Live Stream Video Chat Virtual Tour Options

Looking for live stream or video chat VIRTUAL tour options during these times of pandemic restrictions and quarantines?

See NAR's Pivot in Place Facebook video from Mabel Guzman, Vice President of Association Affairs as she shares her TOP 3 TIPS for virtual showings and working remotely.

Note: For Virtual Tours that have been recorded and uploaded to YouTube (or similar), you can add the video URL to your listing in RCO3 by taking the following steps:
In RCO3®, choose ...
1) Listing Input;
2) Manage Virtual Tours;
3) Add your UNBRANDED virtual tour URL to the "Unbranded VT URL #1" field; and
4) Submit Listing.

Below are a few tech-tool options to consider

Facebook Live

Source: Download Facebook from the Google Playstore or the Apple AppStore.

Price: Free

Tutorials & Guides:

Facebook Messenger

Source: Use app through Facebook

Price: Free

Tutorials & Guides:


  • FREE
  • If you are not friends with person on Facebook, it can be difficult to “find” that person via the app.



Source: Download Facetime from the Apple AppStore – IOS Only.

Price: Free

Tutorials & Guides:

Basic Instructions:
Basic FaceTime Setup and Usage Video:
Group FaceTime: Host can set up several times a day to host a home showing with several participants


  • FREE
  • No Time Limit for usage
  • iPhone 7 and up can have up 32 invitees at a time participate in video viewing/live chat
  • Must add all participants in host’s CONTACTS on the individual device they plan to use.


Google Hangouts

Source: Download the Google Hangouts app from the Google Playstore or the Apple AppStore.

Price: Free

Tutorials & Guides:


  • Each person participating in the video call needs to have a gmail email account
  • Less than 10 minutes to setup
  • Can invite 10 at a time to view video call (email or phone number) or set up a Group Chat with multiple contacts’ info
  • If invitee does not have Gmail they are still able to view video


Google Duo

Source: Download the Google Duo app from the Google Playstore or the Apple AppStore.

Price: Free

Tutorials & Guides:

Google Duo Overview:


  • Free
  • Use on either operating system
  • Very easy to use
  • Host and recipient(s) must have Duo loaded on their Smart phone before video chat
  • Must use cell number
  • Can have up to 8 (including host) as a GROUP video


Homesnap Pro – Homesnap Stories

Source: Download the Homesnap Pro app from the Google Playstore or the Apple AppStore.


No additional cost to Realcomp Subscribers

Tutorials & Guides:

Note: Video is about 25 minutes long. Agent would need to upload video file (instead of pictures) to Homesnap Stories.




Personal Version – Free

Tutorials & Guides:

Use the video call option in Skype through your Smart device:

Skype Video on iPhone/iPad (iOS 7):

Step-by-Step Guide for PC, Android and iPhone Video Call:

Basic Setup Video:

How to Screen Share Videos with Skype:
(Helpful if agents need to refer back to documents/listing or still shots during video chat)

Zillow Real Estate App

Source: Download the Zillow Real Estate app from the Google Playstore or the Apple AppStore.


No additional cost.

Tutorials & Guides:




Tutorials & Guides:

After the trial period for $14.99, the host can customize the intro with office log, invite up to 100 participants at a time, and the participant can invite others with the same link they are viewing. Video last 40 minutes to show. After the viewing the link can be posted on any social media platform and can be emailed with their own personal ID number.

Last Modified: Thursday, March 26, 2020
COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act

Congress has voted on a historic COVID-19 relief that includes many benefits for Realtors® that were secured by NAR.



COVID-19 Real Estate Update – 3/31/2020 1:19 P.M.

As you may know, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) updated its list of essential services on March 28, 2020, and expressly included residential real estate during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. However, Executive Order (#2020-21) dated March 19, 2020 and signed by Governor Whitmer continues to stand and supersede CISA’s essential services update. This has been clarified by Michigan REALTORS® twice this week in their email commun

COVID-19: Update from ShowingTime

COVID-19: Update from ShowingTime

Important Update on Unemployment Insurance Filing for Independent Contractors

Michigan Realtors® announced that the unemployment insurance application for independent contractors will be officially available starting Monday, April 13. The new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) application is planned to be available on the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity website at

Live Stream Video Chat Virtual Tour Options

Live Stream Video Chat Virtual Tour Options

Michigan REALTORS’ Industry Resources and COVID-19 Updates

Michigan REALTORS’ Industry Resources and COVID-19 Updates

National Association of REALTORS’ Industry Resources and COVID-19 Updates

National Association of REALTORS’ Industry Resources and COVID-19 Updates

Realcomp COVID-19 Update: March 25, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.

Based on Governor Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order (#2020-21), a temporary requirement for non-critical Michigan workers to remain at home, Michigan citizens are required to suspend all work-related activities that require them to leave their residences which are not necessary to sustain or protect life. The order took effect March 23, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. and continues through April 13, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.

Realcomp MLS Updates - Coronavirus Precautions

Realcomp MLS Updates - Coronavirus Precautions

Showing Guidance for REALTORS® During Pandemic

Showing Guidance for REALTORS® During Pandemic