdoor air over water-saturated pads, the water in the pads evaporate, reducing the air temperature by 15°- to 40°F-before it is directed into the home.
U.S. Department of ENERGY. (n.d.). Evaporative Coolers Energy Saver.Energy.gov. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/evaporative-coolers |
Cooling |
Heat Pump |
HP |
Heat pumps offer an alternative to furnaces and air conditioners. Heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from a cool space to a warm space, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer. During the heating season, heat pumps move heat from the cool outdoors into a warm house. During the cooling season, heat pumps move heat from the house to the outdoors. There are multiple types of heat pumps.
U.S. Department of ENERGY. (n.d.). Heat Pump Systems Energy Saver. Energy.gov. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/heat-pump-systems |
Cooling |
Seperate Meter |
The cooling system has separate meters for its multiple units/zones. |
Cooling |
Wall Unit(s) |
The cooling system is stand alone and mounted in an opening in an outer wall. |
Cooling |
Wall/Window Unit(s) |
The cooling system is mounted in an opening in the wall or in a window. |
Cooling |
Window Unit(s) |
The cooling system is window mounted. |
Country |
Canada |
CA |
Canada is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two-letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. |
Country |
United States |
US |
United States is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two-letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. |
County |
Alcona |
County |
Alger |
County |
Allegan |
County |
Alpena |
County |
Antrim |
County |
Arenac |
County |
Baraga |
County |
Barry |
County |
Bay |
County |
Benzie |
County |
Berrien |
County |
Branch |
County |
Calhoun |
County |
Cass |
County |
Charlevoix |
County |
Cheboygan |
County |
Chippewa |
County |
Clare |
County |
Clinton |
County |
Crawford |
County |
Delta |
County |
Dickinson |
County |
Eaton |
County |
Emmet |
County |
Genesee |
County |
Gladwin |
County |
Gogebic |
County |
Grand Traverse |
County |
Gratiot |
County |
Hillsdale |
County |
Houghton |
County |
Huron |
County |
Ingham |
County |
Ionia |
County |
Iosco |
County |
Iron |
County |
Isabella |
County |
Jackson |
County |
Kalamazoo |
County |
Kalkaska |
County |
Kent |
County |
Keweenaw |
County |
Lake |
County |
Lapeer |
County |
Leelanau |
County |
Lenawee |
County |
Livingston |
County |
Luce |
County |
Mackinac |
County |
Macomb |
County |
Manistee |
County |
Marquette |
County |
Mason |
County |
Mecosta |
County |
Menominee |
County |
Midland |
County |
Missaukee |
County |
Monroe |
County |
Montcalm |
County |
Montmorency |
County |
Muskegon |
County |
Newaygo |
County |
Oakland |
County |
Oceana |
County |
Ogemaw |
County |
Ontonagon |
County |
Osceola |
County |
Oscoda |
County |
Otsego |
County |
Ottawa |
County |
Out Of Area |
County |
Out Of State |
County |
Presque Isle |
County |
Roscommon |
County |
Saginaw |
County |
Sanilac |
County |
Schoolcraft |
County |
Shiawassee |
County |
St. Clair |
County |
St. Joseph |
County |
Tuscola |
County |
Van Buren |
County |
Washtenaw |
County |
Wayne |
County |
Wexford |
Current Use |
Agricultural |
The land is currently used for agriculture. |
Current Use |
Automotive |
The property is currently used for automotive maintenance or repair. |
Current Use |
Commercial |
The property is currently used for commercial purposes. |
Current Use |
Convenience Store |
The property is currently used for a convenience store. |
Current Use |
Hunting |
The land is currently used for hunting. |
Current Use |
Livestock |
The land is currently used for livestock. |
Current Use |
Medical/Dental |
The property is currently used for medical/dental business. |
Current Use |
Mini-Storage |
The property is currently used for mini-storage business. |
Current Use |
Mixed Use |
The property is currently used for mixed uses. |
Current Use |
Multi-Family |
The listing is currently used for multi-family dwelling. |
Current Use |
Office |
The property is currently used as office space. |
Current Use |
Other |
The property is currently used for some use other than those in this list. |
Current Use |
Place of Worship |
The property is currently used for a place or worship. |
Current Use |
Residential |
The listing is currently used for residential purposes. |
Current Use |
Restaurant |
The property is currently used as a restaurant. |
Current Use |
Retail |
The listing is currently used for retail purposes. |
Current Use |
Service |
The listing is currently used for service purposes. |
Current Use |
Subdivision |
The land is currently used for property subdivisions. |
Current Use |
Unimproved |
The land is currently unimproved. |
Current Use |
Vacant |
The property is currently vacant. |
Current Use |
Warehouse |
The property is currently used for warehousing. |
Disclosures |
Actual Income |
AI |
The income provided on the listing reflects actual income. |
Disclosures |
Annual Property Operating Data Available |
Annual Property Operating Data is available for the property. |
Disclosures |
Annual Property Operating Data Not Available |
Disclosures |
Conforms to Zoning |
The property conforms to zoning. |
Disclosures |
Encroachment |
An intrusion of an improvement or other real property onto another's property.
Reilly, John W. The Language of Real Estate. 5th ed., Diana Faulhaber, 2000. |
Disclosures |
Exclusion(s) Do Not Exist |
Disclosures |
Exclusion(s) Exist |
Disclosures |
Inventory Included |
Inventory is included. |
Disclosures |
Inventory List Available |
An inventory list is available. |
Disclosures |
Legal Rental Certified |
The property is rental certified. |
Disclosures |
Mineral Rights |
The mineral rights are included with this listing. |
Disclosures |
No Encroachment |
There are no encroachments. |
Disclosures |
No Inventory Included |
Inventory is not included. |
Disclosures |
No Inventory List Available |
An inventory list is not available. |
Disclosures |
No Legal Rental Certification |
The property is not rental certified. |
Disclosures |
No Mineral Rights |
The mineral rights are not included with this listing. |
Disclosures |
No Restrictions |
There are no association restrictions. |
Disclosures |
No Smoking Allowed |
Smoking is not allowed inside the property. |
Disclosures |
Non-Conforming Zoning |
The property does not conform to zoning. |
Disclosures |
Perk No |
The property does not perk. |
Disclosures |
Perk Yes |
The property perks. |
Disclosures |
Projected Income |
PI |
The income provided on the listing is projected. |
Disclosures |
Restrictions |
There are association restrictions. |
Disclosures |
Smoking Allowed |
Smoking is allowed inside the property. |
Disclosures |
Survey Available |
The property survey is available. |
Disclosures |
Survey Not Available |
Disclosures |
Taxes Homestead Exempt |
The taxes entered reflect that the property is homestead exempt. The taxes are homestead. |
Disclosures |
Taxes Not Homestead Exempt |
The taxes entered reflect that the property is not homestead exempt. The taxes are not homestead. |
Disclosures |
Taxes Partially Homestead Exempt |
A portion of the property is homestead exempt. |
Dockominium Amenities |
Bathhouse |
BH |
Dockominium Amenities |
Cable Hookups |
Dockominium Amenities |
Cement Dock |
Dockominium Amenities |
Clubhouse |
CH |
Dockominium Amenities |
Covered Well |
Dockominium Amenities |
Diesel Dock |
Dockominium Amenities |
Drive Up Parking |
Dockominium Amenities |
Enclosed Well |
Dockominium Amenities |
Exercise Room |
ER |
Dockominium Amenities |
Fiberglass Dock |
Dockominium Amenities |
Floating Dock |
Dockominium Amenities |
Full Service Marina |
Dockominium Amenities |
Garages |
Dockominium Amenities |
Gas Dock |
Dockominium Amenities |
Haul Out Facility |
Dockominium Amenities |
Individual Hoist |
IH |
Dockominium Amenities |
Individual Pumpout |
IP |
Dockominium Amenities |
Jacuzzi |
Dockominium Amenities |
Laundry Facility |
LF |
Dockominium Amenities |
Pumpout Facility |
PF |
Dockominium Amenities |
Rack Storage |
Dockominium Amenities |
Restaurant |
Dockominium Amenities |
Security |
Dockominium Amenities |
Separate Electric |
Dockominium Amenities |
Steel Dock |
Dockominium Amenities |
Steel Pilings |
Dockominium Amenities |
Telephone Hookups |
Dockominium Amenities |
Tenant Occupied |
Dockominium Amenities |
Tennis Courts |
Dockominium Amenities |
Winter Storage |
Dockominium Amenities |
Wood Dock |
Dockominium Amenities |
Wood Pilings |
Electric |
> 440V Available |
440VP |
The property can accommodate greater than 440-volt service. |
Electric |
100 Amp Service |
100AS |
The electrical features of the property include 100-amp service. |
Electric |
220 Volts |
220VLT |
The electrical features of the property include 220 volts. |
Electric |
3 Phase Power |
Three-phase electric power is a common method of alternating current electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. |
Electric |
440 Volts |
440VLT |
The electrical features of the property include 440 volts. |
Electric |
Bus Duct |
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) defines a bus duct, also called busway, as a prefabricated electrical distribution system consisting of bus bars in a protective enclosure, including straight lengths, fittings, devices and accessories. In electric power distribution, a bus duct, or busway, is used to conduct electricity to power cables or cable buses.
(n.d.).Busway, ABB, Retrieved August 21, 2024, from https://electrification.us.abb.com/products/busway |
Electric |
Circuit Breakers |
CB |
The electrical features of the property include circuit breakers. |
Electric |
Energy Management System |
The commercial property includes an energy management system |
Electric |
Fuses |
The electrical features of the property include fuses. |
Electric |
Generator |
The electrical features of the property include generator. |
Electric |
Utility Smart Meter |
The commercial property contains a Utility Smart Meter |
Entry Location |
Ground Level |
GL |
The entry to the property or unit is on the ground level, no steps are required to enter. |
Entry Location |
Ground Level w/Steps |
Entry to the property or unit is on the ground level, ascending no more than a half a flight of stairs is required to enter. |
Entry Location |
Lower Level w/Elevator |
Entry to the property or unit is on a floor lower than the ground level, an elevator is available for residents. |
Entry Location |
Lower Level w/Steps |
Entry to the property or unit is on a floor lower than the ground level, descending stairs is required to enter. |
Entry Location |
Mid Level w/Elevator |
Available only for split level homes, a mid-level entry requires ascent or descent immediately upon entry to access a floor. An elevator is available for residents. |
Entry Location |
Mid Level w/Steps |
Available only for split-level homes, a mid-level entry requires ascent or descent immediately upon entry in order to access a floor. Ascending stairs is required to enter. |
Entry Location |
Upper Level w/Elevator |
The entry to the property or unit is on an upper floor of the building, an elevator is available for residents. |
Entry Location |
Upper Level w/Steps |
The entry to the property or unit is on an upper floor of the building, ascending stairs is required to enter. |
Exterior |
Aluminum Siding |
The structure was made wholly or partly with aluminum siding. |
Exterior |
Asbestos |
The structure was made wholly or partly with asbestos. |
Exterior |
Asphalt |
The structure was made wholly or partly with asphalt. |
Exterior |
Block |
The structure was made wholly or partly with block. |
Exterior |
Brick |
The structure was made wholly or partly with brick. |
Exterior |
Brick Veneer |
The structure was made wholly or partly with brick veneer. |
Exterior |
Cedar |
The structure was made wholly or partly with cedar. |
Exterior |
Concrete |
The structure was made wholly or partly with concrete. |
Exterior |
Log |
The structure was made wholly or partly with log. |
Exterior |
Metal Siding |
The structure was made wholly or partly with metal siding. |
Exterior |
Other |
The structure was made wholly or partly with a material not listed. |
Exterior |
Shingle Siding |
The structure was made wholly or partly with shingle siding. |
Exterior |
Steel Siding |
The structure was made wholly or partly with steel siding. |
Exterior |
Stone |
The structure was made wholly or partly with stone. |
Exterior |
Stucco |
The structure was made wholly or partly with stucco. |
Exterior |
Vinyl Siding |
The structure was made wholly or partly with vinyl siding. |
Exterior |
Wood Siding |
The structure was made wholly or partly with wood siding. |
Exterior Features |
Awning(s) |
AO |
The property has one or more awnings on its exterior. |
Exterior Features |
Balcony |
The property has an exterior balcony. |
Exterior Features |
Barbecue |
The property has an outdoor barbeque. |
Exterior Features |
Basketball Court |
The property has a basketball court. |
Exterior Features |
Chimney Cap(s) |
CC |
The property includes one or more chimney caps. |
Exterior Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Skylights |
The property has Energy Star® Qualified Skylight(s). |
Exterior Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Solar Light Tubes |
The property has Energy Star® Qualified Solar Light Tube(s). |
Exterior Features |
Gate House |
GH |
The property includes a Gate House. |
Exterior Features |
Grounds Maintenance |
Maintenance of the grounds includes lawns and/or common areas. |
Exterior Features |
Gutter Guard System |
The property includes a Gutter Guard System |
Exterior Features |
Lighting |
OL |
The property has exterior lighting. |
Exterior Features |
Permeable Paving |
PP |
The property has permeable paving that allows fluids to run through the paving to the below ground or channeling. |
Exterior Features |
Playground |
PG |
The property has a playground. |
Exterior Features |
Private Entrance |
The property has a private entrance. |
Exterior Features |
Rain Barrel/Cistern(s) |
The property has a cistern or barrel for water collection. |
Exterior Features |
Rain Barrel/Cistern(s) |
The property has a cistern or barrel for water collection. |
Exterior Features |
Spa/Hot-tub |
The property contains an exterior spa or hot tub. |
Exterior Features |
Tennis Court(s) |
TC |
The property has one or more tennis courts. |
Exterior Features |
Used WaterSense Irrigation Partner |
Used an EPA WaterSense Irrigation partner |
Exterior Features |
WaterSense Labeled Irrigation Controller |
To earn the WaterSense label, landscape irrigation controllers must be able to adequately meet the watering needs of a landscape without overwatering. WaterSense labeled controllers are third-party certified to ensure that they meet the WaterSense criteria for efficiency and performance.
