Realcomp Add-Edit Photo Updates

Photo Uploads: Photo issues continue to be our top priority. If you are experiencing photo upload issues, we can assist you. Please email your photos to Realcomp at and we will upload them for you. Please be sure to include the MLS # and the address.

Depending on the size of and number of your photos, you may not be able to email them to us in a single email. Alternative options for sending photos to us may include sharing through a non-password protected cloud-based drive (i.e., One Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) We will work with you to obtain your photos and get them uploaded as quickly as possible.

Photo Sync: If you experience the occurrence of photos that have been uploaded to or deleted from Add-Edit that are not showing up correctly in RCO3®, please email us

We are working to make sure the photos are automatically synced. Until they are, we will take manual steps to ensure the photos from Add-Edit are replicated in RCO3®. Please note: It can take up to 10 minutes for the process to completely transfer photos from Add/Edit to RCO3®.

Reordering Photos: After photos are uploaded, you can change the order by clicking on the 4-pointed arrow and then dragging the image to the desired location on the Upload Photos page.

Accepted Photo file types: JPG, JPEG, and PNG

File sizes: larger file sizes may take longer to load, especially based on your available bandwidth and Internet speeds.

Open House/Broker Open: If an open house/broker open has been scheduled, please remove the scheduled event prior to changing your listing to a pending or other off-market status.

Last Modified: Wednesday, July 20, 2022

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