7 Remine Docs+ Tips to Keep in Mind

1. Add-Edit When sending a signing to your clients for their signatures, always add the consumer tip sheet on signings as the first document in your document package.

2. Only PDF and Word documents are compatible with Remine Docs+ for signings.

3. After sending a document to your client for signing, once they sign the document, you should not make any changes to the document. Making changes to the document will automatically remove all signatures from it.

4. Complete as much information as possible on any Smart Form if you are planning to convert the form into a PDF. Once your form is in PDF version, empty fields will not auto-fill.

5. Making any change to a Smart Form after sending it to be signed generates a new version of the form and may disrupt the signing process.

6. To use the mark-up tool (i.e., to strikeout sections) on a form, you will need to first convert the form to a PDF. The mark-up tool cannot be used on Smart Forms, only on PDFs.

7. Agents should only use the Sign function on forms when your client is there with you, and they want to e-sign (instead of doing so through by email) or when your client has given you permission to sign the form on their behalf. Unless either of these circumstances apply, always Send the forms to your client so they can do the signing themselves.

Last Modified: Monday, September 12, 2022

September 2022

September 2022

7 Remine Docs+ Tips to Keep in Mind

Add-Edit Updates as of September 8th

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