Your Realcomp subscription provides you access to OVER 5,000,000 properties in Realcomp’s statewide Public Record Database! This provides you with quick, easy, and reliable access to details on real property across the lower and upper peninsulas.

Your Realcomp subscription provides you with access to MLS data sharing that, from East to West, spans across the entire State of Michigan! Access to listings, listings, and more listings.

As a Realcomp subscriber, you are part of Michigan's LARGEST REALTOR®-owned Multiple Listing Service…largest Multiple Listing Service in Michigan…Realcomp II Ltd.

As a Realcomp subscriber you are part of an impressive group of REALTOR® subscribers -- movers and shakers -- listing and selling more real estate than anywhere else in Michigan! Realcomp continues to grow and now serves more than 13,100 valued broker, agent, and appraiser customers in over 2,200 real estate offices across Southeastern Michigan!

As a Realcomp subscriber, you have the benefit of working with an MLS with tenure and professional experience. Since its beginning in 1994, Realcomp has chosen to serve our REALTOR® subscribers through accuracy, quality, and integrity. As your technology solutions provider, Realcomp delivers superior data to empower REALTORS® to be successful in the always exciting world of real estate.

Realcomp II Ltd. is owned by the following eight (8) Shareholder Boards and/or Associations of REALTORS®:
- Dearborn Area Board of REALTORS®
- Detroit Association of REALTORS®
- Eastern Thumb Association of REALTORS®
- Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS®
- Lapeer and Upper Thumb Association of REALTORS®
- Livingston County Association of REALTORS®
- Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS®
- North Oakland County Board of REALTORS®