National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP). (2013, February). WaterSense Labeled Irrigation Controllers. Retrieved September 3, 2024 from https://www.epa.gov/ |
Fencing |
Back Yard |
The back yard is fenced. |
Fencing |
Fenced |
The property is fenced. |
Fencing |
Fencing Allowed |
Fencing is allowed. |
Fencing |
Fencing Not Allowed |
Fencing is not allowed. |
Fencing |
Fencing Required with Pool |
Fencing is required if a pool is on the property. |
Fencing |
Front Yard |
The front yard is fenced. |
Fencing |
Invisible |
The property has invisible fencing. |
Fencing |
Perimeter |
The property has a perimeter fence. |
Fireplace Features |
Basement |
There is a fireplace in the basement. |
Fireplace Features |
Dining Room |
DR |
The property has a fireplace in the dining room. |
Fireplace Features |
Double Sided |
The property has a double-sided fireplace. |
Fireplace Features |
Electric |
The fireplace is electric. |
Fireplace Features |
EPA Certified Wood Stove |
The property has an EPA certified wood stove. |
Fireplace Features |
EPA Qualified Fireplace |
The property has an EPA certified fireplace. |
Fireplace Features |
Family Room |
FM |
There is a fireplace in the family room. |
Fireplace Features |
Gas |
The fireplace burns gas. |
Fireplace Features |
Great Room |
GR |
There is a fireplace in the great room. |
Fireplace Features |
Kitchen |
The property has a fireplace in the kitchen. |
Fireplace Features |
Library |
The property has a fireplace in the library. |
Fireplace Features |
Living Room |
LR |
The property has a fireplace in the living room. |
Fireplace Features |
Other Fuel(s) |
The fireplace(s) use a type of fuel that is not included in this list. |
Fireplace Features |
Other Location(s) |
There are one or more fireplaces in locations not included in this list. |
Fireplace Features |
Primary Bedroom |
The property has a fireplace in the primary bedroom. |
Fireplace Features |
Wood Burning |
The fireplace is wood burning. |
Fireplace Features |
Wood Burning Stove |
The property includes a wood burning stove. |
Foundation Details |
Active Radon Mitigation |
Radon mitigation systems are often made of a series of pipes and fans that remove radon vapors from under the foundation and exhaust them above the roof. This type of system is also referred to as an active soil depressurization system.
(n.d.). Radon Mitigation Systems. Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. Retrieved August 21, 2024, from https://www.michigan.gov/egle/about/organization/materials-management/indoor-radon/radon-mitigation-systems |
Foundation Details |
Basement |
The foundation of the property is built on a partial or full basement. |
Foundation Details |
Block |
The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of block. |
Foundation Details |
Brick/Mortar |
The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of brick/mortar. |
Foundation Details |
Crawl Space |
A hallow space between the ground and the first floor that typically has a low clearance. |
Foundation Details |
Drainage System |
DS |
The property foundation employs a drainage system to help mitigate moisture. |
Foundation Details |
Heavy Duty Footings |
Heavy duty footings are used to support heavy loads. |
Foundation Details |
Insulating Concrete Forms |
Insulating concrete form or insulated concrete form (ICF) is a system of formwork for reinforced concrete usually made with a rigid thermal insulation that stays in place as a permanent interior and exterior substrate for walls, floors, and roofs.
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Insulating concrete form. Wikipedia. Retrieved September 3, 2024 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulating_concrete_form#:~:text=Insulating%20concrete%20form%20or%20insulated,or%20floors%20of%20a%20building. |
Foundation Details |
Michigan Basement |
A Michigan basement is a crawl space that was dug out to form a basement. They often contain an earthen floor and have lower than normal "ceilings". |
Foundation Details |
Passive Radon Mitigation |
A passive radon ventilation system consists of a vertical vent pipe extending up from a sub-slab collection pipe or mat, through the conditioned space of the home, and through the roof. The natural stack effect pulls soil gases up and out of the house.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Indoor airPLUS Technical Bulletin Activating a Passive Radon System. EPA. Retrieved September 3, 2024 from https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/documents/2020.02_tech_bulletin_activating_a_passive_radon_system.pdf. |
Foundation Details |
Pilings |
Piling is a fundamental technique that involves creating deep foundations to support structures. It involves driving or drilling long, slender columns known as piles deep into the ground until they reach a stable layer of soil or rock.
ProDrive. (2023, August 10). The Basics of Piling in Construction: A Comprehensive Guide. ProDrive. Retrieved September 3, 2024 from https://www.prodrivepiling.com/ |
Foundation Details |
Pillar/Post/Pier |
PP |
The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of pillar/post/pier. |
Foundation Details |
Poured |
The foundation of the property has a concrete perimeter. |
Foundation Details |
Sealed Foundation |
SF |
The foundation is sealed with a moisture barrier. |
Foundation Details |
Slab |
The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of a concrete slab. |
Foundation Details |
Stone |
The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of stone. |
Foundation Details |
Sump Pump |
SP |
The basement has a sump pump. |
Foundation Details |
Wood |
The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of wood. |
Furnished |
Furnished |
The dwelling is being offered as furnished. |
Furnished |
Furnished |
The given type of unit comes furnished. |
Furnished |
Negotiable |
The furnishing(s) in the property may be negotiated. Contact the listing agent/office for more information. |
Furnished |
Partially |
The dwelling is being offered as partially furnished. |
Furnished |
Partially |
The given type of unit comes partially furnished. |
Furnished |
Unfurnished |
The dwelling is being offered as unfurnished. |
Furnished |
Unfurnished |
The given type of unit comes unfurnished. |
Garage and Parking Features |
1 Car Garage |
1CAR |
The property has a 1 car garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
1.5 Car Garage |
The property has an oversized 1 car garage |
Garage and Parking Features |
2 Car Garage |
2CAR |
The property has a 2 car garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
2.5 Car Garage |
The property has an oversized 2 car garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
3 Car Garage |
3CAR |
The property has a 3 car garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
3.5 Car Garage |
The property has an oversized 3 car garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
4 Car Garage |
4CAR |
The property has a 4 car garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
5 Car Garage |
5CAR |
The property has a 5 car garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
6 or More Car Garage |
The property has a 6 car, or greater sized garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Alley Access |
The property has alley access. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Assigned |
The property has assigned parking space(s). |
Garage and Parking Features |
Assigned 1 Space |
1ASP |
The property has 1 assigned space. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Assigned 2+ Spaces |
The property has 2 or more assigned spaces. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Attached |
The garage is attached to the dwelling. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Basement |
A basement garage is partially or mostly below grade, with its entrance level with the basement floor. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Carport |
A carport is present on the property. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Circular Driveway |
The property has a circular driveway. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Covered |
The property has covered parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Detached |
The garage is detached from the dwelling. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Direct Access |
The parking has direct access to the property or structure. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Drive Through |
The property has drive through parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Driveway |
The property has a driveway. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Electric Vehicle Charging Station(s) |
The property has one or more electric vehicle charging stations. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Electricity in Garage |
The property has electricity in the garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Garage |
The property has a garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Garage Door Opener |
The garage has an automatic garage door opener. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Garage Faces Front |
The property has a garage that faces the front of the property. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Garage Faces Rear |
The property has a garage that faces the rear of the property. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Garage Faces Side |
The property has a garage that faces the side of the property. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Heated Garage |
The property has a heated garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Leased |
The property has leased parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Lift |
The property has a lift in the garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Lighted |
The property has lighted parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
No Garage |
The property has no garage. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Off Site |
The property has off-site parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
On Site |
The property has on-site parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
On Street |
The property has on street parking only. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Other |
The property has parking features other than those included in this list. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Oversized |
The property has parking for oversized vehicles. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Parking Lot |
The property has access to a parking lot. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Parking Pad |
The property has a parking pad. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Parking Structure |
Garage and Parking Features |
Paved |
The property has paved parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Paver Block |
The property has parking on paver blocks. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Permit Required |
Parking at the property or on the street requires a permit. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Secured |
The property has secure parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Shared Driveway |
The property has a shared driveway. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Side Entrance |
The property has a garage that faces the side of the property. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Tandem |
The property has tandem parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Unassigned |
The property has unassigned or open parking. |
Garage and Parking Features |
Workshop in Garage |
The property has a workshop in the garage. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Appliances |
For purposes of marketing, the property has appliances that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Construction |
For purposes of marketing, the property has construction that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Doors |
For purposes of marketing, the property has doors that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Exposure/Shade |
For purposes of marketing, the property has exposure/shade that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
For purposes of marketing, the property has a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Incentives |
For purposes of marketing, the property has incentives that have some green/efficiency focus. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Insulation |
For purposes of marketing, the property has insulation that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Lighting |
For purposes of marketing, the property has lighting that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Roof |
For purposes of marketing, the property has a roof that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Thermostat |
For purposes of marketing, the property has thermostat(s) that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Water Heater |
For purposes of marketing, the property has a water heater that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Efficient |
Windows |
For purposes of marketing, the property has windows that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Green Energy Generation |
Grid-Tied |
A grid-connected system allows you to power your home or small business with renewable energy during those periods (daily as well as seasonally) when the sun is shining, the water is running, or the wind is blowing. Any excess electricity you produce is fed back into the grid. When renewable resources are unavailable, electricity from the grid supplies your needs.
ENERGY Department. (n.d.). Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Systems Energy Saver. Energy.gov. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/grid-connected-renewable-energy-systems |
Green Energy Generation |
Net-Metering Renewable Energy Credits |
The property is equipped with a net-meter for renewable energy credits. |
Green Energy Generation |
Off-Grid |
The property is not tied to the local utility grid. Power generation for the property is done on premises. |
Green Energy Generation |
Pre-Wired For PV Solar |
The property is pre-wired for solar panel(s). |
Green Energy Generation |
Pre-Wired For Wind Turbine(s) |
The property is pre-wired for wind turbine(s). |
Green Energy Generation |
PV Solar Array(s) 3rd-Party Owned |
The power for the property is generated by a 3rd party owned solar array. |
Green Energy Generation |
PV Solar Array(s) Direct Ownership |
The power for the property is generated by a solar array owned by the property owner. |
Green Energy Generation |
Solar |
Renewable form of onsite power generation. Most common are solar photovoltaic (PV) devices which generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process that occurs naturally in certain types of material, called semiconductors. Powers electrical devices or sends electricity to the grid. See: http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-electric |
Green Energy Generation |
Wind |
Renewable form of onsite power generation. Wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Powers electrical devices or sends electricity to the grid. See: http://energy.gov/eere/wind/how-do-wind-turbines-work |
Green Indoor Air Quality |
Contaminant Control |
Property has been carefully designed to prevent, monitor, and suppress pollution issues. Carefully selected low-emission materials have been used in the home. May include passive or active radon control, carbon monoxide monitoring, and high-efficiency sealed combustion for equipment such as furnaces and water heaters. May include elimination of materials that contain lead or asbestos. May include reduction of materials that contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs, including formaldehyde) and pesticides. |
Green Indoor Air Quality |
Integrated Pest Management |
Property is designed for systematic management of pests that uses prevention, exclusion, monitoring, and suppression. |
Green Indoor Air Quality |
Moisture Control |
Every foundation, roof, roofing component, exterior wall, door, skylight, and window is designed and maintained to be watertight and free of persistent dampness or moisture. |
Green Indoor Air Quality |
Ventilation |
Furnaces, water heaters, woodstoves, and other devices that employ combustion-burning fuel are vented to the outside in a manner that meets manufacturer specifications to prevent back-drafting. Natural and/or mechanical ventilation delivers fresh air to every habitable room and bathroom to remove moisture laden air and other contaminants generated during cooking and bathing/showering. The air exhausted from a bathroom, toilet room, or kitchen does not vent into habitable space or an attic. |
Green Sustainability |
Conserving Methods |
Construction is planned to require fewer materials while maintaining structural integrity. May include advanced wall framing as documented in several major green building programs. May also include indigenous construction methods such as straw bale, sod, clay, etc., based on local climate, materials, and practices. |
Green Sustainability |
Onsite Recycling Center |
Property includes sufficient built-in storage space and/or containers for temporary storage of recyclable materials and/or compost collection. |
Green Sustainability |
Recyclable Materials |
Structure includes multiple products that have a significant amount of postconsumer recycled content. Major green building programs tend to use 25 percent postconsumer recycled content as a threshold. Postindustrial recycled content tends to count toward overall content, but to a less scale. Some more common examples of recycled content materials include masonry, paving stones, or foundations with fly ash; aluminum gutters and downspouts; decking; drywall fibers, insulation, and house wrap; vinyl plastics; countertops; and cabinets, interior doors, or trim. More details are available on Home Innovation Research Labs “Browse Green Certified Products” tool or LEED Environmentally Preferred Products credit table. |
Green Sustainability |
Recycled Materials |
