What is the Best Way to Provide a Non-Realcomp REALTOR® or Contractor with Access to My ELB-Secured Listings?
This is a commonly asked question by Realcomp listing agents who want to grant access to either a Non-Realcomp REALTOR® or a contractor who has been hired to perform work on your listing(s).
As a Realcomp REALTOR®, the easiest way for you to accomplish this is to provide SentriConnect Access to the REALTOR® who may not subscribe to Realcomp or the professional who has been approved for entry into the home. Just follow these steps:
• Simply login to your SentriSmart app;
• Go to “Lockbox Tools”;
• Choose the appropriate lockbox from your list of properties;
• Choose “Grant SentriConnect Access"
• After taking this option, you will enter the name of the non-Realcomp REALTOR® or contractor, their email address, and the beginning and ending date(s) and time frames you are authorizing. SentriConnect access can be granted for as little as half an hour and as long as two (2) full weeks.
• Additionally, SentriConnect Access can be revoked by you (the listing agent) at any time for any reason should you need to do this.
These professionals will need to download the SentriConnect app and then setup their accounts, which can be done through the emails that are generated and sent to them when you Grant them access.
Note: Although you may notice a Contractor Code menu item in the SentriSmart app, due to the security measures Realcomp opted for when setting up our SentriLock system, this option is grayed out and is not a valid choice.
If you have any questions about providing SentriConnect Access to an approved contractor, please contact Realcomp’s Customer Care Department at (866) 553-3430. We’re here to help!