Experiencing Speed-Related Issues While Using Realcomp?
If “YES” the issue may be linked to one or more of the following conditions related to your Internet access:
The type of connection you are using (WiFi versus hardwire). Directly connecting to the modem via “hardwire” is faster than WiFi. The speed of the Internet service you subscribe to. Internet providers offer different “tiers” of service/connection speed. Whether you have additional computer devices in your home/office connecting (desktops, laptops, TVs, tablets, etc) at the same time. Internet-related activities can also affect your speed as you share your connection: o Streaming Video games o Streaming movies (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu etc...) o Large downloads
To check your connection speed, go to www.speedtest.net. Below are the results from a sample test:
In this example, the download speed showed as 116.09 Mbps. The higher the number of Mbps, the faster your online activity should be. Clicking on the Results option shows the following additional details:
We can see the 116.09 number ranks right near the top of the speed chart. If your download speed shows a lower number on the graph, you may want to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and see what your options are for increasing your speed.