Structure includes multiple products that have a significant amount of postconsumer recycled content. Major green building programs tend to use 25 percent postconsumer recycled content as a threshold. Postindustrial recycled content tends to count toward overall content, but to a less scale. Some more common examples of recycled content materials include masonry, paving stones, or foundations with fly ash; aluminum gutters and downspouts; decking; drywall fibers, insulation, and house wrap; vinyl plastics; countertops; and cabinets, interior doors, or trim. More details are available on Home Innovation Research Labs “Browse Green Certified Products” tool or LEED Environmentally Preferred Products credit table. |
Green Sustainability |
Regionally-Sourced Materials |
Refers to building materials that were manufactured, extracted, harvested, or recovered within 500 miles of the building. Several major green building programs define regionally sourced as within a 500-mile radius. |
Green Sustainability |
Renewable Materials |
Structure includes materials that are naturally occurring, abundant, and/or fast-growing materials. Some products are certified to come from fast-growing or otherwise renewable sources such as flooring and wood products. Some materials may be bio-based, which means they have been processed from once-living materials such as paper, straw, soy, natural fibers, and crops. |
Green Sustainability |
Salvaged Materials |
Structure incorporates materials that were diverted from a landfill and/or sourced to give an otherwise unused item fresh use as an attached fixture. May include bricks, timbers, roofing, flooring, walls, cabinets, doors, etc. |
Green Water Conservation |
Efficient Hot Water Distribution |
Efficient hot water distribution systems are designed to generate hot water using fewer fuel resources, and to get hot water to low-flow faucets and fixtures more quickly. These systems often feature carefully designed plumbing lines that are less redundant and/or shorter. Rather than measuring time to hot water at a fixture in gallons, efficient distribution systems can be measured in cups. EPA WaterSense Guide for Hot Water Distribution as well as several green building programs have further details. This may also be known as Structured Plumbing. |
Green Water Conservation |
Gray Water System |
The property includes a grey water system. |
Green Water Conservation |
Green Infrastructure |
Green Infrastructure is a set of strategies and specifically designed systems to manage stormwater runoff through a variety of small, cost-effective landscape features located on a property. Green Infrastructure employs infiltration (allowing water to slowly sink into the soil), evaporation/transpiration using native vegetation, and rainwater capture and reuse (storing runoff to water plants, flush toilets, etc.). May include green roof, rain gardens, rain barrels, permeable paving, etc. EPA Green Infrastructure webpage has more information |
Green Water Conservation |
Low-Flow Fixtures |
Toilets, bathroom faucets, showerheads, irrigation controllers, and other products can be manufactured to use less water than minimum standards. Some products are qualified by third-party programs like the EPA WaterSense and are typically at least 20 percent more water-efficient than standard products. EPA WaterSense website has additional information |
Green Water Conservation |
Water Recycling |
The property includes a system to reuse stormwater via rain barrels or cisterns for landscaping, or to treat and reuse water from bathroom sinks, showers, and clothes washing drains for landscape irrigation and/or toilet flushing. |
Green Water Conservation |
Water-Smart Landscaping |
Water-smart landscapes are designed to require less water and fertilizer treatments. These landscapes feature regionally appropriate plants that require low water and are native to the local climate. Plants are organized by hydrozones (watering needs). Any irrigation system is qualified for high water-efficiency. Turfgrass is minimized and grown to the tallest height recommended. Strategic maintenance includes mulching and soil aeration. Other details are documented in EPA’s Water-Smart Landscape Design Tips. |
Heating |
Baseboard |
Baseboard heating utilizes convection, as cold air drops from the window, it enters the baseboard heating unit where the air is warmed by heating elements, typically fins. |
Heating |
Coal |
The heating system uses coal as its fuel to generate heat. |
Heating |
Electric |
A heating system that utilizes electricity and heating elements, such as coils or fins, to generate heat. |
Heating |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Furnace Equipment |
The heating system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. Specific performance information must be determined by review of the actual unit. |
Heating |
ENERGY STAR/ACCA RSI Qualified Installation |
The heating system installation was done by an ENERGY STAR or ACCA RSI qualified contractor. |
Heating |
Forced Air |
FA |
The property has a forced air system, typically via ducting throughout the structure. |
Heating |
Geothermal |
A geothermal heating system, also known as a ground source heat pump, transfers heat from below ground into the structure. |
Heating |
Gravity |
A gravity heating system, also known as an octopus furnace, is typically a ducted system that doesn't use a fan, but rather is designed to allow the heat to rise naturally through the ducts to the different areas of the structure. |
Heating |
Heat Pump |
HP |
Heat pumps offer an alternative to furnaces and air conditioners. Heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from a cool space to a warm space, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer. During the heating season, heat pumps move heat from the cool outdoors into a warm house. During the cooling season, heat pumps move heat from the house to the outdoors. There are multiple types of heat pumps.
U.S. Department of ENERGY. (n.d.). Heat Pump Systems Energy Saver. Energy.gov. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/heat-pump-systems. |
Heating |
High Efficiency Sealed Combustion |
The furnace included with the property is a High Efficiency Sealed Combustion system. |
Heating |
Hot Water |
HW |
The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators throughout the dwelling. |
Heating |
Natural Gas |
The heating system uses natural gas as its fuel to generate heat. |
Heating |
Oil |
The heating system uses oil as its fuel to generate heat. |
Heating |
Other Heating Source |
The property has a heating system or features that are not included in this list. |
Heating |
Packaged Heat/Cool |
The heating and cooling system are both contained within a packaged unit. |
Heating |
Propane |
The heating system uses propane as its fuel to generate heat. |
Heating |
Radiant |
The heating system uses radiators to release heat within the dwelling. The heat is typically delivered to the radiator(s) by water/steam or electricity. |
Heating |
Separate Meters |
The heating system has multiple units and/or is zoned with separate meters for each zone/unit. |
Heating |
Solar |
The property has a heating system or method that uses an unspecified type of solar heating. |
Heating |
Space Heater |
The property comes with a stand-alone space heater. |
Heating |
Steam |
The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators throughout the dwelling. |
Heating |
Wall Furnace |
FF |
Typically, a ductless system built into a wall to deliver heat to the room in which it's installed. |
Heating |
Wood |
The heating system uses wood as its fuel to generate heat. |
Heating |
Zoned |
The heating system is zoned allowing for independent control of two or more parts of the structure. |
Input Source |
Blank |
The source of the listing input was a blank input form. |
Input Source |
Docs+ Blank Form |
Input Source |
Docs+ Existing Listing |
Input Source |
Docs+ PRD |
Input Source |
Existing Listing |
The source of the listing input was an Existing Listing |
Input Source |
PublicRecords |
The source of the listing input was Public Record Data |
Input Source |
TransactionDesk |
Input Source |
Zip Forms |
Interior Features |
Central Vacuum |
A built-in vacuum that typically consists of a power/collection unit that is typically installed in a garage or closet, tubing from the power unit to rooms throughout the house, and wall mounted receptacles for the connection of a movable vacuum hose. |
Interior Features |
Dual-Flush Toilet(s) |
A dual-flush toilet is a variation of the flush toilet that uses two buttons or a handle mechanism to flush different amounts of water. |
Interior Features |
Elevator |
A platform or compartment housed within a shaft for raising or lowering people or objects. |
Interior Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Door(s) |
The property has ENERGY STAR qualified door(s). |
Interior Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Exhaust Fan(s) |
The property has one or more ENERGY STAR® Qualified Exhaust Fan(s) |
Interior Features |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Light Fixture(s) |
The property has one or more ENERGY STAR® Qualified Light Fixture(s) |
Interior Features |
Entrance Foyer |
A room or hall at the entrance leading to other parts of the structure. |
Interior Features |
High Speed Internet |
The property has access to high-speed internet service, but may or may not be wired and/or connected to that service. |
Interior Features |
Jetted Tub |
The property includes a jetted tub in one of the bathrooms. |
Interior Features |
Other |
The room or interior has features other than those included in this list. |
Interior Features |
Programmable Thermostat |
PT |
The property includes a programmable thermostat. |
Interior Features |
Sound System |
The property includes a sound system. This may include in-wall wiring and recessed/built-in speakers and a built-in location for the amplifier and other audio equipment. |
Interior Features |
Spa/Hot-tub |
The property includes an interior spa or hot tub. |
Interior Features |
WaterSense Labeled Faucet(s) |
The property includes faucet(s) manufactured to use less water. Some products are qualified by third-party programs like the EPA WaterSense. EPA WaterSense website has additional information |
Interior Features |
WaterSense Labeled Showerhead(s) |
The property includes showerhead(s) manufactured to use less water. Some products are qualified by third-party programs like the EPA WaterSense. EPA WaterSense website has additional information |
Interior Features |
WaterSense Labeled Toilet(s) |
The property includes toilet(s) manufactured to use less water. Some products are qualified by third-party programs like the EPA WaterSense. EPA WaterSense website has additional information |
Interior Features |
Wet Bar |
WB |
Commonly a built-in fixture for the storage, preparation, serving and/or consumption of drinks that has a faucet and sink. |
Laundry Features |
Common Area |
Laundry facilities are in a common area. |
Laundry Features |
Electric Dryer Hookup |
The property has electric clothes dryer connections. |
Laundry Features |
Gas Dryer Hookup |
The property has gas clothes dryer connections. |
Laundry Features |
In Unit |
Laundry is located within the unit. |
Laundry Features |
Laundry Room |
The property has a laundry room. |
Laundry Features |
None |
There are no laundry features. |
Laundry Features |
Other |
There are laundry features other than those in this list. |
Laundry Features |
Washer Hookup |
The property has a clothes washer hookup. |
Lease Type |
Apartments |
A unit within a wholly owned structure of 5 or more units. |
Lease Type |
Condominium |
The lease type is a condominium. |
Lease Type |
Room For Rent |
A room within a property is offered for lease. |
Lease Type |
Single Family House |
SF |
A single family residence on real property is offered for lease. |
Lease Type |
Time Share |
TS |
Ownership in a time period or a point system granting possession rights to a unit or occupancy rights at a property. The property may be owned either by a number of individuals on a fractional basis, or may be an interest in a corporation each with the right of possession for a specified time interval. Time-sharing is commonly applied to resort and vacation properties. |
Lease Type |
Vacation |
A property primarily used for vacationing is offered for lease. |
Length of Lease |
11 Months or Less |
11M |
The length of the lease is 11 months or less. |
Length of Lease |
12 Months |
12M |
The length of the lease is 12 months. |
Length of Lease |
13-24 Months |
1324M |
The length of the lease is 13-24 months. |
Length of Lease |
25-36 Months |
2536M |
The length of the lease is 25-36 months. |
Length of Lease |
37-48 Months |
3748M |
The length of the lease is 37-48 months. |
Length of Lease |
49-60 Months |
4960M |
The length of the lease is 49-60 months. |
Length of Lease |
Negotiable |
The length of the lease is negotiable. |
Length of Lease |
Other |
The length of the lease is other than those listed. |
Level of Service |
Entry Only |
A listing agreement where the only service provided by the listing broker is the input of the listing into the MLS system. |
Level of Service |
Full Service |
FS |
A listing agreement under which the services provided by the listing broker includes but is not limited to Arranging Appointments, Accepting and Presenting Offers, Advising on Offers, Assisting with Counter Offers, and Negotiating for the Seller. |
Level of Service |
Limited Service |
LS |
A listing agreement under which the listing broker will NOT provide one, or more, of the following services: (a) Arrange appointments; (b) Accept and present offers; (c) Advise on offers; (d) Assist with counteroffers; or(e) Participate in negotiations. |
Levels |
1 Story Ground |
The unit described is a 1 story, ground floor unit. |
Levels |
1 Story Up |
The unit described is a 1 story, upper floor unit. |
Levels |
11+ Story |
11PST |
The building has 11 or more stories |
Levels |
4-10 Story |
4PST |
The property described is a 4-10 story building |
Levels |
Bi-Level |
This is a two-story house that has a small entrance foyer with stairs that "split"—part of a flight of stairs go up (usually to the living room, kitchen, and bedrooms) and part of a flight of stairs go down (usually to a family room and garage/storage area). |
Levels |
Multi/Split |
There are multiple levels and/or the property described is a split-level. A split-level (i.e. tri level) is a style of house in which the floor levels are staggered so that the "main" level (e.g. the level that usually contains the front entry), is partway between the upper and lower floors. |
Levels |
One |
1ST |
The property being sold has one level. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). |
Levels |
One and One Half |
1HST |
A 1.5 story is where the height of any of the walls on the second floor are less than the height of the walls on the first floor. First floor walls that extend up to the second floor level are not included in the height comparison. Depending on your State, Provence or other local regulations there may be a specific height difference required. For example, some areas require that the second floor walls be less than 70% the height of the first floor walls in order to be called a 1.5 story structure. Other areas are 50%. This may vary substantially from region to region. Another common trait is angled ceilings that compensate for the short walls making all but the edges of the room high enough for normal use. |
Levels |
Other |
The level of the property is something other than what is listed. |
Levels |
Quad-Level |
A split-level home which has four distinct levels |
Levels |
Three |
3ST |
Levels |
Tri-Level |
A split-level home which has three distinct levels |
Levels |
Two |
2ST |
The property being sold has two levels. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). |
Licenses |
Beer/Wine |
The business being sold uses/requires a Beer/Wine license. |
Licenses |
Carry-Out License |
The business being sold includes a Carry-Out license |
Licenses |
Liquor |
LL |
The business being sold uses/requires a liquor license. |
Licenses |
Lottery |
The business being sold includes a Lottery license |
Licenses |
Lotto Terminal |
The business being sold includes a Lottery terminal |
Licenses |
Other |
The business being sold uses/requires a license not listed. |
Listing Exemptions |
Excluded Parties |
Certain parties (which may include buy-out corporations) are excluded from the listing. Seller(s) may name one or more individuals or entities as exemptions in the listing agreement and if the property is sold to any exempted individual or entity, the seller(s) is not obligated to pay a commission to the listing broker. |
Listing Type |
Exclusive Agency |
EA |
A contractual agreement under which the listing broker acts as the agent or as the legally recognized non-agency representative of the seller(s), and the seller(s) agrees to pay a commission to the listing broker if the property is sold through the efforts of any real estate broker. If the property is sold solely through the efforts of the seller(s), the seller(s) is not obligated to pay a commission to the listing broker. |
Listing Type |
Exclusive Right To Lease |
A contractual agreement under which the listing broker acts as the agent or as the legally recognized non-agency representative of the lessor(s), and the lessor(s) agrees to pay a commission to the listing broker, regardless of whether the property is leased through the efforts of the listing broker, the lessor(s), or anyone else; and a contractual agreement under which the listing broker acts as the agent or as the legally recognized non-agency representative of the lessor(s), and the lessor(s) agrees to pay a commission to the listing broker regardless of whether the property is leased through the efforts of the listing broker, the lessor(s), or anyone else, except that the lessor(s) may name one or more individuals or entities as exemptions in the agreement and if the property is leased to any exempted individual or entity, the lessor(s) is not obligated to pay a commission to the listing broker. |
Listing Type |
Exclusive Right To Sell |
