When Realcomp's Designated REALTORS®/Broker Owners have questions about Realcomp's Internet Data Exchange (IDX) Services, Data Extract Services, or MLS Compliance, they ultimately end up speaking with our Sarah Smith. Meet Sarah, the girl with one of the longest titles at Realcomp!

"Never take anything too seriously, including yourself. And when in doubt, laugh." |
How long have you worked at Realcomp?
• 10 years.
Which positions have you worked within the company?
• Data Entry & the current position (IDX, Data Extract, Compliance and Testing Specialist)
What aspect of your role at Realcomp do you enjoy the most?
• Getting to say “yes".
What book did you read last? What is your favorite book?
• Last Read: "Man in the High Castle", Favorite: "At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels".
What movie did you watch last? What are your favorite movies of all time?
• Last Watch: "Pacific Rim", Favorite(s): "Alien" and "Apocalypse Now"
Favorite musicians/music? What music have you listened to recently?
• Favorite Musicians: Jimmy Buffett and The Grateful Dead, Recent Listens: Dire Straits' Sultans of Swing and Iration's Automatic
What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
• Gemology and Geology
What would people never guess you do in your position at Realcomp?
• Say "yes" to any requests at all.
If you could pass along a favorite quote or piece of wisdom, what would it be?
• Never take anything too seriously, including yourself. And when in doubt, laugh.
What’s on your "bucket list"?
• Water. Because there’s a hole in the bucket dear Liza, dear Liza.
Sarah is smart, thorough, and tech-savvy! She's sure of herself and of Realcomp's policies and procedures related to our Internet Data Exchange (IDX) and Data Extract services and MLS Compliance. Sarah is one of Realcomp's in-house experts in these areas and enjoys helping our offices (and their vendors) with the proper implementation of these services!