Recent MLS Policy Requirements and/or Recommendations Recap
Photo Alterations Any photographs which have been altered, retouched or virtually staged must include a conspicuous caption denoting that the photographs have been altered or that virtual staging has been used. October 16, 2019

Additional Information:

Photographic alteration or retouching, or virtual staging, is only permissible to make the following modifications to photographs of a listed property:

  1. Lightening or darkening interior rooms to correct photographic exposure;
  2. Removal of temporary visual obstructions, such as parked cars;
  3. Adding furniture to an empty room;
  4. Removing furniture or clutter from a room;
  5. Enhancing weather conditions;
  6. Blurring or obscuring private, proprietary, sensitive or confidential information of the seller or resident, or the seller or resident’s family (for example, faces appearing in photographs, and license plate numbers); and/or
  7. Blurring or obscuring trademarks or brand names appearing on décor, furniture, or other personal property.

All other types of photographic alteration or retouching, or virtual staging, are not permitted.

Timeframe for Uploading Photo and Disclosures All MLS Subscribers will need to upload a primary listing photo and all disclosures/documents to your new listings within 48-hours of submitting the listing to Realcomp. January 2, 2019
Additional Information:
In today’s fast-paced world of real estate, it is more important than ever to have those items accessible to other REALTORS® through RCO3® in a timely manner.
Audio Recording Disclosure In the event that a home seller uses or intends to use audio transmitting or recording equipment during showings or open houses, the following disclosure should be added to the “Agent Remarks” section of your listing:

Immediately - Realcomp Policy Requirement to comply with State Law.
Video Recording Disclosure In the event that a home seller uses or intends to use video transmitting or recording equipment during showings or open houses, sound recording should be shut off or otherwise halted unless Audio Recording Disclosure has been made. Although not required for video recording, the following may be added to the “Agent Remarks” section in this instance: “NOTICE FOR SHOWINGS: VIDEO RECORDING IN EFFECT”.

Immediately - Realcomp Policy Requirement to comply with State Law.
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 12, 2018
November 2018


Are You Tech-Ready for Electronic Lockboxes?

In order to seamlessly access the new SentriLock Electronic Lockboxes (ELBs) that Realcomp is launching in December of this year, you will need to have a Smart phone or device. The new ELBs use Bluetooth technology, so your phone or tablet needs to be Bluetooth-compatible to be able to talk to the lockboxes. Need to get ready?

Attention LionDesk Users! Send a Thanksgiving Wish to Your Contacts

Attention LionDesk Users! Send a Thanksgiving Wish to Your Contacts

Did You Know … Franklin and Bingham Farms Villages Are Two Separate and Distinct Areas in RCO3®?

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How to Create a CMA in Remine Using MLS and Off MLS Properties

How to Create a CMA in Remine Using MLS and Off MLS Properties

InfoSparks Insights: Set It & Forget It with Live Charts

InfoSparks Insights: Set It & Forget It with Live Charts

New External Link on RCO3®; LionDesk

If you haven’t looked recently, you will see a new item listed on the External Links menu in RCO3®; LionDesk. LionDesk is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that helps you manage your contacts, texts, emails, and sales and marketing automation.

New MMSI Billing Module Now Available

This week is the first week that Realcomp’s new MMSI billing module is available to Realcomp MLS Subscribers through our Login Dashboard. Through it, you will be able to pay your MLS invoice(s), manage your profile, and receive notifications.

Recent MLS Policy Requirements and/or Recommendations Recap

Recent MLS Policy Requirements and/or Recommendations Recap

Remine Webinar - What's New at Remine

Remine Webinar - What's New at Remine

Required Timeframe for Uploading Listing Photo (Primary) and Disclosures Changing to 48-Hours on January 2, 2019

Required Timeframe for Uploading Listing Photo (Primary) and Disclosures Changing to 48-Hours on January 2, 2019

The Economy is Not Overheating by Elliot Eisenberg, President of GraphsandLaughs, LLC

November 2018 Article by Elliot Eisenberg, President of GraphsandLaughs, LLC,

Your Listings May Not be Displaying the ShowingTime Icon in the Ann Arbor MLS System – Learn How to Correct This!

Realcomp has recently become aware of an issue that affects Realcomp listings in the Ann Arbor MLS system and has to do with the display of the ShowingTime appointment scheduling icon.