COVID-19/MLS Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Does Realcomp plan to waive MLS fees based on the COVID-19 pandemic?

A: Realcomp does not have a plan in place to waive MLS fees. If our vendors waive their fees to us, we will certainly look at passing this along to MLS subscribers.

Q2: How are you handling new listings? I was told that you will be restricting new listing postings in some way. We have a number of agents and clients who still want their home in the MLS and marketed, even without showings (or in some cases virtual showings with the homeowner).

A: No changes have been made to the way new listings are being handled other than removing the 48-hour requirement for photos and/or documents. We welcome the inventory. MLS Subscribers are still able to add new listings into the MLS system.

Q3: Why did Realcomp remove the ShowingTime icon from the MLS system? I still want to use it for the purpose of scheduling Virtual Showings.

A: Since real estate is not a critical service in the state of Michigan, and since there may be some liability for keeping the icon available, we have removed it from our MLS system. We do applaud your efforts to continue showing properties through other means that would allow you to be in compliance with the governor's order. However, we had to make this decision to serve the majority and offer Realcomp and our Shareholders necessary protections.

Q4: I have seen guidance directed specifically at real estate agents and brokers, and now "real estate professionals". Has it been established as to how this lock down specifically pertains to real estate appraisers?

A: Please direct this question to your Board or Association or Michigan REALTORS® for further clarification. They are better equipped to provide you with this information.

Q5: If we have a signed PA and are moving into the inspection phase, how is this impacted by the Governors order?

A: Please direct this question to your Board or Association or Michigan REALTORS® for further clarification. They are better equipped to provide you with this information.

Q6: Is Realcomp considering suspending the DOM function on active listings?

A: DAYS ON MARKET Update: Realcomp has received several inquiries about potentially modifying the Days on Market data, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Governor’s Stay-at-Home Executive Order, that appears on listings, listing reports, statistical reports, etc. Based on these inquiries, we did reach out to our MLS system vendor (CoreLogic) to investigate potential options. However, because of the complexities involved and the resources it would require, we will not be pursuing making any kind of change to the field at this time.

Q7. How do we handle a final walk-through? If the house is vacant, can we unlock the door and provide the client with access to the property?

A: The Governor’s order clearly states that real estate salespeople are not in the category of "essential" services and that you may not leave your home to provide this type of service. This would apply to your buyers as well.

Q8. Our office has had a few agents try to schedule regular showings. We are obviously not allowing this... any idea how to get it across to them that this is not acceptable?

A: We suggest reminding them of the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order which runs through April 13, 2020. You could even check with your sellers to find out if they are willing to provide a live stream video chat walk-through of the property for the potential buyers. We’ve created a tip sheet of apps they may already be familiar with that could help in this regard.

Q9.  Has Realcomp heard anything about the Coronavirus stimulus money that citizens are supposed to receive from the government?

A: This is not Realcomp's area of expertise. However, this NBC news article was recently shared with us.

Q10. I am seeing new listings being entered into the Realcomp MLS System. With the COVID-19 pandemic, I was under the impression that no listings could be taken.

A: You can still enter listings into the MLS system. However, virtual showings are the only showings allowed at this time.

Last Modified: Monday, April 6, 2020
COVID-19 Updates

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act

Congress has voted on a historic COVID-19 relief that includes many benefits for Realtors® that were secured by NAR.



COVID-19 Real Estate Update – 3/31/2020 1:19 P.M.

As you may know, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) updated its list of essential services on March 28, 2020, and expressly included residential real estate during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. However, Executive Order (#2020-21) dated March 19, 2020 and signed by Governor Whitmer continues to stand and supersede CISA’s essential services update. This has been clarified by Michigan REALTORS® twice this week in their email commun

COVID-19: Update from ShowingTime

COVID-19: Update from ShowingTime

Important Update on Unemployment Insurance Filing for Independent Contractors

Michigan Realtors® announced that the unemployment insurance application for independent contractors will be officially available starting Monday, April 13. The new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) application is planned to be available on the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity website at

Live Stream Video Chat Virtual Tour Options

Live Stream Video Chat Virtual Tour Options

Michigan REALTORS’ Industry Resources and COVID-19 Updates

Michigan REALTORS’ Industry Resources and COVID-19 Updates

National Association of REALTORS’ Industry Resources and COVID-19 Updates

National Association of REALTORS’ Industry Resources and COVID-19 Updates

Realcomp COVID-19 Update: March 25, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.

Based on Governor Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order (#2020-21), a temporary requirement for non-critical Michigan workers to remain at home, Michigan citizens are required to suspend all work-related activities that require them to leave their residences which are not necessary to sustain or protect life. The order took effect March 23, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. and continues through April 13, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.

Realcomp MLS Updates - Coronavirus Precautions

Realcomp MLS Updates - Coronavirus Precautions

Showing Guidance for REALTORS® During Pandemic

Showing Guidance for REALTORS® During Pandemic