A contractual agreement under which the listing broker acts as the agent or as the legally recognized non-agency representative of the seller(s), and the seller(s) agrees to pay a commission to the listing broker, regardless of whether the property is sold through the efforts of the listing broker, the seller(s), or anyone else; and a contractual agreement under which the listing broker acts as the agent or as the legally recognized non-agency representative of the seller(s), and the seller(s) agrees to pay a commission to the listing broker regardless of whether the property is sold through the efforts of the listing broker, the seller(s), or anyone else, except that the seller(s) may name one or more individuals or entities as exemptions in the listing agreement and if the property is sold to any exempted individual or entity, the seller(s) is not obligated to pay a commission to the listing broker. |
Lock Box Type |
SentriLock |
The lockbox is from SentriLock and requires Sentrikey to access. |
Lockbox Location |
Call Listing Agent |
Please call the listing agent for the lockbox location |
Lockbox Location |
Call Listing Office |
CL |
Please call the listing office for the lockbox location |
Lockbox Location |
Front Door |
FD |
The lockbox is located on the front door. |
Lockbox Location |
Front Gate |
FG |
The lockbox is located on the front gate. |
Lockbox Location |
Garage Door |
GR |
The lockbox is located on the garage door. |
Lockbox Location |
Gas Meter |
GM |
The lockbox is located on the gas meter. |
Lockbox Location |
No Key Safe |
NO |
There is not a lockbox located on the property. |
Lockbox Location |
Rear Door |
RD |
The lockbox is located on the rear door. |
Lockbox Location |
See Remarks |
SR |
See the remarks section of the listing for the lockbox location. |
Lockbox Location |
Side Door |
SD |
The lockbox is located on the side door. |
Lockbox Location |
Side Gate |
SG |
The lockbox is located on the side gate. |
Lockbox Location |
Sign Post |
SP |
The lockbox is located on the sign post. |
Lockbox Location |
Vault |
VT |
The lockbox is located on the vault. |
Lockbox Location |
Water Pipe |
WP |
The lockbox is located on the water pipe. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
55+ Community |
55 |
The community has bylaws restricting the age of residents to 55 years and older. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Adjacent to Public Land |
The property is adjacent to public land. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Brownfield Redevelopment |
The expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of brownfield property. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Build Job Only |
The property is offered for sale with the expectation that the builder will be hired to construct the dwelling. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Building Moratorium |
Further development has been halted due to a Building Moratorium affecting the property. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Certified Wildlife Landscape |
The property has Certified Wildlife Landscaping through the National Wildlife Federation. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Cleared |
The lot has been cleared. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Corner Lot |
The lot is located on the corner of an intersection. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Crop(s) |
There are crops on the property. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Crop(s) Reserved |
The crop(s) on the property are reserved and not included in the sale. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Culvert/Drive |
A tunnel or drainage ditch carrying a stream or open drain. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Dead End Street |
A street with one inlet/outlet. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Easement |
The lot contains an easement. A right for someone else to cross or otherwise use land for a specified purpose. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Farm |
The lot is, or has characteristics of a farm. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Flag Lot |
Named for the shape, a flag lot has a long driveway leading to the property, together may have the appearance of a pole and flag. The driveway in a flag lot typically runs between two other properties. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
High Speed Internet Available |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Hilly-Ravine |
The lot contains hills, or a ravine. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Irregular Lot |
The lot is not a rectangle. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Level |
The lot is level/flat. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Native Plants |
The lot's landscaping includes native plants. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Near Golf Course |
The lot is near a golf course. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
North Windbreaks |
The property contains a windbreak built to protect against North winds. A windbreak is a planting usually made up of one or more rows of trees or shrubs planted in such a manner as to provide shelter from the wind and to protect soil from erosion.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Windbreak. Wikipedia. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windbreak. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Office Park |
A business park dominated by office uses (i.e. medical facilities, research facilities, etc.); often contains office support facilities such as restaurants, retail, etc.
Appraisal Institute (2010). The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal (Fifth Edition). Appraisal Institute. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
On Golf Course |
The lot is directly adjacent to a golf course. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Part/Larger Parcel |
Land that is part of a larger parcel. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Possible Basement |
The lot may accommodate a basement. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Possible Daylight |
The lot may accommodate a daylight basement. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Possible Walkout |
The lot may accommodate a walkout basement. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Residential Structure on Property |
There is a residential structure on the property. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Sidewalk |
Lot Features/Site Description |
South/West Shading |
The property contains plants which provide shade from the south-west. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Split Possible |
It may be possible that the lot could be split into two or more parcels. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Splits Available |
Splits of the property listed are available. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Sprinkler(s) |
There are irrigation sprinklers on the lot. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Vacation Home |
The lot features a home used for vacation purposes. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Vegetated Swale |
A low or hollow place with vegetation, especially a marshy depression between ridges. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Water View |
The property offers a water view. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Wetlands |
The lot is located near or within wetlands. |
Lot Features/Site Description |
Wooded |
The lot is wooded. |
Lot Size Units |
Acres |
The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in acres. |
Lot Size Units |
Square Feet |
The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in square feet. |
Lot Size Units |
Square Meters |
The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in square meters. |
MajorChangeType |
Accepting Backup Offers |
MajorChangeType |
Activation Date |
MajorChangeType |
Active |
The change to the listing was a change of status to Active. |
MajorChangeType |
Active Under Contract |
The change to the listing was a change of status to Active Under Contract. |
MajorChangeType |
Back On Market |
The change to the listing was a change of status to Back On Market. |
MajorChangeType |
Canceled |
The change to the listing was a change of status to Canceled. |
MajorChangeType |
Closed |
The change to the listing was a change of status to Closed. |
MajorChangeType |
Coming Soon |
MajorChangeType |
Contingent - Continue to Show |
MajorChangeType |
Contingent - Limited Time Clause |
MajorChangeType |
Expired |
The change to the listing was a change of status to Expired. |
MajorChangeType |
Hold |
The change to the listing was a change of status to Hold. |
MajorChangeType |
New Listing |
The listing is new and has not had any status or price changes since it was published. |
MajorChangeType |
Pending |
The change to the listing was a change of status to Pending. |
MajorChangeType |
Price Decrease |
The change to the listing was a change to the List Price in which the List Price was decreased. |
MajorChangeType |
Price Increase |
UP |
The change to the listing was a change to the List Price in which the List Price was increased. |
Occupant Type |
Multiple Occupant Types |
Occupant Type |
Owner |
The occupant is the owner. |
Occupant Type |
Tenant |
The occupant is a tenant. |
Occupant Type |
Vacant |
The property is vacant. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Baseboard |
Baseboard heating utilizes convection, as cold air drops from the window, it enters the baseboard heating unit where the air is warmed by heating elements, typically fins. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Central Air |
CA |
The property has central air conditioning. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
ENERGY STAR Qualified A/C Equipment |
The cooling system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Ceiling Fan(s) |
The cooling system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Furnace Equipment |
The heating system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. Specific performance information must be determined by review of the actual unit. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Evaporative Cooling |
Evaporative Coolers evaporate water into the air to provide cooling. Evaporative coolers, also called swamp coolers, pass outdoor air over water-saturated pads, the water in the pads evaporate, reducing the air temperature by 15°- to 40°F-before it is directed into the structure.
U.S. Department of ENERGY. (n.d.). Evaporative Coolers Energy Saver.Energy.gov. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/evaporative-coolers |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Exhaust Fan |
EF |
The property has an exhaust fan. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Floor Furnace |
FF |
A radiant heating system that is mounted into the floor and distributes the heat via convection. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Forced Air |
FA |
The property has a forced air system, typically via ducting. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Gravity |
A gravity heating system, also known as an octopus furnace, is typically a ducted system that doesn't use a fan, but rather is designed to allow the heat to rise naturally through the ducts to the different areas of the structure. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Heat Pump |
HP |
A system that exchanges heat between a warm and cool space. The heat exchange is done between the structure and another air space, like outdoors; or a water source; or below ground (geothermal). |
Office Heating & Cooling |
High-Efficiency Sealed Combustion |
The office is heated by a high-efficiency sealed combustion furnace. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Hot Water |
HW |
The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Other |
The property has a heating system or features that are not included in this list. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Radiant |
The heating system uses radiators to release heat. The heat is typically delivered to the radiator(s) by water/steam or electricity. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Space Heater |
The property comes with a stand-alone space heater. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Steam |
The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Water Cooler |
WC |
The office is cooled through a water cooling system. Water cooling is a method of heat removal from components and industrial equipment.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Industrial water treatment. Wikipedia. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_water_treatment. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Window/Wall Unit |
WW |
The cooling system is mounted in an opening in the wall or in a window. |
Office Heating & Cooling |
Zoned |
The heating system is zoned allowing for independent control of two or more parts of the structure. |
Other Equipment |
Air Purifier |
The property includes an air purifier. |
Other Equipment |
Dehumidifier |
The property includes a dehumidifier. |
Other Equipment |
Intercom |
The property includes an intercom. |
Other Equipment |
Satellite Dish |
The property includes a satellite dish. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Arena |
The property includes an arena. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Barn(s) |
The property includes a barn(s). |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Cabana |
The property includes a cabana. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Dairy Barn |
The property includes a dairy barn(s). |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Garage(s) |
The property includes a garage(s). |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Gazebo |
The property includes a gazebo. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Grain Storage |
The property includes grain storage. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Hay Barn |
The property includes a hay barn(s). |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Kennel/Dog Run |
The property includes a kennel or dog run. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Other |
The property includes a structure other than those included in this list. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Outbuilding(s) Allowed |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Pole Barn |
The property includes a pole barn(s). |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Poultry Coop |
The property includes a poultry coop. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Second Garage |
2GAR |
The property includes a second garage. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Shed(s) |
The property includes a shed(s). |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Shed(s) Allowed |
Shed(s) allowed on the property. |
Other Structures (i.e., Out Buildings) |
Stable(s) |
The property includes stable(s). |
Ownership Status |
Agent Owned |
The listing agent/broker has an ownership stake in the property. |
Ownership Status |
Auction |
The listing is an auction. |
Ownership Status |
Corporate/Relocation |
The listed property is owned by a corporation and/or is offered as a relocation. |
Ownership Status |
Fannie MAE/Freddie MAC |
The listed property is owned by Fannie MAE or Freddie MAC |
Ownership Status |
Government Owned |
The listed property is owned, and being sold, by a government or government entity. |
Ownership Status |
Real Estate Owned |
BO |
The listed property is currently bank/lender owned. |
Ownership Status |
Short Sale |
The listing is a short sale (short pay) and may require bank approval. Short sales are defined as a transaction where title transfers, where the sale price is insufficient to pay the total of all liens and costs of sale and where the seller does not bring sufficient liquid assets to the closing to cure all deficiencies.
Realcomp II Ltd (2024). Realcomp II Ltd. Rules and Regulations. |
Ownership Status |
Short Sale - No |
The listing is not offered as a short sale. |
Ownership Status |
Standard |
PO |
The listing has none of the other conditions in the Special Listing Conditions (Ownership Status) field. |
Patio and Porch Features |
Breezeway |
The property has a breezeway. |
Patio and Porch Features |
Covered |
The property has a covered patio or porch. |
Patio and Porch Features |
Deck |
The property has a deck. |
Patio and Porch Features |
Enclosed |
The property has an enclosed patio or porch. |
Patio and Porch Features |
Patio |
The property has a patio. |
Patio and Porch Features |
Porch |
The property has a porch. |
Patio and Porch Features |
Terrace |
The property has a terrace. |
Pets Allowed |
Breed Restrictions |
There are breed restrictions on allowed pets. |
Pets Allowed |
Call |
Call to inquire about pet restrictions. |
Pets Allowed |
Cats OK |
Cats are allowed. |
Pets Allowed |
Dogs OK |
Dogs are allowed. |
Pets Allowed |
No |
No pets are allowed. |
Pets Allowed |
Number Limit |
There is a limit on the number of pets allowed. |
Pets Allowed |
Size Limit |
There are size restrictions on allowed pets. |
Pets Allowed |
Yes |
Pets are allowed. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Baseboard |
Baseboard heating utilizes convection, as cold air drops from the window, it enters the baseboard heating unit where the air is warmed by heating elements, typically fins. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Central Air |
CA |
The property has central air conditioning. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
ENERGY STAR Qualified A/C Equipment |
The cooling system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Ceiling Fan(s) |
At least one ceiling fan is ENERGY STAR Qualified. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
ENERGY STAR Qualified Furnace Equipment |
The heating system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. Specific performance information must be determined by review of the actual unit. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Evaporative Cooling |
Evaporative Coolers evaporate water into the air to provide cooling. Evaporative coolers, also called swamp coolers, pass outdoor air over water-saturated pads, the water in the pads evaporate, reducing the air temperature by 15°- to 40°F-before it is directed into the structure.
