A VOW (Virtual Office Website) is a participant’s Internet website, or a feature of a participant’s website, through which the participant is capable of providing real estate brokerage services to consumers with whom the participant has first established a lawful broker-consumer relationship (as defined by State law) where the consumer has the opportunity to search MLS listing information, subject to the participant’s oversight, supervision, and accountability.
► Realcomp's VOW Rules
► Realcomp's VOW License Agreement and Fee Schedule – please contact IDXSupport@realcomp.com for the latest version
► Realcomp's Vendor FAQs
► Realcomp's Subscriber FAQs.
► NAR's 2008 Virtual Office Website policy
► Realcomp's VOW Logos (zipped file)
► Realcomp IDX/VOW Changes, October 2015
► Down Payment Resource Setup
Realcomp also offers its Internet Data Exchange (IDX) service to participating brokers and agents who wish to make listing data searchable on their website(s). More information about IDX is available on our IDX Service page.
For information on Real Estate Transaction Standards (API), please see this page.
Realcomp guarantees that our IDX Department will respond back to IDX/VOW feed requests within 1 business day.
For consistency and tracking purposes all VOW, data feed, and compliance communications must be conducted via email. Our IDX and Data Compliance Specialist, Sarah Smith, and her backups can be reached by email at IDXSupport@realcomp.com.