Realist™ Product Enhancements

Please note the following enhancements and updates available in Realist effective January 2021:

Neighborhood data in the Realist Neighborhood Profile report
CoreLogic is updating the data used in the Realist Neighborhood Profile report. This update ensures the most up-to-date data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Changes will be made to the following: Population, Housing, Quality of Life, Education, and Local Businesses. (Effective--January 12)

Neighborhood map boundaries
CoreLogic is also updating the neighborhood map boundaries. The neighborhood boundary map layer uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other data sources. This update provides the latest neighborhood boundary mappings, including new neighborhood boundaries that were previously unavailable and neighborhood boundaries that have been redefined or redrawn recently. (Effective January 15)

Last Modified: Monday, January, 25, 2021

January 2021

January 2021

Getting started with Remine Live Open House

Getting started with Remine Live Open House

LionDesk Product Enhancements

LionDesk launched some really amazing product enhancements effective November 2020. The newest features are highlighted with the text and video links below:

Realcomp II Ltd. Selects Remine Add/Edit and Docs+ Transaction Management Platforms to Streamline Single Point of Entry and Transaction Management for Michigan REALTORS

Realcomp II Ltd. Selects Remine Add/Edit and Docs+ Transaction Management Platforms to Streamline Single Point of Entry and Transaction Management for Michigan REALTORS®

Realist™ Product Enhancements

Please note the following enhancements and updates available in Realist effective January 2021