U.S. Department of ENERGY. (n.d.). Evaporative Coolers Energy Saver.Energy.gov. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/evaporative-coolers |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Exhaust Fan |
EF |
The property has an exhaust fan. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Floor Furnace |
FF |
A radiant heating system that is mounted into the floor and distributes the heat via convection. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Forced Air |
FA |
The property has a forced air system, typically via ducting throughout the structure. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Gravity |
A gravity heating system, also known as an octopus furnace, is typically a ducted system that doesn't use a fan, but rather is designed to allow the heat to rise naturally through the ducts to the different areas of the structure. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Heat Pump |
HP |
A system that exchanges heat between a warm and cool space. The heat exchange is done between the structure and another air space, like outdoors; or a water source; or below ground (geothermal). |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
High-Efficiency Sealed Combustion |
The plant is heated by a high-efficiency Sealed Combustion furnace. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Hot Water |
HW |
The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Other |
The property has a heating system or features that are not included in this list. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Radiant |
The heating system uses radiators to release heat within the structure. The heat is typically delivered to the radiator(s) by water/steam or electricity. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Space Heater |
The property comes with a stand-alone space heater. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Steam |
The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Water Cooler |
WC |
The plant is cooled through a water cooling system. Water cooling is a method of heat removal from components and industrial equipment.
Wikipedia (n.d.). Industrial water treatment. Wikipedia. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_water_treatment. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Window/Wall Unit |
WW |
The plant heating and/or cooling system is mounted in an opening in the wall or in a window. |
Plant Heating & Cooling |
Zoned |
The heating system is zoned allowing for independent control of two or more parts of the structure. |
Pool Features |
Above Ground |
The pool is above ground. |
Pool Features |
Community |
The pool is a community/shared pool. |
Pool Features |
In Ground |
The pool is built into the ground. |
Pool Features |
Indoor |
The pool is indoors or within a structure. |
Pool Features |
None |
There is no pool included with the property. |
Pool Features |
Outdoor Pool |
The pool is outdoors. |
Possession |
At Close |
Possession is passed to the buyer at the closing. |
Possession |
Close Plus 1 Day |
COE1 |
Possession is passed to the buyer one day after the close of escrow. |
Possession |
Close Plus 16 to 29 Days |
COE16 |
Possession is passed to the buyer 16-29 days after the close of escrow. |
Possession |
Close Plus 2 Days |
COE2 |
Possession is passed to the buyer two days after the close of escrow. |
Possession |
Close Plus 3 to 5 Days |
COE3 |
Possession is passed to the buyer 3 to 5 days after the close of escrow. |
Possession |
Close Plus 30 Days |
COE30 |
Possession is passed to the buyer 30 days after the close of escrow. |
Possession |
Close Plus 31 to 60 Days |
COE31 |
Possession is passed to the buyer 31-60 days after the close of escrow. |
Possession |
Close Plus 6 to 15 Days |
COE6 |
Possession is passed to the buyer 6-15 days after the close of escrow. |
Possession |
Negotiable |
Timing of the passing of possession to the buyer is negotiable. |
Possession |
Rental Agreement |
Possession is stipulated in the rental agreement. |
Possession |
See Remarks |
See the listing/agent remarks for more information on possession. |
Possession |
Seller Rent Back |
Possession is determined by the details of the seller rent back agreement, which is in most cases the seller will remain resident. |
Possession |
Subject To Tenant Rights |
The terms of the transfer of possession are subject to the rights of the current tenant. |
Pre Direction |
E |
E |
The street suffix or prefix direction is East. |
Pre Direction |
N |
N |
The street suffix or prefix direction is North. |
Pre Direction |
NE |
NE |
The street suffix or prefix direction is North East. |
Pre Direction |
NW |
NW |
The street suffix or prefix direction is North West. |
Pre Direction |
S |
S |
The street suffix or prefix direction is South. |
Pre Direction |
SE |
SE |
The street suffix or prefix direction is South East. |
Pre Direction |
SW |
SW |
The street suffix or prefix direction is South West. |
Pre Direction |
W |
W |
The street suffix or prefix direction is West. |
Property Condition |
Const. Start Upon Sale |
Construction of the home will start upon sale. |
Property Condition |
Model for Sale |
The property address listed is that of a model home that is for sale. |
Property Condition |
Model Not for Sale |
The property address listed is that of a model home that is not for sale itself. Used by builders to advertise a specific style of home offered. |
Property Condition |
New Construction |
The property is newly built. |
Property Condition |
Permit Ready |
The build permits have already been obtained. |
Property Condition |
Platted Sub. |
The property is located within a platted subdivision. |
Property Condition |
Quick Delivery Home |
The spec is already in progress. |
Property Condition |
Site Condo |
The term "site condominium" is used to describe a form of land development. Site condominiums are detached single-family housing units instead of two or more housing units in one structure.
While term "site condominium" is not legally defined in the Condominium Act, site condominium developments must comply with the Act.>br> Another type of single-family-residential housing development in Michigan is a subdivision (i.e. plat) which is regulated according to the Land Division Act. Although a site condominium development may look like a platted subdivision developed in accordance with the Land Division Act, they are not the same.
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. (October 2018). The Condominium Buyer’s Handbook. State of Michigan. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from https://www.michigan.gov/lara/-/media/Project/Websites/lara/about/Policy/Condominium-Buyers-Handbook.pdf?rev=f9245c08d82c486d9716086ac7dad24d#:~:text=It%20is%20used%20to%20describe,to%20develop%20a%20condominium%20project. See also: https://micondolaw.com/michigan-hoa-law/comparison-between-michigan-site-condominiums-and-platted-subdivisions-homeowner-associations/ |
Property Sub Type |
Business |
The listing offering is for a business only, and does not include real estate. |
Property Sub Type |
Business and Real Estate |
The listing offering is for a business and real estate. |
Property Sub Type |
Condominium |
A unit within a structure where ownership is on a unit-by-unit basis. Condominium unit co-owners have exclusive ownership rights to their unit and theright to share the common elements of the condominium development with other coowners.
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. (October 2018). The Condominium Buyer’s Handbook. State of Michigan. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from https://www.michigan.gov/lara/-/media/Project/Websites/lara/about/Policy/Condominium-Buyers-Handbook.pdf?rev=f9245c08d82c486d9716086ac7dad24d#:~:text=It%20is%20used%20to%20describe,to%20develop%20a%20condominium%20project. |
Property Sub Type |
Dockominium |
A dockominium is the water-based version of a condominium. A dock or boat slip that is real property. |
Property Sub Type |
Improved Land |
Land that has had at least one improvement made such as but not limited to road access, utilities, ordinance approval(s), etc. |
Property Sub Type |
Real Estate Only |
RE |
The listing offering is for real estate only. |
Property Sub Type |
Single Family Residence |
A single family residence on real property. |
Property Sub Type |
Stock Cooperative |
A unit within a structure where ownership is based on a share of stock and rights to occupy a unit. |
Property Sub Type |
Unimproved Land |
Land that has not been built upon or improved. |
Property Type |
Business Opportunity |
The listing offering is for a business only, and does not include real-estate. |
Property Type |
Commercial Lease |
The listing offering is for a Commercial building for lease. |
Property Type |
Commercial Sale |
The listing offering is for a Commercial building for sale. |
Property Type |
Land |
The property type of the listing is Land that is for sale. |
Property Type |
Land Lease |
The property type of the listing is Land that is for lease. |
Property Type |
Residential Income |
The property type of the listing is Multi-Family Residential Income. |
Property Type |
Residential Lease |
The property type of the listing is Residential Lease. The property type can be referenced as a class or a field within a single class structure. |
Property Type |
Residential Sale |
The property type of the listing is Residential. The property type can be referenced as a class or a field within a single class structure. |
Rent Includes |
Association Fee |
Rent includes the Association Fee. |
Rent Includes |
Cable TV |
Rent includes cable TV. |
Rent Includes |
Electricity |
Rent includes electricity. |
Rent Includes |
Heat |
Rent includes Heat. |
Rent Includes |
Int Maint W/Deduct |
Rent includes Interior Maintenance with a deductible. |
Rent Includes |
Internet |
Rent includes internet. |
Rent Includes |
Maintenance Off-Site |
Rent Includes |
Maintenance On-Site |
Rent Includes |
Other |
Rent includes something other than what is listed. |
Rent Includes |
Sewer |
Rent includes sewer. |
Rent Includes |
Shared Kitchen |
Rent Includes |
Snow Removal |
Rent includes Snow Removal. |
Rent Includes |
Trash Collection |
Rent includes trash collection. |
Rent Includes |
Water |
Rent includes water. |
Rent Includes |
Yard Maintenance |
Rent includes yard maintenance. |
ResourceName |
Property |
This record is related to another record in the Property resource. |
Road |
Alley |
The property fronts to an alley. |
Road |
Alley |
The property fronts to an alley. |
Road |
Class A |
A |
The property fronts up to a Class A road |
Road |
Class B |
B |
The property fronts up to a Class B road |
Road |
Class C |
C |
The property fronts up to a Class C road |
Road |
Class D |
D |
The property fronts up to a Class D road |
Road |
Cul-De-Sac |
The property is on a cul-de-sac. A street with one open end and a large turnaround at the closed end.
Appraisal Institute (2010). The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal (Fifth Edition). Appraisal Institute. |
Road |
Dirt |
The property is on a dirt road |
Road |
Gravel |
The property fronts up to a gravel road |
Road |
Highway |
The property fronts to a highway. |
Road |
Other |
The property fronts to a road other than those in this list. |
Road |
Paved |
The property fronts to a paved road. |
Road |
Private Road |
The property fronts to a private road. |
Roof Material |
Asphalt |
The roof is made wholly/partially of asphalt. |
Roof Material |
Built-Up |
A level or low-sloped roof composed of layers of different roofing materials such as asphalt, tars, waterproof paper, felt, gravel, etc. |
Roof Material |
Composition |
The roof is made wholly/partially of composition. A mixture of materials such as fiberglass, asphalt, gravel and/or stones embedded in a roof shingle. |
Roof Material |
ENERGY STAR Shingles |
The roof is made wholly/partially of ENERGY STAR Shingles. |
Roof Material |
Green Roof |
GR |
The roof is wholly/partially a green roof covered with vegetation. |
Roof Material |
Metal |
The roof is made wholly/partially of metal. |
Roof Material |
Other |
The roof is made wholly/partially of materials other than those in this list. |
Roof Material |
Rubber |
The roof is made wholly/partially of rubber. |
Roof Material |
Slate |
The roof is made wholly/partially of slate. |
Roof Material |
Tile |
The roof is made wholly/partially of tile. |
Roof Material |
White Roof |
WR |
A white roof may reflect sunlight to absorb less heat. |
Roof Material |
Wood |
The roof is made wholly/partially of wood. |
School District |
Adams Twp |
31020 |
School District |
Addison |
46020 |
School District |
Adrian |
46010 |
School District |
Airport |
58020 |
School District |
Akron Fairgrove |
79010 |
School District |
Alanson |
24030 |
School District |
Alba |
05010 |
School District |
Albion |
13010 |
School District |
Alcona |
01010 |
School District |
Algonac |
74030 |
School District |
Allegan |
03030 |
School District |
Allen Park |
82020 |
School District |
Allendale |
70040 |
School District |
Alma |
29010 |
School District |
Almont |
44020 |
School District |
Alpena |
04010 |
School District |
Anchor Bay |
50040 |
School District |
Ann Arbor |
81010 |
School District |
Arenac Eastern |
06010 |
School District |
Armada |
50050 |
School District |
Arvon Twp |
07010 |
School District |
Ashley |
29020 |
School District |
Athens |
13050 |
School District |
Atherton |
25130 |
School District |
Atlanta |
60010 |
School District |
Au Gres Sims |
06020 |
School District |
Autrain-Onota |
02010 |
School District |
Avondale |
63070 |
School District |
Bad Axe |
32010 |
School District |
Baldwin |
43040 |
School District |
Bangor |
80020 |
School District |
Bangor Twp (8) (Bangor) |
80240 |
School District |
Bangor Twp (Bay City) |
09030 |
School District |
Baraga Twp |
07020 |
School District |
Bark River Harris |
21090 |
School District |
Bath |
19100 |
School District |
Battle Creek |
13020 |
School District |
Bay City |
09010 |
School District |
Beal City |
37040 |
School District |
Bear Lake |
51020 |
School District |
Beaver Island |
15010 |
School District |
Beaverton |
26010 |
School District |
Bedford |
58030 |
School District |
Beecher |
25240 |
School District |
Belding |
34080 |
School District |
Bellaire |
05040 |
School District |
Bellevue |
23010 |
School District |
Bendle |
25060 |
School District |
Bentley |
25230 |
School District |
Benton Harbor |
11010 |
School District |
Benzie County Central |
10015 |
School District |
Berkley |
63050 |
School District |
Berlin Twp (3) |
34140 |
School District |
Berrien Springs |
11240 |
School District |
Bessemer City |
27010 |
School District |
Big Bay De Noc |
21065 |
School District |
Big Jackson |
62470 |
School District |
Big Rapids |
54010 |
School District |
Birch Run |
73170 |
School District |
Birmingham |
63010 |
School District |
Blissfield |
46040 |
School District |
Bloomfield Hills |
63080 |
School District |
Bloomfield No. 1 (Red-Huron |
32140 |
School District |
Bloomfield Twp (7F) (Huron |
32250 |
School District |
Bloomingdale |
80090 |
School District |
Bois Blanc Pines |
49020 |
School District |
Boyne City |
15020 |
School District |
Boyne Falls |
15030 |
School District |
Brandon |
63180 |
School District |
Brandywine |
11210 |
School District |
Breckenridge |
29040 |
School District |
Breitung Twp |
22030 |
School District |
Bridgeport-Spaulding |
73180 |
School District |
Bridgman |
11340 |
School District |
Brighton |
47010 |
School District |
Brimley |
17140 |
School District |
Britton Macon |
46050 |
School District |
Bronson |
12020 |
School District |
Brown City |
76060 |
School District |
Buchanan |
11310 |
School District |
Buckley |
28035 |
School District |
Buena Vista |
73080 |
School District |
Bullock Creek |
56020 |
School District |
Burr Oak |
75020 |
School District |
Burt Twp |
02020 |
School District |
Byron |
78020 |
School District |
Byron Center |
41040 |
