More Updates on Docs+: Your Why Questions Answered

One of the most asked questions we are getting regarding the switch to Docs+ is “Why?”. Why are we changing? Here are the answers to that question:

Realcomp is in the process of making all necessary modifications that will enable us to store the MLS data in a database that is owned and controlled by Realcomp (as opposed to a third-party). To accomplish this, we needed to make some rather big changes.

The database mentioned above has been established. Any data feeds or data sharing with another MLS will come directly from this database. The prior method of adding and storing documents via TransactionDesk cannot point to this database. So, we needed to find a “stand alone” system that could provide what we needed for this important change. We started looking for a solution last year.

Another reason we began looking was related to the amount of down time we were seeing on TransactionDesk. And, lastly, we were not receiving the level of support that we needed to provide you, our customers, with high quality service. All these circumstances led us to make this vital change.

Some of you have asked “Why now – it’s a very busy time?” There are several factors here as well. First, we had to consider our contractual obligations to Lonewolf for TransactionDesk and plan accordingly. Second, other vendors are of course involved when making a transition like this, so we had to coordinate it with all necessary parties (i.e., CoreLogic Remine, etc.).

We understand that changes in the technology you use to support your clients can be challenging. We are pointing you to Docs+ so that you have the chance to get familiar with the program before TransactionDesk is permanently turned off.

We are providing many training opportunities on Docs+ in the upcoming weeks. These webinars are now being promoted under the RCO3® announcements. Please register for the session or sessions that best fit your schedule. And, please let me know if you have questions. I can be reached by email at

Last Modified: Tuesday, June 8, 2021

June 2021

June 2021

Coming Soon Listing Status and Policies

During their June meeting, Realcomp’s Board of Governor’s reached a decision to increase the fines for Coming Soon Listing policy violations.

Improve Your Tenant Screening Process Using RentSpree – Now Available and Integrated with Realcomp

Stop fumbling whenever you need to get a tenant screened and start saving time and money when you work with rentals through RentSpree, a new automation tool now available at no additional cost to you through Realcomp. With the new integration, you can easily enable tenant screening directly from your Realcomp dashboard!

June Product of the Month: RentSpree

As the rental market continues accelerating, Realcomp subscribers will soon benefit from a comprehensive suite called RentSpree which enables REALTORS® to manage rentals efficiently.

More Updates on Docs+ (6/03/21)

More Updates on Docs+

More Updates on Docs+: Your Why Questions Answered

One of the most asked questions we are getting regarding the switch to Docs+ is “Why?”. Why are we changing? Here are the answers to that question:

New Tip Sheet Available - Impersonation in Remine

New Tip Sheet Available: How to Authorize a Team Member to Impersonate You and How to Impersonate Others in Remine

Rental Screening Service Comes to Realcomp through RentSpree

As the rental market continues accelerating, Realcomp subscribers will soon benefit from a comprehensive suite to manage rentals efficiently. When working with leases, every renter represents a future potential buyer. RentSpree, a tool available to Realcomp subscribers at no additional cost, lets you screen tenants instantly in just a few clicks and manage your entire rental process seamlessly.