Dear Miss Emmalez Manners
November 2019
Dear Miss Emmalez Manners,
My sellers and I are VERY frustrated with unprofessional agents who do not have the courtesy to cancel an appointment. They just do not show up. I have had 4 agents in the past 2 weeks that have made appointments and failed to cancel them. My seller has 3 small children and a dog to get out of the home and it is very inconvenient for them, but they do it. They take the time to clean up, make the beds and make sure everything is just perfect for the showings, then the agent does not show up?
Can you PLEASE post something reminding agents to cancel appointments in ample time, so my sellers do not waste their time? It is a shame we even have to tell them to do this. It’s very upsetting, inconsiderate, and unprofessional.
Signed: Riled in Rochester
Dear Riled in Rochester,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will post a courtesy reminder for all Realcomp MLS Subscribers. You might also consider sending an email to each of the agents (and their respective Brokers) to help them understand how the lack of common courtesy affects everyone involved!
Signed: Miss Emmalez Manners
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