School District |
Cadillac |
83010 |
School District |
Caledonia |
41050 |
School District |
Calumet |
31030 |
School District |
Camden Frontier |
30010 |
School District |
Capac |
74040 |
School District |
Carman-Ainsworth |
25080 |
School District |
Carney Nadeau |
55010 |
School District |
Caro |
79020 |
School District |
Carrollton |
73030 |
School District |
Carson City Crystal |
59020 |
School District |
Carsonville-Pt.Sanilac |
76070 |
School District |
Caseville |
32030 |
School District |
Cass City |
79030 |
School District |
Cassopolis |
14010 |
School District |
Cedar Springs |
41070 |
School District |
Center Line |
50010 |
School District |
Central Lake |
05035 |
School District |
Central Montcalm |
59125 |
School District |
Centreville |
75030 |
School District |
Charlevoix |
15050 |
School District |
Charlotte |
23030 |
School District |
Chassell Twp |
31050 |
School District |
Cheboygan |
16015 |
School District |
Chelsea |
81040 |
School District |
Chesaning Union |
73110 |
School District |
Chippewa Hills |
54025 |
School District |
Chippewa Valley |
50080 |
School District |
Church |
32040 |
School District |
Clare |
18010 |
School District |
Clarenceville |
63090 |
School District |
Clarkston |
63190 |
School District |
Clawson |
63270 |
School District |
Climax Scotts |
39020 |
School District |
Clinton |
46060 |
School District |
Clintondale |
50070 |
School District |
Clio |
25150 |
School District |
Coldwater |
12010 |
School District |
Coleman |
56030 |
School District |
Colfax Twp (1F) |
32260 |
School District |
Coloma |
11330 |
School District |
Colon |
75040 |
School District |
Columbia |
38040 |
School District |
Comstock |
39030 |
School District |
Comstock Park |
41080 |
School District |
Concord |
38080 |
School District |
Constantine |
75050 |
School District |
Coopersville |
70120 |
School District |
Corunna |
78100 |
School District |
Covert |
80040 |
School District |
Crawford Ausable |
20015 |
School District |
Crestwood |
82230 |
School District |
Croswell Lexington |
76080 |
School District |
Dansville |
33040 |
School District |
Davison |
25140 |
School District |
Dearborn |
82030 |
School District |
Dearborn Heights |
82040 |
School District |
Decatur |
80050 |
School District |
Deckerville |
76090 |
School District |
Deerfield |
46070 |
School District |
Delton-Kellogg |
08010 |
School District |
Detour |
17050 |
School District |
Detroit |
82010 |
School District |
Dewitt |
19010 |
School District |
Dexter |
81050 |
School District |
Dollar Bay - Tamarack City |
31100 |
School District |
Dowagiac Union |
14020 |
School District |
Dryden |
44050 |
School District |
Dundee |
58050 |
School District |
Durand |
78030 |
School District |
East China |
74050 |
School District |
East Grand Rapids |
41090 |
School District |
East Jackson |
38090 |
School District |
East Jordan |
15060 |
School District |
East Lansing |
33010 |
School District |
Easton Twp (6) |
34340 |
School District |
Eastpointe |
50020 |
School District |
Eaton Rapids |
23050 |
School District |
Eau Claire |
11250 |
School District |
Ecorse |
82250 |
School District |
Edwardsburg |
14030 |
School District |
Elk Rapids |
05060 |
School District |
Elkton Pigeon Bay Port Laker |
32050 |
School District |
Ellsworth |
05065 |
School District |
Elm River Twp. |
31070 |
School District |
Engadine |
49055 |
School District |
Escanaba |
21010 |
School District |
Essexville Hampton |
09050 |
School District |
Evart |
67020 |
School District |
Ewen-Trout Creek |
66045 |
School District |
Excelsior (1) |
40060 |
School District |
Fairview |
68030 |
School District |
Farmington |
63200 |
School District |
Farwell |
18020 |
School District |
Fennville |
03050 |
School District |
Fenton |
25100 |
School District |
Ferndale |
63020 |
School District |
Fitzgerald |
50090 |
School District |
Flat Rock |
82180 |
School District |
Flint |
25010 |
School District |
Flushing |
25120 |
School District |
Forest Area |
40020 |
School District |
Forest Hills |
41110 |
School District |
Forest Park |
36015 |
School District |
Fowler |
19070 |
School District |
Fowlerville |
47030 |
School District |
Frankenmuth |
73190 |
School District |
Frankfort-Elberta |
10025 |
School District |
Fraser |
50100 |
School District |
Freeland |
73200 |
School District |
Fremont |
62040 |
School District |
Fruitport |
61080 |
School District |
Fulton |
29050 |
School District |
Galesburg Augusta |
39050 |
School District |
Galien Twp |
11160 |
School District |
Garden City |
82050 |
School District |
Gaylord |
69020 |
School District |
Genesee |
25070 |
School District |
Gibraltar |
82290 |
School District |
Gladstone |
21025 |
School District |
Gladwin |
26040 |
School District |
Glen Lake |
45010 |
School District |
Glenn |
03440 |
School District |
Gobles |
80110 |
School District |
Godfrey Lee |
41120 |
School District |
Godwin Heights |
41020 |
School District |
Goodrich |
25050 |
School District |
Grand Blanc |
25030 |
School District |
Grand Haven |
70010 |
School District |
Grand Ledge |
23060 |
School District |
Grand Rapids |
41010 |
School District |
Grandville |
41130 |
School District |
Grant |
62050 |
School District |
Grant Twp |
42030 |
School District |
Grant TWP #2 |
05135 |
School District |
Grass Lake |
38050 |
School District |
Greenville |
59070 |
School District |
Grosse Ile Twp |
82300 |
School District |
Grosse Pointe |
82055 |
School District |
Gull Lake |
39065 |
School District |
Gwinn |
52040 |
School District |
Hagar Twp (6) |
11670 |
School District |
Hale |
35020 |
School District |
Hamilton |
03100 |
School District |
Hamtramck |
82060 |
School District |
Hancock |
31010 |
School District |
Hanover Horton |
38100 |
School District |
Harbor Beach |
32060 |
School District |
Harbor Springs |
24020 |
School District |
Harper Creek |
13070 |
School District |
Harper Woods |
82320 |
School District |
Harrison |
18060 |
School District |
Hart |
64040 |
School District |
Hartford |
80120 |
School District |
Hartland |
47060 |
School District |
Haslett |
33060 |
School District |
Hastings |
08030 |
School District |
Hazel Park |
63130 |
School District |
Hemlock |
73210 |
School District |
Hesperia |
62060 |
School District |
Highland Park |
82070 |
School District |
Hillman |
60020 |
School District |
Hillsdale |
30020 |
School District |
Holland |
70020 |
School District |
Holly |
63210 |
School District |
Holt |
33070 |
School District |
Holton |
61120 |
School District |
Homer |
13080 |
School District |
Hopkins |
03070 |
School District |
Houghton Lake |
72020 |
School District |
Houghton-Portage |
31110 |
School District |
Howell |
47070 |
School District |
Hudson |
46080 |
School District |
Hudsonville |
70190 |
School District |
Huron |
82340 |
School District |
Huron Valley |
63220 |
School District |
Ida |
58070 |
School District |
Imlay City |
44060 |
School District |
Inkster |
82080 |
School District |
Inland Lakes |
16050 |
School District |
Ionia |
34010 |
School District |
Ionia Twp (2) |
34360 |
School District |
Iron Mountain |
22010 |
School District |
Ironwood |
27020 |
School District |
Ishpeming |
52180 |
School District |
Ithaca |
29060 |
School District |
Jackson |
38170 |
School District |
Jefferson Schools-Monroe Co |
58080 |
School District |
Jenison |
70175 |
School District |
Johannesburg-Lewiston |
69030 |
School District |
Jonesville |
30030 |
School District |
Kalamazoo |
39010 |
School District |
Kaleva Norman - Dickson |
51045 |
School District |
Kalkaska |
40040 |
School District |
Kearsley |
25110 |
School District |
Kelloggsville |
41140 |
School District |
Kenowa Hills |
41145 |
School District |
Kent City |
41150 |
School District |
Kentwood |
41160 |
School District |
Kingsley |
28090 |
School District |
Kingston |
79080 |
School District |
Laingsburg |
78040 |
School District |
Lake City |
57020 |
School District |
Lake Fenton |
25200 |
School District |
Lake Linden-Hubbell |
31130 |
School District |
Lake Orion |
63230 |
School District |
Lakeshore |
11030 |
School District |
Lakeshore (St. Clair Shores) |
50120 |
School District |
Lakeview |
50130 |
School District |
Lakeview (Calhoun) |
13090 |
School District |
Lakeview (Montcalm) |
59090 |
School District |
Lakeville |
25280 |
School District |
Lakewood |
34090 |
School District |
Lamphere |
63280 |
School District |
Lanse |
07040 |
School District |
Lanse Creuse |
50140 |
School District |
Lansing |
33020 |
School District |
Lapeer |
44010 |
School District |
Lawrence |
80130 |
School District |
Lawton |
80140 |
School District |
Leland |
45020 |
School District |
Les Cheneaux |
49040 |
School District |
Leslie |
33100 |
School District |
Lincoln Consolidated |
81070 |
School District |
Lincoln Park |
82090 |
School District |
Linden |
25250 |
School District |
Litchfield |
30040 |
School District |
Livonia |
82095 |
School District |
Lowell |
41170 |
School District |
Ludington |
53040 |
School District |
Mackinac Island |
49110 |
School District |
Mackinaw City |
16070 |
School District |
Madison (Adrian) |
46090 |
School District |
Madison (Madison Hts.) |
63140 |
School District |
Mancelona |
05070 |
School District |
Manchester |
81080 |
School District |
Manistee |
51070 |
School District |
Manistique |
77010 |
School District |
Manton |
83060 |
School District |
Maple Valley |
23065 |
School District |
Mar Lee |
13095 |
School District |
Marcellus |
14050 |
School District |
Marenisco |
27060 |
School District |
Marion |
67050 |
School District |
Marlette |
76140 |
School District |
Marquette City |
52170 |
School District |
Marshall/Albion |
13110 |
School District |
Martin |
03060 |
School District |
Marysville |
74100 |
School District |
Mason |
33130 |
School District |
Mason (Erie) |
58090 |
School District |
Mason County Central (Scott |
53010 |
School District |
53030 |
School District |
Mason County Eastern (Custe |
53020 |
School District |
Mattawan |
80150 |
School District |
Mayville |
79090 |
School District |
Mcbain |
57030 |
School District |
Melvindale Allen Pk |
82045 |
School District |
Memphis |
74120 |
School District |
Mendon |
75060 |
School District |
Menominee |
55100 |
School District |
Meridian |
56050 |
School District |
Merrill |
73230 |
School District |
Mesick |
83070 |
School District |
Michigan Center |
38120 |
School District |
Mid Peninsula |
21135 |
School District |
Midland |
56010 |
School District |
Milan |
81100 |
School District |
Millington |
79100 |
School District |
Mio Au Sable |
68010 |
School District |
Mona Shores |
61060 |
School District |
Monroe |
58010 |
School District |
Montabella |
59045 |
School District |
Montague |
61180 |
School District |
Montrose |
25260 |
School District |
Moran Twp |
49070 |
School District |
Morenci |
46100 |
School District |
Morley Stanwood |
54040 |
School District |
Morrice |
78060 |
School District |
Mount Clemens |
50160 |
School District |
Mt. Morris |
25040 |
School District |
Mt. Pleasant |
37010 |
School District |
Munising |
02070 |
School District |
Muskegon |
61010 |
School District |
Muskegon Heights |
61020 |
School District |
Napoleon |
38130 |
School District |
Negaunee |
52090 |
School District |
New Buffalo |
11200 |
School District |
New Haven |
50170 |
School District |
New Lothrop |
78070 |
School District |
Newaygo |
62070 |
School District |
Nice (Ishpeming) N.I.C.E |
52015 |
School District |
Niles |
11300 |
School District |
North Adams-Jerome |
30050 |
School District |
North Branch |
44090 |
School District |
North Central |
55115 |
School District |
North Dickinson Co. |
22045 |
School District |
North Huron |
32080 |
School District |
North Muskegon |
61230 |
School District |
Northport |
45040 |
School District |
Northview |
41025 |
School District |
Northville |
82390 |
School District |
Northwest |
38140 |
School District |
Norway Vulcan |
22025 |
School District |
Nottawa |
75100 |
School District |
Novi |
63100 |
School District |
Oak Park |
63250 |
School District |
Oakridge |
61065 |
School District |
Okemos |
33170 |
School District |
Olivet |
23080 |
School District |
Onaway |
71050 |
School District |
Oneida Twp (3) |
23490 |
School District |
Onekama |
51060 |
School District |
Onsted |
46110 |
School District |
Ontonagon |
66050 |
School District |
Orchard View |
61190 |
School District |
Oscoda |
35010 |
School District |
Otsego |
03020 |
School District |
Out Of State/Other |
School District |
Ovid Elsie |
19120 |
School District |
Owendale Gagetown |
32090 |
School District |
Owosso |
78110 |
School District |
Oxford |
63110 |
School District |
Palo |
34040 |
School District |
Parchment |
39130 |
School District |
Paw Paw |
80160 |
School District |
Peck |
76180 |
School District |
Pellston |
24040 |
School District |
Pennfield |
13120 |
School District |
Pentwater |
64070 |
School District |
Perry |
78080 |
School District |
Petoskey |
24070 |
School District |
Pewamo-Westphalia |
19125 |
School District |
Pickford |
17090 |
School District |
Pinckney |
47080 |
School District |
Pinconning |
09090 |
School District |
Pine River |
67055 |
School District |
Pittsford |
30060 |
School District |
Plainwell |
03010 |
School District |
Plymouth Canton |
82100 |
School District |
Pontiac |
63030 |
School District |
Port Hope |
32130 |
School District |
Port Huron |
74010 |
School District |
Portage |
39140 |
School District |
Portland |
34110 |
School District |
Posen |
71060 |
School District |
Potterville |
23090 |
School District |
Powell Twp |
52100 |
School District |
Quincy |
12040 |
School District |
Rapid River |
21060 |
School District |
Ravenna |
61210 |
School District |
Reading |
30070 |
School District |
Redford Union |
82110 |
School District |
Reed City |
67060 |
School District |
Reese |
79110 |
School District |
Reeths Puffer |
61220 |
School District |
Republic Michigamme |
52110 |
School District |
Richmond |
50180 |
School District |
River Rouge |
82120 |
School District |
River Valley |
11033 |
School District |
Riverview |
82400 |
School District |
Rochester |
63260 |
School District |
Rockford |
41210 |
School District |
Rogers City Area |
71080 |
School District |
Romeo |
50190 |
School District |
Romulus |
82130 |
School District |
Roscommon |
72010 |
School District |
Roseville |
50030 |
School District |
Roxand Twp (12) |
23590 |
School District |
Royal Oak |
63040 |
School District |
Rudyard |
17110 |
School District |
Saginaw City |
73010 |
School District |
Saginaw Twp |
73040 |
School District |
Saline |
81120 |
School District |
Sand Creek |
46130 |
School District |
Sandusky |
76210 |
School District |
Saranac |
34120 |
School District |
Saugatuck |
03080 |
School District |
Sault Ste. Marie |
17010 |
School District |
Schoolcraft (Kalamazoo Co.) |
39160 |
School District |
Shelby |
64080 |
School District |
Shepherd |
37060 |
School District |
Sigel Twp (4) |
32620 |
School District |
Sigel Twp (6) |
32630 |
School District |
Sigel Twp-Adams (3) (Bad A |
32610 |
School District |
Sodus Twp#5 |
11830 |
School District |
South Haven |
80010 |
School District |
South Lake |
50200 |
School District |
South Lyon |
63240 |
School District |
South Redford |
82140 |
School District |
Southfield Public Schools |
63060 |
School District |
Southgate |
82405 |
School District |
Sparta |
41240 |
School District |
Spring Lake |
70300 |
School District |
Springport |
38150 |
School District |
St. Charles |
73240 |
School District |
St. Ignace City |
49010 |
School District |
St. Johns |
19140 |
School District |
St. Joseph |
11020 |
School District |
St. Louis |
29100 |
School District |
Standish-Sterling |
06050 |
School District |
Stanton Twp |
31140 |
School District |
Stephenson |
55120 |
School District |
Stockbridge |
33200 |
School District |
Sturgis |
75010 |
School District |
Summerfield |
58100 |
School District |
Superior Central |
02080 |
School District |
Suttons Bay |
45050 |
School District |
Swan Valley |
73255 |
School District |
Swartz Creek |
25180 |
School District |
Tahquamenon |
48040 |
School District |
Tawas |
35030 |
School District |
Taylor |
82150 |
School District |
Tecumseh |
46140 |
School District |
Tekonsha |
13130 |
School District |
Thornapple-Kellogg |
08050 |
School District |
Three Rivers |
75080 |
School District |
Traverse City |
28010 |
School District |
Trenton |
82155 |
School District |
Tri County (Howard City) |
59080 |
School District |
Troy |
63150 |
School District |
Ubly |
32170 |
School District |
Union City |
13135 |
School District |
Unionville Sebewaing |
79145 |
School District |
Utica |
50210 |
School District |
Van Buren |
82430 |
School District |
Van Dyke |
50220 |
School District |
Vanderbilt |
69040 |
School District |
Vandercook Lake |
38020 |
School District |
Vanguard Charter Academy |
41910 |
School District |
Vassar |
79150 |
School District |
Verona Twp (1F) |
32650 |
School District |
Vestaburg |
59150 |
School District |
Vickburg |
39170 |
School District |
Wakefield Twp |
27070 |
School District |
Waldron |
30080 |
School District |
Walkerville |
64090 |
School District |
Walled Lake |
63290 |
School District |
Warren Con |
50230 |
School District |
Warren Woods |
50240 |
School District |
Waterford |
63300 |
School District |
Watersmeet Twp |
27080 |
School District |
Watervliet |
11320 |
School District |
Waverly |
33215 |
School District |
Wayland Union |
03040 |
School District |
Wayne-Westland |
82160 |
School District |
Webberville |
33220 |
School District |
Wells Twp |
52160 |
School District |
West Bloomfield |
63160 |
School District |
West Branch-Rose City |
65045 |
School District |
West Iron County |
36025 |
School District |
West Ottawa |
70070 |
School District |
Western |
38010 |
School District |
Westwood |
82240 |
School District |
Westwood Heights |
25210 |
School District |
White Cloud |
62090 |
School District |
White Pigeon |
75070 |
School District |
White Pine |
66070 |
School District |
Whitefish |
17160 |
School District |
Whiteford |
58110 |
School District |
Whitehall |
61240 |
School District |
Whitmore Lake |
81140 |
School District |
Whittemore Prescott |
35040 |
School District |
Williamston |
33230 |
School District |
Willow Run |
81150 |
School District |
Wolverine |
16100 |
School District |
Woodhaven |
82365 |
School District |
Wyandotte |
82170 |
School District |
Wyoming |
41026 |
School District |
Yale |
74130 |
School District |
Ypsilanti |
81020 |
School District |
Zeeland |
70350 |
Security Features |
24 Hour Security |
24SEC |
The property has 24-hour security. |
Security Features |
Building Security |
The property has building security. |
Security Features |
Carbon Monoxide Detector(s) |
The property has carbon monoxide detector(s). |
Security Features |
Closed Circuit Camera(s) |
The property has closed circuit camera(s). |
Security Features |
Exterior Video Surveillance |
The property offers exterior video surveillance. |
Security Features |
Fire Alarm |
The property has fire alarm(s). |
Security Features |
Fire Escape |
The property has a fire escape. |
Security Features |
Fire Sprinkler System |
The property has a fire sprinkler system. |
Security Features |
Firewall(s) |
The property has a firewall(s). |
Security Features |
Gated Community |
The property is in a gated community. |
Security Features |
Other |
The property has security features other than those in this list. |
Security Features |
Security Fence |
The property has a security fence. |
Security Features |
Security Patrol |
The property or community has security patrol. |
Security Features |
Security System |
The property has a security system. |
Security Features |
Security System Leased |
The property has a leased security system. |
Security Features |
Security System Owned |
The property has an owned security system. |
Security Features |
Smoke Detector(s) |
The property has smoke detector(s). |
Services Offered |
Accept/Present Offers |
The listing agreement includes a service where the Listing Agent/Broker is presenting and/or accepting offers for the seller. |
Services Offered |
Advise on Offers |
The listing agreement includes a service where the Listing Agent/Broker is advising on offers for the seller. |
Services Offered |
Arrange Appointments |
The listing agreement includes a service where the Listing Agent/Broker is arranging showing appointments on behalf of the seller. |
Services Offered |
Assist with Counteroffers |
The listing agreement includes a service where the Listing Agent/Broker is assisting with counteroffers on behalf of the seller. |
Services Offered |
Negotiate for Seller |
The listing agreement includes a service where the Listing Agent/Broker is negotiating on behalf of the seller. |
Sewer |
Public Sewer |
The property has a public sewer. |
Sewer |
Retention Pond |
The property has a retention pond |
Sewer |
Separate Meters |
The property is equipped with separate meters for each unit. |
Sewer |
Septic Needed |
The property needs a septic system. |
Sewer |
Septic Tank |
The property has a septic tank. |
Sewer |
Sewer At Street |
The property has a public sewer hookup at the street. |
Sewer |
Shared Septic |
The property has a shared septic. |
Sewer |
Storm Drain |
The sewer system is equipped with storm drains. |
Sewer |
Unknown |
The property's sewer/septic is unknown. |
Side of Street |
East |
E |
Side of Street |
North |
N |
Side of Street |
Northeast |
NE |
Side of Street |
Northwest |
NW |
Side of Street |
South |
S |
Side of Street |
Southeast |
SE |
Side of Street |
Southwest |
SW |
Side of Street |
West |
W |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Appraiser |
An appraiser provided the measurement of the area. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Assessor |
The assessor provided the measurement of the area. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Builder |
The builder provided the measurement of the area. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Estimated |
The measurement of the area is an estimate. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Measured |
The area was measured. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Other |
The measurement of the area was provided by another source not listed. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Owner |
The owner provided the measurement of the area. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Plans |
The measurement of the area was taken from building plans. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Prior Listing |
The measurement of the area was taken from a previous listing. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
Public Records |
The measurement of the area was received from public records. |
Source Bldg Sq Ft |
See Remarks |
See remarks for information about the source of the area measurement. |
Source System Name |
Ann Arbor Area Board of REALTORS |
AA |
Source System Name |
Aspire North REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Battle Creek Area Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Bay County REALTOR Association |
Source System Name |
Branch County Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Central Michigan Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Clare Gladwin Board of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Down River Association of REALTORS |
DR |
Source System Name |
East Central Association of REALTORS |
FL |
Source System Name |
Great Lakes Repository |
Source System Name |
Greater Kalamazoo Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Greater Shiawassee Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Hillsdale County Board of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Jackson Area Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Lenawee County Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Mason Oceana Manistee Board of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Michigan Regional Information Center |
Source System Name |
Midland Board of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
MiRealSource |
Used to identify the data sharing source of the record as MiRealSource. |
Source System Name |
Montcalm County Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Northeastern Michigan Board of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Northern Great Lakes REALTORS MLS |
Source System Name |
Realcomp II Ltd |
Used to identify the data source of the record as Realcomp II Ltd. |
Source System Name |
Reciprocal Access Association |
Source System Name |
Saginaw Board of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Southeastern Border Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Southwestern Michigan Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
St. Joseph County Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
Unknown |
Source System Name |
Upper Peninsula Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
West Central Association of REALTORS |
Source System Name |
West Michigan Lakeshore Association of REALTORS |
State |
Alabama |
AL |
The state in which the listing is located is Alabama. |
State |
Alaska |
AK |
The state in which the listing is located is Alaska. |
State |
Alberta |
AB |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Alberta. |
State |
American Samoa |
AS |
The property is located in American Samoa territory. |
State |
Arizona |
AZ |
The state in which the listing is located is Arizona. |
State |
Arkansas |
AR |
The state in which the listing is located is Arkansas. |
State |
British Columbia |
BC |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is British Columbia. |
State |
California |
CA |
The state in which the listing is located is California. |
State |
Colorado |
CO |
The state in which the listing is located is Colorado. |
State |
Connecticut |
CT |
The state in which the listing is located is Connecticut. |
State |
Delaware |
DE |
The state in which the listing is located is Delaware. |
State |
District of Columbia |
DC |
The federal district in which the listing is located is District of Columbia. |
State |
Federated States of Micronesia |
FM |
The property is located within the associated state of the Federated States of Micronesia. |
State |
Florida |
FL |
The state in which the listing is located is Florida. |
State |
Georgia |
GA |
The state in which the listing is located is Georgia. |
State |
Guam |
GU |
The property is located within the territory of Guam |
State |
Hawaii |
HI |
The state in which the listing is located is Hawaii. |
State |
Idaho |
ID |
The state in which the listing is located is Idaho. |
State |
Illinois |
IL |
The state in which the listing is located is Illinois. |
State |
Indiana |
IN |
The state in which the listing is located is Indiana. |
State |
Iowa |
IA |
The state in which the listing is located is Iowa. |
State |
Kansas |
KS |
The state in which the listing is located is Kansas. |
State |
Kentucky |
KY |
The state in which the listing is located is Kentucky. |
State |
Louisiana |
LA |
The state in which the listing is located is Louisiana. |
State |
Maine |
ME |
The state in which the listing is located is Maine. |
State |
Manitoba |
MB |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Manitoba. |
State |
Marshall Islands |
MH |
The property is located within the territory of the Marshall Islands. |
State |
Maryland |
MD |
The state in which the listing is located is Maryland. |
State |
Massachusetts |
MA |
The state in which the listing is located is Massachusetts. |
State |
Michigan |
MI |
The state in which the listing is located is Michigan. |
State |
Minnesota |
MN |
The state in which the listing is located is Minnesota. |
State |
Mississippi |
MS |
The state in which the listing is located is Mississippi. |
State |
Missouri |
MO |
The state in which the listing is located is Missouri. |
State |
Montana |
MT |
The state in which the listing is located is Montana. |
State |
Nebraska |
NE |
The state in which the listing is located is Nebraska. |
State |
Nevada |
NV |
The state in which the listing is located is Nevada. |
State |
New Brunswick |
NB |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is New Brunswick. |
State |
New Hampshire |
NH |
The state in which the listing is located is New Hampshire. |
State |
New Jersey |
NJ |
The state in which the listing is located is New Jersey. |
State |
New Mexico |
NM |
The state in which the listing is located is New Mexico. |
State |
New York |
NY |
The state in which the listing is located is New York. |
State |
Newfoundland/Labrador |
NF |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Newfoundland and Labrador. |
State |
North Carolina |
NC |
The state in which the listing is located is North Carolina. |
State |
North Dakota |
ND |
The state in which the listing is located is North Dakota. |
State |
Northern Mariana Islands |
MP |
The property is located within the commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. |
State |
Northwest Territories |
NT |
The Canadian territory in which the listing is located is Northwest Territories. |
State |
Nova Scotia |
NS |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Nova Scotia. |
State |
Nunavut |
NU |
The Canadian territory in which the listing is located is Nunavut. |
State |
Ohio |
OH |
The state in which the listing is located is Ohio. |
State |
Oklahoma |
OK |
The state in which the listing is located is Oklahoma. |
State |
Ontario |
ON |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Ontario. |
State |
Oregon |
OR |
The state in which the listing is located is Oregon. |
State |
Palau |
PW |
The property is located within the republic of Palau. |
State |
Pennsylvania |
PA |
The state in which the listing is located is Pennsylvania. |
State |
Prince Edward Island |
PE |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Prince Edward Island. |
State |
Puerto Rico |
PR |
The property is located within the territory of Puerto Rico. |
State |
Quebec |
QC |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Quebec. |
State |
Rhode Island |
RI |
The state in which the listing is located is Rhode Island. |
State |
Saskatchewan |
SK |
The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Saskatchewan. |
State |
South Carolina |
SC |
The state in which the listing is located is South Carolina. |
State |
South Dakota |
SD |
The state in which the listing is located is South Dakota. |
State |
Tennessee |
TN |
The state in which the listing is located is Tennessee. |
State |
Texas |
TX |
The state in which the listing is located is Texas. |
State |
Utah |
UT |
The state in which the listing is located is Utah. |
State |
Vermont |
VT |
The state in which the listing is located is Vermont. |
State |
Virgin Islands |
VI |
The territory in which the listing is located is Virgin Islands. |
State |
Virginia |
VA |
The state in which the listing is located is Virginia. |
State |
Washington |
WA |
The state in which the listing is located is Washington. |
State |
West Virginia |
WV |
The state in which the listing is located is West Virginia. |
State |
Wisconsin |
WI |
The state in which the listing is located is Wisconsin. |
State |
Wyoming |
WY |
The state in which the listing is located is Wyoming. |
State |
Yukon |
YT |
The Canadian territory in which the listing is located is Yukon. |
Status |
Active |
The listing is on market and an offer has not been accepted. All Active/on market listings in the MLS must be available for showings and cooperation |
Status |
Active Under Contract |
An offer has been accepted but the listing is still on market and available for showings. |
Status |
Canceled |
Whenever a listing is changed to the “Canceled-Unconditional Withdraw” status, a reason for the status change must be entered from the options listed below:
• Released – The homeowner has been released from the contract. The listing is no longer being marketed by that listing broker. Other REALTORS® MAY contact the homeowner regarding this property without conflicting with the REALTOR® Code of Ethics.
• Closed (Sold)/Leased Under Another MLS# - The MLS number of the Closed (Sold) or Leased listing must now be entered.
• Relisted – The homeowner is still under contract, as the property is being immediately relisted under another MLS number. Other REALTORS® MAY NOT contact the homeowner regarding this property based on the REALTOR Code of Ethics. |
Status |
Closed |
The purchase agreement has been fulfilled or the lease agreement has been executed. |
Status |
Coming Soon |
If a new listing is not available to be shown it must be placed in the Coming Soon status (lease, commercial properties, and new construction developments with multiple properties may be placed into the Coming Soon status but are not required). |
Status |
Expired |
The listing contract has expired. |
Status |
Hold |
A conditionally withdrawn listing is still under contract with specific conditions but not currently being marketed and will expire on the expiration date of the contract. |
Status |
Incomplete |
The listing has not yet been completely entered and is not yet published in the MLS. |
Status |
Pending |
An offer has been accepted and the listing is no longer on market. A listing must be marked as pending in the MLS when the office has an offer on the property and they are no longer accepting showing appointments. |
Street Type |
Alley |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Annex |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Arcade |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Avenue |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Bayou |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Beach |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Bend |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Bluff |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Bottom |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Boulevard |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Branch |
BR |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Bridge |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Brook |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Burg |
BG |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Bypass |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Camp |
CP |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Canyon |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Cape |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Causeway |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Center |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Circle |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Cliffs |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Club |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Corner |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Corners |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Course |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Court |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Courts |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Cove |
CV |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Creek |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Crescent |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Crest |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Crossing |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Dale |
DL |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Dam |
DM |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Divide |
DV |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Drive |
DR |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Estate |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Estates |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Expressway |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Extension |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Fall |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Falls |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Ferry |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Field |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Fields |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Flats |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Ford |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Forest |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Forge |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Fork |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Forks |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Fort |
FT |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Freeway |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Gardens |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Gateway |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Glen |
GL |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Glens |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Green |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Grove |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Harbor |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Haven |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Heights |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Highway |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Hill |
HL |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Hills |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Hollow |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Inlet |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Island |
IS |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Islands |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Isle |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Junction |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Key |
KY |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Knolls |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Lake |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Lakes |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Landing |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Lane |
LN |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Light |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Loaf |
LF |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Locks |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Lodge |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Loop |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Mall |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Manor |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Meadows |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Mill |
ML |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Mills |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Mission |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Mount |
MT |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Mountain |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Neck |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Orchard |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Oval |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Park |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Parkway |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Pass |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Path |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Pike |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Pines |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Place |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Plain |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Plains |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Plaza |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Point |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Port |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Prairie |
PR |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Radial |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Ranch |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Rapids |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Rest |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Ridge |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
River |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Road |
RD |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Row |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Run |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Shoal |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Shoals |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Shore |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Shores |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Spring |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Springs |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Spur |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Square |
SQ |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Station |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Stravenue |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Stream |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Street |
ST |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Summit |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Terrace |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Trace |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Track |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Trail |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Trailer |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Tunnel |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Turnpike |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Union |
UN |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Valley |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Viaduct |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
View |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Village |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Ville |
VL |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Vista |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Walk |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Way |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
Street Type |
Wells |
The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. |
SyndicateTo (Set by the Broker) |
CoreLogic Data Co-op |
The Broker, or the admin permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to the Data Co-op. |
SyndicateTo (Set by the Broker) |
Internet Data Exchange (IDX) |
The Broker, or the admin permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to IDX. |
SyndicateTo (Set by the Broker) |
ListHub |
The Broker, or the admin permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to ListHub.com. |
SyndicateTo (Set by the Broker) |
Lundy - Find Homes Voice Search |
The Broker, or the admin permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to Lundy - Find Homes Voice Search |
SyndicateTo (Set by the Broker) |
MoveInMichigan.com |
The Broker, or the admin permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to MoveInMichigan.com. |
SyndicateTo (Set by the Broker) |
Realtor.com |
The Broker, or the admin if permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to Realtor.com. |
SyndicateTo (Set by the Broker) |
REALTORS Property Resource (RPR) |
The Broker, or the admin if permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to RPR. |
Terms Offered |
Assumable |
The seller is interested in assumable financing. |
Terms Offered |
Cash |
The seller would like a cash sale. |
Terms Offered |
Contract |
Land Contract is an installment contract for the sale with the buyer receiving equitable title (right to possession) and the seller retaining legal title (record title). An agreement between the seller and buyer for the purchase of real property in which the payment of all or a portion of the selling price is deferred. The purchase may be paid in installments over the period of the contract, with the balance due at maturity.
Reilly, John W. The Language of Real Estate. 5th ed., Diana Faulhaber, 2000. |
Terms Offered |
Conv. Blend Rt |
A blended mortgage is one where the borrower takes out 2 or more mortgages for the purchase of a home. |
Terms Offered |
Conventional |
The seller may accept a buyer using conventional financing to purchase the home. |
Terms Offered |
Covenant Deed |
CD |
The property is intended to be conveyed through a covenant deed. A covenant deed typically has no warranty regarding the title. |
Terms Offered |
Double Net Lease |
A double net lease is a lease agreement in which the tenant is responsible for both property taxes and premiums for insuring the building. |
Terms Offered |
The seller may accept a buyer with a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. |
Terms Offered |
FHA 203K |
FHA203 |
An FHA 203(k) loan is a type of government-insured mortgage that allows the borrower to take out one loan for two purposes – home purchase and home renovation. An FHA 203(k) loan is wrapped around rehabilitation or repairs to a home that will become the mortgagor’s primary residence. An FHA 203(k) is also known as an FHA construction loan. |
Terms Offered |
Gross Lease |
A lease which obligates the lessor to pay all or part of the expenses of the leased property, such as taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance, etc.
The Talon Group. (2005). Financial Real Estate Handbook (Sixth Edition). Financial Publishing Company. |
Terms Offered |
Lease |
The seller may be interested in leasing the property. |
Terms Offered |
Lease Option |
The seller may be interested in selling as a lease option to the buyer. |
Terms Offered |
Net Lease |
Net lease refers to a contractual agreement where a lessee pays a portion or all of the operating expenses, taxes, insurance fees, maintenance costs, etc. in addition to rent. Net leases are most commonly used with commercial real estate. |
Terms Offered |
Owner May Carry |
The seller may be interested in carrying the mortgage note. |
Terms Offered |
Quit Claims Deed |
The seller intends to convey ownership through a Quit Claim Deed. A deed operating as a release: intended to pass any title, interest, or claim which the grantor may have in the property, but not containing any warranty of a valid interest or title in the grantor.
The Talon Group. (2005). Financial Real Estate Handbook (Sixth Edition). Financial Publishing Company. |
Terms Offered |
Section 8 |
SEC8 |
A rent subsidy program where the public housing authority (PHA) pays the subsidy to the landlord. See Hud.gov for more information. |
Terms Offered |
Sublease |
A lease of a property by a tenant to a subtenant. |
Terms Offered |
Trade/1031 Exchange |
1031X |
The seller may be interested in a 1031 exchange as part of the sale. |
Terms Offered |
Triple Net Lease |
A triple net lease is a lease agreement that designates the lessee, which is the tenant, as being solely responsible for all the costs relating to the asset being leased, in addition to the rent fee applied under the lease. |
Terms Offered |
USDA Loan |
The seller may accept a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Agriculture. |
Terms Offered |
VA Loan |
VA |
The seller may accept a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Veteran's Affairs. |
Terms Offered |
Warranty Deed |
WD |
The seller intends to convey title through a Warranty Deed, a deed in which the grantor fully warrants clear title to the premises.
Reilly, John W. The Language of Real Estate. 5th ed., Diana Faulhaber, 2000. |
Unit Type |
1 Bedroom |
1BED |
The type of unit is a 1 bedroom. |
Unit Type |
2 Bedroom |
2BED |
The type of unit is a 2 bedroom. |
Unit Type |
3 Bedroom |
3BED |
The type of unit is a 3 bedroom. |
Unit Type |
4 Bedroom Or More |
4BED |
The type of unit is 4 or more bedroom. |
Unit Type |
Loft |
The type of unit is a loft. |
Unit Type |
Studio |
The type of unit is a studio. |
Utilities |
Above Ground Utilities |
All or some of the utilities are above ground. |
Utilities |
Cable Available |
The property has cable available but is not connected. |
Utilities |
Cable Connected |
Cable service is physically connected, but not necessarily paid. |
Utilities |
Electricity Available |
Electricity is available from the public utility but not connected. |
Utilities |
Natural Gas Available |
Natural gas is available from the public utility but not connected. |
Utilities |
Underground Utilities |
All or some of the utilities are run underground. |
Verification Body |
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Verification was done by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Verification Body |
Home Innovation Research Labs |
Verification was done by the Home Innovation Research Labs |
Verification Body |
Local/Regional/State Utility Program |
Verification was done by a Local/Regional or State Utility Program |
Verification Body |
Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) |
Verification was done by the Residential Energy Services Network |
Verification Body |
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) |
Verification was done by the U.S. Department of Energy |
Verification Body |
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) |
Verification was done by the U.S Green Building Council |
Verification Source |
Administrator |
An administrator such as a utility, governmental entity, etc. provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Verification Source |
Assessor |
The assessor provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Verification Source |
Builder |
The builder provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Verification Source |
Contractor or Installer |
The contractor or installer provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Verification Source |
Green Built Michigan |
Green Built Michigan provided the verification data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. See also https://green-home-source.com/green-built-michigan.html |
Verification Source |
Other |
Data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. was received from another party not listed. |
Verification Source |
Owner |
The owner provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Verification Source |
Program Sponsor |
The program sponsor provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Verification Source |
Program Verifier |
The program verifier hired as a third-party provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Verification Source |
Public Records |
Data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. was received from public record such as a building permit. |
Verification Source |
See Remarks |
See remarks for information about the source of data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Verification Status |
Complete |
Indicates that verification process is complete. All requirements are complete and official verification documentation is on file or published; or more than 12 months of occupancy. |
Verification Status |
In Process |
Indicates that verification process is underway, but not complete. Application, plans testing or specifications in process; or may be less than 12 months of occupancy. |
Verification Type |
Certified Passive House |
Super-insulated new homes that have been built to meet certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
Verification Type |
ENERGY STAR Certified Homes |
EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Homes is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code requirements) that builders can follow to upgrade a new home's energy efficiency beyond minimum code requirements. Guidelines are outlined in the National Performance Path; or the National Prescriptive Path; This whole-house label differs from the ENERGY STAR products label. To achieve the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes label, a home's energy efficiency must be verified by a third-party organization. |